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Friday, September 18, 2015

And now a word from our Sponsor or...Gonna make him famous.

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This looks kind of like my brother but more belly and less hair.

     Now occasionally y'all know I get lazy and instead of doing a blog of my own, I steal one from my brother who is a much better writer and pundit than I will ever be.  I use the excuse that he has  come up with some brilliant observation that I feel should reach more of the world than his blog usually does (rimshot!) but in reality, I just don't feel like writing anything and doing that is a sneaky way of legally plagiarizing someone else's wprk.
     Ever since the death of Trayvon Martin several years ago, there has been a dramatic and overwhelming amount of attention being paid to police deaths and deaths committed by police.  Videos shot by people with camera phones and even videos coming straight from police dash cams and body cams have shown far too many deaths caused by police officers that seemed questionable and even some that could only be described as outright murder.  Hue and Cry has arisen from both sides of the aisles over the issues and the fight is still ongoing today.
     Let me state right here that I believe that the majority of cops are good, hard working honest men and women who uphold our laws and risk their lives every day.  They deserve far more praise than they get for the dirty job they do.  However, I also feel that, as with any large group, there is also a significant number of dirty cops out there who let their own personal rage and bigotry drive them to do horrible things.  The first should be defended to the death and the second should be prosecuted at all costs.
     People on both sides love to toss out "numbers" without context to prove their points forgetting that statistics are just numbers, not facts.  They can tell you how much of X happened, but not the underlying reasons for it.  So generally I tend to avoid articles that have (SHUDDER) math in them, but my brother's work has some math in it, but is still mostly harmless to read.
   Well enough of my ranting (even though it is my blog), enjoy my Brother's piece.

End of Rant

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Y'all might be a Cantservative if or Really? That makes no sense at all.

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1.  If you think Obama is a Gay Muslim Illegal Alien, you might be a Cantservative.
2.  If you believe the best way to bring peace in the Middle East is to go to war, you might be a Cantservative.  
3.  If you believe that Hillary Clinton should be arrested and prosecuted for deleting emails from a private server, but that it was okay for George W. Bush and Dick Cheney to do the very same thing, you might be a Cantservative.
4.  If you believe that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are all Obama's fault, you might be a Cantservative.
5.  If you think arresting, holding and torturing dozens of people for over a decade without trial or conviction is okay because.. MURRICA!  You might be a Cantservative.
6.  If you really and truly believe that a party who cuts funding for the poor and passes laws that make it illegal to feed the homeless cares about anyone but the Rich, you might be a Cantservative.
7.  If you believe that a party that wants to cut funding for women's healthcare and limit their access to life saving care really cares about women's health and rights, you might be a Cantservative.
8.  If you go on and on about the threat of Sharia Law taking over the US but are perfectly okay with laws based strictly off of Christian faith being the law of the land, you might be a Cantservative.
9.  If you really believe that people who have had multiple divorces can run on a program of "family values" for President, you might be a Cantservative.

10.  If you read this list and found more than one thing that you objected to, YOU ARE A CANTSERVATIVE
End of Rant.

(Thank you thank you!  I'me here all week.  And before people start griping, I have one for Liarberals coming up next.)
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Tha tha that's all folks!

Friday, September 11, 2015

WHO NEEDS IT!!!! or Edumaction is for dummies

"Could you imagine the outcry from liberal activists if the students had been forced to write “Jesus is Lord’?"
Idiot who wrote the "article."

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Pick a God any God.  Take two they're small
      Okay, as usual I feel the obligation to point out to all of you that I am indeed a Christian and have been off and on most of my life.  Having fairly recently rediscovered my faith, I praise God everyday for all of the blessings and gifts he has given me.  So please just forget the hate mail and such I normally get when I post things like this.  I am not saying "Allah be praised" or smearing pasta sauce on my belly and praying to the Flying Spaghetti Monster.  (Well the praying part I'm not doing any way.)  I am merely pointing out the rampant bigotry and double standards that so many so called Christians and Americans seem to have to day.  Okay aside done.  Onward and downward!

