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Friday, October 11, 2013

Circus of Fools, Day Wait is that light at the end of the tunnel?: Reasonable Compromise

I started this little Rant Train last week with and talked about how all of the so called compromises being offered by the GOP were poorly disguised attempts to achieve what they had been unable to do any other way and that was defund or cripple the ACA. I pointed out that, while trying to sound reasonable and willing to compromise, they really weren't. This drew quite a bit of ire from some of my readers, but what can I say, the truth hurts.
Now, I can honestly say and with quite a bit of surprise that the GOP (Note no snide nicknames like Boobs or Tea Beggars) seem to be honestly seeking to meet and compromise. If this article is to be believed, the GOP has offered very reasonable compromises in order to reopen the Government and keep everything going. 90% of what is on the board is things that the POTUS has already agreed to and the one concession they are seeking from the ACA is a relatively minor one. In return for giving up this Quixotic quest to defund (Well for now anyways) Obamacare, they are asking for spending cuts that the POTUS has already agreed to. They are also requesting a Delay on a controversial tax on Medical Devices which would have some effect on ACA funding, but probably be safely delayed for a year with little ill effects.
So I am a big man (No really I'm 6 feet tall and weigh 250 pounds) and I can admit when true efforts are being made to at least try to fix the Train Wreck going on in DC. The deal the GOP is offering isn't ideal, but no true compromise is ever ideal for either side. That is kind of the whole idea behind Compromise. Neither side “Win” but neither side “loses” either.
This Circus has gone on far too long already with 100s of thousands of people being hurt directly by and it and God only knows how many indirectly hurt by it. Our economy which is still fragile enough to begin with could spiral back into a recession if this crap keeps going much longer. No matter what a lot of Ostriches are saying (Yeah I know, they don't really hide their heads in the sand.) we face the very real possibility of Defaulting on our Sovereign Debt. It is high time the slackers in DC get off their padded rumps and get to work.
Despite an insane idea running around the Hill, no side politics ever actually wins. The times that there is an illusion of one side or the other winning, the American People suffer. Politics and most forms of government exist because of compromise and it is high time our so-called leaders remember this and actually do their job. It is a novel concept I know, but maybe it will catch on.
End of Rant

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