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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Lending a helping hand.

     I don't often use the power of my Blogs to reach out for help for people who need it.  I run my mouth off, comment on things that interest me and generally make an Ass out of myself.  Hence the name of the blog.  However, I do occasionally make a foray into helping others and this blog is aimed at that goal.
     Imagine you live in a house that is falling apart.  Where what little insulation there might be is not enough to keep out the cold and the damp.  Imagine that your appliances are so old and so worn out that you can't even cook properly for your family.  Imagine you and yours in this situation and then do everything you can to help out the person in the above link.
     Sure helping her and her family won't save the world.  It won't fix everything that is wrong with our nation, but it will make life better for some people.  In the end, that is all we can ever hope for.  Give if you can and spread the word.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Hooray 5 technology!

     So we got new phones today of the smart  variety.  Now this is completely awesome cause these things weren't even a twinkle in any science fiction writers eye when I was a kid.  I mean this thing does everything besides milk the cows and feed the chickens.
     So I decided to see if the app I have been seeing on the Blogger website would actually let me blog from m phone.  Well guess what?  It apparently does.
     So now I have zero excuses not to keep on my running  rants on pretty much anything and everything.  So I guess my readers out there had better  hang onto their hats because it is bound to be a bumpy ride.
                    End of rant

Friday, October 24, 2014

We have nothing to fear but fear it...OMG WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!

     With the recent outbreak of Ebola in the US (One death, several confirmed cases, I find myself pondering the exact nature of fear and the US fascination with it.  Pick a news source, any news source and listen in while they speak on pretty much any subject besides maybe cute kittens and puppies.  Nine times out of ten, it is going to be some sort of story to inspire fear and even sheer terror in the people listening to it.  Cantservative News Sources scream about Ebola, Immigrants, Terrorists and Liarberals.  Liarberal News Sources scream about Guns, Terrorists and, well Cantservatives.  Either way, it almost seems like they are trying to provoke us into hiding in our closets with hoarded food and water till the Alpacalypse is over with.
     Now, one has to ask the question (Well okay, you don't have to, but if you didn't then there would be no need for this blog and I'd be out of work so please ask the question already.  Did you?  Good, moving on.), "Exactly why are 90% of all the news services preaching some sort of fear?"  I mean, even news is a business and businesses are in business to make money, right?  So why preach fear, death, destruction and Honey Boo Boo (Shudder)?  Simple, because fear sells.
     Humans have had a almost unhealthy fascination with fear, death and terror since...well since there were humans running around.  We love having the pants scared off of us.  We live for that adrenaline surge we get when we are convinced that things are about to hit the fan.  Look at any year's list of movies.  How many of them feature Zombies, Weresomethingoranothers, Vampires, Killer Shrews (I kid you not), Giant Killer Bunnies (also kidding you not), end of the world kind of plots?  I betcha it is a significant number of them. Look at the current run of TV shows.  We got Vampires, Killer Witches, Headless Horsemen (Well Man not men) and Walking Dead.
     News agencies like Fox News, CNN and so many others depend on their advertisers the same way entertainment circles do.  Advertisers only give away the green stuff when they can be sure that people are watching the shows that run their ads.  So News Agencies go where they know the money is.  No matter how much we might claim otherwise, on some subconscious level a huge number of us want to be scared.  The more scared we get, the happier we are.
     I think the scare stories being pushed by News Agencies are even more attractive to our addiction to fear because they have some basis in reality.  Ebola is real and it does kill.  Immigrants are flooding over our borders and "could" possibly harbor some hidden threat to the US besides taking the crappy jobs that no one else wants.  Guns are dangerous and can put very large holes in people and lets face it, both segments of our One Party System of governance are scary as heck.  (Although I might argue the real part on that one.)  So because these things actually exist and could pose some threat to us, they are scarier.
     I suppose that as long as we live to be frightened, our media sources will continue to put things on that are exaggerations or even out and out lies.  I do question how wise it is for the powers that be to be feeding our addictions, but as long the junkies keep crying out for more we will keep being fed.  I look forward to the next "Day of the Walking Ebola Immigrant Terrorist" episode.
End of Rant

Monday, August 25, 2014

Schooled by preschoolers on what is really important.

Nuff Said, End of Rant

And now for a word from the Nuthouse.