     If you have read the article, then you know what  this rant is about.  If you haven't read it, please do so and come back.  We'll wait for you.  (Hums to self while doing the  hokie pokie)  Back?  Excellent!  We can now move on.  So apparently there is much uproar and hooplah in good old Tennessee (Well at least it ain't Texas or Arizona this time.  That's a change, right?" because kids are being taught about the Culture of Islam.  People are screaming "Religions Indoctrination and proselytization." The fact that is so called Christians doing this amuses me to no end since those two things are pretty much their reason to live.
     Now let's get one thing perfectly clear and if you have read the article you know this....  (Again if you haven't by this point, SHAME ON YOU!  GO BACK AND READ IT SLACKERS!)  Ahem, anyways, lets keep going.  Where was I?  Oh yeah!  The course being taught is basically a course designed to teach kids about another culture and its beliefs.  It is an attempt to show  them an aspect of the world that they might (Certainly not with those parents, SHEESH) not ever encounter on their own.  In other words it is an attempt to educate them and open their eyes to the rest of the world.
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If you don't know it, you can't understand it.  If you  can't understand it, you aren't allowed to hate it.  My Blog, my rules!
     Okay so now that we have the basics out of the  way, lets quickly cover  the insanely hypocritical and truly stupid quote from the article.  (I posted it at the very beginning of the blog so even the folks who were too lazy to read the article.  I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!  I SAW YOU!  Ahem, sorry too many energy drinks, I think.)  I'll post it  again just in case you missed it  and don't feel like scrolling up.

"Could you imagine the outcry from liberal activists if the students had been forced to write “Jesus is Lord’?"
     Now, like most BS, this  one has a grain (Corn?) of true  in it.  A large number of Liarberals would indeed raise unholy havoc if public schools started teaching a class on Christianity.  I can hear them now.  (No wait, that's my stomach.  I think I might be hungry.)  However the hypocrisy arises when you realize that Cantservatives all over the nation are trying to get Christian Creation taught in Public Schools not as a study in religions, but as absolute fact.  (The fact that these dummies want Creationism taught as fact, but don't want Evolution taught always amuses me."  
     See so called Christians, especially ones in positions of power would LOVE if students, even non Christian ones, were being taught  the Bible and being forced to write "Jesus is our Lord and Savior." If people did this, there would be tons of GOP support for increased spending on schools.  don't believe me?  Keep in mind that these are the same people who want School Led Mandatory Prayer and make a fuss if any holidays except for Christian ones appear on school calendars.
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Is evil!  Unless it is Christian Religion, then its okay.
     In closing, I want to say one thing.  Well maybe three or four, my thoughts are kind of small.  Merrica prides itself on being the smartest, best educated country in the world.  (It ain't, not even close)  We imagine ourselves as being better than the rest of the world.  We think of ourselves and being more cultured and more urbane than any other land.  But things like just prove that we are closer to the Country Hick who gets off a plane in Australia and sees a Kangaroo for the first time and says, "There ain't no such animal."  If it isn't AMERICAN!  OORAH! then it isn't important.  If it isn't Christian, then it ain't real.  While other nations (even some Third World ones) are teaching their kids other languages, other cultures and beliefs to prepare them for what  I like to call the "Real World"  we are deliberately dumbing down our kids by teaching them only what we like.
     Folks, even if you really believe that Islam is the religion of the Devil and all Muslims are rampaging terrorists (It isn't, they aren't just in case you are wondering."  you should really want your kids to learn as much about them as possible.  I mean, when Enraged Muslim Terrorists sneak over our Mexican Borders (Really?  sigh) to steal our bacon and force us to eat Halal foods, we should know as much as we can to battle them, right?  When Obama, the Gay Muslim Illegal Immigrant raises his Holy Jihad and steals all of our guns, we should know what to do, right?  So let our schoolsl do their job and educate our kids on how to save our country!  Sheesh!
     In closing, let me leave you with this simple thought.  Not that long ago, schools proudly taught classes on other cultures, other religions and yes, other languages.  People learned about Islam, Judaism and even Multi-Theistic religions such as those in ancient times.  It was considered normal and even required in some cases.  Today with rampant bigotry and hatred every where, all of this is fading away.  Students are being taught Politically Correct versions  of our own history and as little other other history as possible.  (Funny how it is always Conservatives calling Liberals out on being too PC, but they are the ones trying to sanitize all of the horrors and atrocities that Americans /Christians have committed over the years.)  Let kids learn all they can.  Let them understand other religions and other cultures.   It might just save their lives.  Course it will definitely kill their ignorance.
End of Rant.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Without sin...etc etc or Nobody knows the memes I've seen.

