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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Circus of Fools, Day One: The Illusion of Compromise

It is my highest hope that this ongoing series of Blogs does not make it further than day one, but just in case this whole train wreck continues to crash right in front of our eyes, I will endeavor to edify and entertain all of you as much as I possibly can. It is times like this that I truly envy my readers who live in more civilized countries where idiots like our elected officials aren't in charge of everyone's fate. Yes I realize that you have your own brand of idiots, but I can't believe that they are nearly as bad as ours.
If Con is the opposite of Pro, then the opposite of Progress must be Congress.”
The above quote is attributed to one of the greatest philosophers/pitch men of all time, the late great Paul Harvey. It seems somehow appropriate right now. Damnocrats firmly entrenched refusing to budge, Reboobicans so dysfunctional that they cannot even agree within their own party. The President standing in the WH yelling, “We will not be moved!” Seriously folks, this is bad theater and it is dragging the whole country down.
The sticking point is, of course, Obama's signature legislation not so affectionately known as ObamaCare. The Reboobicans have been fighting against it and railing about it for the better part of two terms. (I have my own hypothesis about this which has nothing to do with “destroying our way of live” or “forcing the country into Socialism. See previous blog for that ( I'm not saying it is true, but it is my story and I am sticking to it. However, one would think some sort of compromise would be possible. The Reboobicans are pointing out that they have already caved two or three times so they are the reasonable ones whereas the Damnocrats are refusing to give an inch.
This little bit of maneuvering is what I like to call the “Illusion of Compromise” which means people sound like they are being reasonable, but they aren't really. Let's look at the Reboobicans “compromises” so far. First they were demanding that Obamacare be completely defunded. Much like the many, many other times they tried this tact, it failed miserably. Then they “compromised” and voted that the whole thing be delayed a year. This one is in quotes because the Reboobicans knew that with all of the money and time spent to get the country ready (snigger) for the changeover, delaying for a year would mean that all of those Millions would be lost and new funding would have to be asked for next year. Again, not a compromise since it amounted to Defunding from a sideways sort of direction.
Now, the latest “compromise” is that the part of the Act that makes people who have no insurance buy insurance, either from the exchanges or from other sources, be delayed for a year. Again, this sounds reasonable. After all, the ACA still goes through, the exchanges still operate so everything is hunky dorry right? The only problem with this one is the whole platform for making Obamacare affordable and profitable (snigger) is that a whole bunch of people will be suddenly buying insurance and putting money into the system. The Personal Initiative is the main funding source for the expanding of Medicare and other services. So once again, the Reboobicans know if this aspect is taken away, it will cause the ACA to fail. So once again, there really isn't a compromise. Hence the whole thing is an Illusion of Compromise.
Now as I close out this little rant, I want to address certain people who claim that I am a Democrat and I support the ACA. First, I am neither Democrat or Republican, Damnocrat or Reboobican. I consider myself an Independent Conservative with some Liberal Leanings. I personally feel that every single elected official in DC from the President down needs to be chucked out of office and people with more common sense put in place. Under our current broken two party system, the odds of this happening are somewhere between slim and snowball in Hell, but we can keep trying and hope for a meteorite strike on Capitol Hill.
I neither support or disapprove of the ACA at this point because I do not have enough information to know whether it is good or bad. (Well besides the fact the IRS will be running parts of it.) No one does, because today is the first day it is active. I have seen people who are normally intelligent spouting all of the propaganda drivel coming from both sides, but that is all it is. Despite what the talking heads and “paid for by political party X” talking heads and experts say, we don't know what is going to happen yet. Numbers are numbers and so far all we have is bad math and statistics. Only time will tell if this helps or harms. Admittedly, given their track record, since it was conceived by Pollytickans, the odds are pretty good that it will be more harm than help, but hope springs eternal.
In closing, I'd like to address one pet peeve of mine. Every time I hear someone say, “Obamacare has forced businesses to cut back on the hours they give employees” I wince. For the record, Obamacare started TODAY! The aspects of the Act that require Employees to offer insurance to all of their full time employees if they have 50 or more started TODAY!. Employers who have been cutting hours over the past year or so are either having a knee jerk reaction out of fear from the reams of propaganda or they are just being Dicks. Pappa Johns is a great example. The owner whines about how he is going to cut his employees hours because he doesn't to raise the price of his products by 5 cents. What a bunch of bullshift. Notice he has had no problem raising prices in the past purely for profit. See, boys and girls, that is a Dick.
Well, I have ranted long enough for today. If this train wreck keeps going I will be back tomorrow with another pearl of wisdom to annoy you with.
End of Rant

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