     This is not so much a comment about the situation in Ferguson or any place else for that matter.  I have pretty much avoided the whole discussion because, unlike many of my friends, I refuse to comment on something I don't have all of the facts for.  I have not made my judgement on whether or not a Good Cop shot a "Violent Thug who deserved to die" nor have I made a judgement on whether a "Gentle Giant was executed by a racist cop."  I have not judged guilt or innocence based off of an edited (Yes edited whether anyone wants to believe it or not) video.  I have not assumed innocence or guilt based off differing testimonies.  Unlike so many, I am still waiting for all of the facts to come out.
     No, this little rant, like most of these blogs, is about the basic stupidity and gullibility of humans.  This insane need people have to believe pretty much anything they read or hear OR think they have heard.  The stupid need to see massive conspiracies based off the most flimsy of "evidence."  I give to you the below rant by a guy who's commentary picture is a Confederate Battle Flag.  If you actually click on his commentary link, you will find plenty of oh so precious and oh so racist comments, but lets stick with this little paranoid rant.
     "luminaughty 4 hours ago     0     27
Eric Holder’s career has survived a long list of scandals; The 2008 Black Panther debacle, overturning Arizona’s immigration laws and ‘Fast and Furious‘ immediately spring to mind. These, however, pale in comparison to the recent allegations against Holder, the likes of which could easily land the Attorney General behind bars.
Evidence has been uncovered showing Eric Holder contributed funds to Ferguson’s gang population as incentive to loot and spread civil unrest in the area. These angry, government-sponsored terrorists have systematically infiltrated peaceful protests with the intention of escalating the situation and inciting riots.
A local gang leader came forward last week after being arrested during a night of mass-looting. The unnamed criminal is using his information to bargain for a reduced sentence.
Allegedly, Holder’s goal behind pouring the proverbial gasoline on an already volatile scene is to test militarized police response in a martial law scenario. It is also suspected that the riots have been started as the latest in distractions from the diabolical duo of Obama and Holder. This isn’t the first time they have created a media bait-and-switch to cover up any of their numerous crimes and blunders.
Officials have yet to publicly identify the damaging evidence submitted by the gang member, and are still in the process of verifying the legitimacy of said items. Judge Rineheart of the 22nd Circuit Court in St. Louis is presiding over the case, and has reviewed the materials. During a phone interview with National Report Judge Rineheart stated “The evidence I have seen is incredibly convincing.”
Holder is not yet officially charged with a crime, but it’s expected that a warrant could be issued for him within the coming days. Obama’s spokespeople have declined to comment.
- See more at: http://nationalreport.n"

     So folks, remember, if you need to see truly ignorant and racist comments done by a mind who has a very limited grip on reality, just keep an eye out for more from Luminaughty.  He/She/It(?) is so very precious.
End of rant

Sunday, August 10, 2014

I Wanna Iraq and Roll all night or ISISn't where we came in?

     So anyone who has even the vaguest interest in News and the World around them knows all about the current Debacle going on in various parts of the ME ranging from Israel VS Palestine to Radical Islamic Forces effectively dividing various parts of different countries into their own version of home.  This disaster (or as I like to call it, Phase WTF of the Middle East Cloister Flock.  MECK for short.)  (WHAT?  Yeah yeah I know, but I am Mormon now and we ain't supposed to curse so deal with my evasions of the rules, okay?) is just the current tip of an Iceberg of Violence (tm) dating back pretty much as far as we have...well dates.
     Any student of history knows that many many different outside forces have tried to instill their own version of peace and stability to this arid area.  Turks, Ottomans, Russians...Heck for all we know aliens tried it at one time.  One can count the number of actual successes on one hand and have five fingers left over.  Matter of fact, about the only real times there was any real level of stability in these areas was when Local Dictators/Holy Leaders/Western Propped up Puppets essentially took over and installed a State of ME in an area.
     So why do outside forces still think that they can make any sort of lasting difference in lands where no one likes anyone and even the ones who like each other can't agree on anything?  Using the US as an example even though we are far from the only ones, we invaded two separate nations (We liked one of them so much we invaded them twice.) under the pretense of Self Defense. 
     I say pretense even when speaking about Afghanistan and 9/11 simply because the Nation of Afghanistan didn't attack the US.  Radical elements within that country did attack us and I do feel our response was justified however the Nation and the majority of its people never attacked us.  So after a decade of two wars and over 6 trillion dollars spent, what do we have to show for it?  A lot of American Dead and Maimed and the moment we removed our forces, all heck broke loose.
     Soooo, now ISIS or whatever the fudge it is calling itself at the moment is roaring across Syria and Iraq.  The defensive forces, many of which we helped train and equip, are being about as effective as ice cream in a forest fire.  They seem to be setting a new record for atrocities not seen since WWII (Or as I like to call it, Phase II of the Global Conflict) and don't get me wrong.  If half of the reports about some of the crap they are doing are even half true, then things are pretty damned bad.
     So now, all of the experts who were screaming that we needed to end our involvement in the current phase of MECK, BRING OUR BOYS HOME etc are screaming that something should be one and that enough wasn't done to prevent it.  The same Geezers who demanded that all US troops be brought home (To defend the borders of course j/k) are in a rage saying "American forces should have been left behind to keep an eye on things.
     Obama, who won two elections on his promises to end the wars and bring US troops home, is now authorizing air strikes against ISIS (or is it the IS now) and is rumored to be considering following some GOP (you know the same geezers who wanted the US out of the ME and our boys brought home?) suggestions of sending in limited ground support.
     So we move back to my opening statements.  No outside force has been able to effectively create lasting peace in the ME.  The 2 wars in Iraq and the 1 war in Afghanistan should have showed us all that no matter how much money and blood you pour into that region, it won't make a whit of difference once the support stops.  It is high time we stopped trying to fix their problems for them and just let them work it all out on their own.
     Now do I believe with all of my heart and soul that we should do everything we can on a purely humanitarian level to help those caught in the crossfire?  Absolutely.  Fly as much medicine and food and other supplies as we can to help them.  Heck, lets start another Berlin Airlift.  Maybe with our help, there might actually be people still standing (or hiding in holes) once all the shooting stops.
End of Rant 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Woah, slip sliding away. Slip sliding awayaya!