     So everyone and their cousins are posting  meme after meme after unending meme about how the county clerk, Kim Davis has been arrested for not obeying the law.  Some crow in joy over her incarceration and  others scream "RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION!" at the top of their lungs.  Pretty much everyone has an opinion and cannot wait to get their two cents out for others to see.  I have some words for both sides.
     For the Right Wing So-Called Christian Conservatives, I say this.  YOU'RE WRONG!  She is not being persecuted for her beliefs.  She is being arrested and hopefully punished because she broke the laws that she is sworn to uphold.  And your comparisons to the tired, old "Gay Cake/Floral Arrangements" argument are just as wrong.  This isn't a case of  a private business claiming (Incorrectly) the right to refuse service to people they don't like or approve of.  This is a case of an official of the US Government taking it upon herself to refuse to obey the laws that she swore to uphold.
     See there are a lot laws that I don't like.  I don't like speed limits.  I don't like not being able to wear nothing but my underwear in public.  However, I don't get to chose which laws I obey.  Well I do but when I get caught, I get punished.  It isn't persecution.  I broke the law and the law bites back.  Whether she approves of the law allowing Same Sex couples to marry has nothing to do with it.  If her job is to issue marriage licenses to all people who are eligible, then she has to issue them to everyone, not just the ones she likes.
     So Religious Righters, get over it and quit crying foul.  I mean the moment Mike Huckabee jumped on the band wagon, you should have known you were wrong.  Davis broke the law because of her religious beliefs which is cool.  That is her right.  People have objected over religious beliefs since the dawn of time.  However, her religious beliefs don't protect her from the repercussions of her actions.  Like the old saying goes, "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime" and make no mistake.  What she did was a crime.
     Now that I am done with the Right Wingers, please allow me to shift my diatribe to the Left Wingers, just in case you had thought I had forgotten you.  I have lost count of how many memes I have seen in the past few hours which basically amount to "ALL RIGHT, THE BITCH IS IN JAIL!  EVERYBODY DANCE!"  Now whereas I understand the sentiment and try to understand the frustration behind it.  (Can't truly understand it being White Middle Aged Straight Male or WMASM for short, but I do try.), celebrating the fact that a woman who's only crime was refusing to follow a law because of deeply set religious beliefs is a bit petty.
     Davis was not going out and shouting to the rooftops "DEATH TO GAYS!  FAGS SUCK! (Snigger)"  As far as I know, she wasn't even bad mouthing the couples coming in for marriage licenses.  She was simply refusing to  help them.  This is wrong and she does deserve to be punished, but the posts I see where people are wishing that she gets beaten/killed/raped in jail is messed up.  Stop wishing horrible things and just  be happy that Justice might be served.
     In the end, things will be worked  out.  She will either cave into pressure and do her  damned job or she will be removed from her  job and someone who  will do it will be put in her place.  Justice will be served whether the Religious Right  approves of it or not.  Be happy with that and move on with your lives.
End of Rant