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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Without sin...etc etc or Nobody knows the memes I've seen.

     So everyone and their cousins are posting  meme after meme after unending meme about how the county clerk, Kim Davis has been arrested for not obeying the law.  Some crow in joy over her incarceration and  others scream "RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION!" at the top of their lungs.  Pretty much everyone has an opinion and cannot wait to get their two cents out for others to see.  I have some words for both sides.
     For the Right Wing So-Called Christian Conservatives, I say this.  YOU'RE WRONG!  She is not being persecuted for her beliefs.  She is being arrested and hopefully punished because she broke the laws that she is sworn to uphold.  And your comparisons to the tired, old "Gay Cake/Floral Arrangements" argument are just as wrong.  This isn't a case of  a private business claiming (Incorrectly) the right to refuse service to people they don't like or approve of.  This is a case of an official of the US Government taking it upon herself to refuse to obey the laws that she swore to uphold.
     See there are a lot laws that I don't like.  I don't like speed limits.  I don't like not being able to wear nothing but my underwear in public.  However, I don't get to chose which laws I obey.  Well I do but when I get caught, I get punished.  It isn't persecution.  I broke the law and the law bites back.  Whether she approves of the law allowing Same Sex couples to marry has nothing to do with it.  If her job is to issue marriage licenses to all people who are eligible, then she has to issue them to everyone, not just the ones she likes.
     So Religious Righters, get over it and quit crying foul.  I mean the moment Mike Huckabee jumped on the band wagon, you should have known you were wrong.  Davis broke the law because of her religious beliefs which is cool.  That is her right.  People have objected over religious beliefs since the dawn of time.  However, her religious beliefs don't protect her from the repercussions of her actions.  Like the old saying goes, "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime" and make no mistake.  What she did was a crime.
     Now that I am done with the Right Wingers, please allow me to shift my diatribe to the Left Wingers, just in case you had thought I had forgotten you.  I have lost count of how many memes I have seen in the past few hours which basically amount to "ALL RIGHT, THE BITCH IS IN JAIL!  EVERYBODY DANCE!"  Now whereas I understand the sentiment and try to understand the frustration behind it.  (Can't truly understand it being White Middle Aged Straight Male or WMASM for short, but I do try.), celebrating the fact that a woman who's only crime was refusing to follow a law because of deeply set religious beliefs is a bit petty.
     Davis was not going out and shouting to the rooftops "DEATH TO GAYS!  FAGS SUCK! (Snigger)"  As far as I know, she wasn't even bad mouthing the couples coming in for marriage licenses.  She was simply refusing to  help them.  This is wrong and she does deserve to be punished, but the posts I see where people are wishing that she gets beaten/killed/raped in jail is messed up.  Stop wishing horrible things and just  be happy that Justice might be served.
     In the end, things will be worked  out.  She will either cave into pressure and do her  damned job or she will be removed from her  job and someone who  will do it will be put in her place.  Justice will be served whether the Religious Right  approves of it or not.  Be happy with that and move on with your lives.
End of Rant

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