     By now you have all heard about the Lobby of Hobby and its victory in the highest court in the land.  (I actually think these old geezers must actually be high given some of their rulings recently)  In case you have been hiding under a rock, put quite simply the SCOTUS ruled that Hobby Lobby has the right to not provide certain forms of birth control based on their own personal religious beliefs.  Never mind that a healthy chunk of their employees do not follow the company's beliefs, the Chain still has the right to deny services to these employees.  In short, the Chain is forcing its employees to follow certain tenets of the Chain's faith.
     Now for the record, let me state that I am okay with this action.  Hobby Lobby has the right to fun their business the way they see fit.  The employees thereof have the choice of following company policies or finding employment   You won't find many companies that don't have their own specific code of conduct and rules that all employees must live by.  You don't have to like them but you do have to follow them to work there.
     No, my little ramble here is based off of just how much a slippery slope it is when a branch of the Federal Government decides that a public company has the right to enforce its religious beliefs on everyone who works there.  First it is Hobby Lobby and Birth Control, but what happens next?  What happens when a Non-Christian store decides that its Christian Employees must follow its religious laws?
     The two articles above are both Satire and should not be taken seriously.  (They are also a pretty funny read especially the Little Caesars tossing its employees to the lions.)  However, they illustrate in the absurdity the problems that can be caused by the SCOTUS ruling.  I have found that Christians, especially White Christians are okay with the Fed making rulings that effect everyone's rights just so long as those rulings are favorable to Christians.  What happens when the same rules start being applied to other faiths?  Under the SCOTUS ruling, a Muslim based business would be well within their legal rights to require its associates to dress in what the Religion demands.  Heck it could even demand that all employees refrain from eating pork products during their meals.  
     See despite what so many people seem to want to think, a SCOTUS ruling on religious rights doesn't just affect the religion you like, but ALL religions.  If a Christian Business can require its employees to be a certain way than a Pastafaran Business will be well within its rights to demand that everyone wear a colander on their head.  
     So you see, we are facing a slippery slope and I suspect that when the slide starts, a whole lot of people won't like where it ends up.
End of Rant 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

A plague on all your houses!

     Let me start this rant by stating that this rant isn't about Immigration, Immigration Reform or any sort of more complicated ideas.  This is simply my observations on human nature.  If you read any more into it then that, you are thinking too much and inferring way to much.  Okay disclaimer done, on with the rant. Now anyone who hasn't been living in a cave for the past few months (Heck with WiFi, even those folks probably know) knows that a massive influx of underage children from Central and South America has hit our borders and this has provoked a Poop Storm ™ of commentary from both sides of the political bunkers and more rhetoric than you can shake a stick at from all of the talking heads you see on the magic talkie box.  Liarberals are screaming “Oh Lordie!  We has got to do everything we can to welcome these poor homeless waifs into the country!” and Cantservatives are screaming, “Got those dead beat, terrorist spawn back across the borders!”  (I paraphrase here,  but that is mostly the gist of it.) A big phrase I am hearing being bandied about, mostly by Fox News, is “Diseased Illegals” and sometimes the long form “Diseased Illegal Aliens.”      
     They go on and on and on about the clear and present danger these Plague Spreaders are presenting with their TB, Swine Flu and Ebola (Note here that despite what Cant Pundits want to think, Ebola isn't very common (See non existent) in Central and South America.  But hey we can let that one slide since most of these people are not medical types.)  If you believe the Cants we are on the verge of World War IA (Illegal Aliens) and the IA are using germ warfare.
     As another disclaimer here, let me say I am not medical type either so I cannot state specifically that the Cants are wrong.  Course if they are, I do find it rather ironic since Cants also tend to be Vaccination Haters so if we suddenly have an epidemic of Whooping Cough or Measles from Unvaccinated children coming to our borders we know who to blame. 
     Anyho, moving on. So after that rather long intro, we finally reach the meat of my rant (BACON!).  Anti-Immigration types have done everything in their power to dehumanize people who cross our borders illegally.  Comparisons to Leeches, Parasites and other much less kindly words have been used in abundance over and over again to make these people appear less than human.  Cantservative rhetoric has gotten harsher and harsher as the years have gone by.   Now we have a new buzz word for Pundits to use.  “DISEASED!” 
     That is right.  Now not only are they illegal drains on our wealthy nation, their very existence is a threat to our health and our continued survival!  Cants say that if we don't stop these disease carrying people from entering our borders, all Heck is going to break lose. Any student of history can tell you that the first step in making one group hate another group is  to make the target group seem somehow less than human or even animal like.
      Hey it worked for all the Greats, Hitler, Stalin and don't forget good old Mao.  You take your target group and convince your people that these less than humans are some kind of threat.  Then you keep repeating that same dross over and over again.  People start believing you and poof you can take any actions you need to fix the problem.  (BTW I would be amiss if I didn't mention the US treatment of American Indians and Black Slaves in that list.)
     So here is the plan.  Cantsevatives and their Rich Backers (won't name names but one group's last name sounds suspiciously like another name for male anatomy) have their bought and paid for Taking Heads rage on and on about Diseased Illegals.  People start panicking and thinking “OMG, we are all gonna die from Laughing Cow Disease!”             
     These panicked people start pressing Cants to “do something!”  Since these people are no longer people but instead Diseased Illegals, pretty much anything goes.  Its okay if some get hurt or even killed, because they are DISEASED!  If we don't respect their basic rights its okay. Besides any sort of moral reasons, there is one reason why this particular approach is dangerous.  It is a slippery slope.  Not far a slide to getting rid of other groups for similar reasons. 
     Homosexuals are the most common carriers of HIV/AIDS so wouldn't it make sense to get rid of them to keep the rest of the country safe?  Old People are a drain on resources so why not get rid of them.  (Huh on second thought, that one is prolly safe considering most of the Grand Old Party are well, really really old.) Is illegal immigration a problem?  Yes and I feel it should be dealt with. 
      However, inciting people to hate other people and dehumanize them isn't the way to do it.  The vast majority of Aliens coming across our borders are not criminals.  They aren't evil and dead set on destroying America.  Most of them are simply looking for a better life for themselves and their families.  Send them home, yes, but quit trying to turn them into monsters.
End of Rant

Monday, July 28, 2014

Gaza into my eyes

     So for the most part, I have stayed out of the whole Israel/Hamas discussion.  The opposing sides of the argument have been reduced to screaming at the top of their lungs without any attempts at rational discussion. Views are so polarized that any attempts at moderate opinions are ignored or even worse, they are seen as bigoted.
     I don't have anything resembling a dog in this fight.  I have several friends who are Jewish and I am particularly opposed to people who use non-combatants as living shields so my natural leanings are for Israel.  However, I could also point out that of the Dozen or so peace treaties peace treaties brokered between the two forces, Israel has broken a few of them.
     Anyhow, like I said this little rant isn't about the conflict.  I was reading an interesting piece written by an English reporter who wrote  very good article.  He gave interesting information on both sides and actually did the best job I have seen so far  of giving an impartial study of the current conflict and the history behind it. It wasn't until his concluding comments that what he said bothered me.
     In his conclusion, he said, "Israel is entitled to all its freedoms and if ensuring their freedoms means that the freedoms of others is suppressed, then Israel is well within its rights to do so."
     See the problem with this reasoning is that it presumes that one group of people's rights are more important than others. ow admittedly this isn't a new idea.  One only has to look at America's treatment of Native Americans, Blacks and even Asian Americans during WWII to see prime examples of this attitude.  The assumption is that the one group has some sort of moral or ethical high ground.
     Of course, people will argue that Hamas is the most base of evil throwing unprovoked attacks and threatening their own people so isn't Israel justified in suppressing their opponents?  On the surface it seems like a reasonable question.
     The problem with assuming that one group's rights and freedoms are more important than another is that what happens when the tables are turned?  If one group can justify injustice in the name of defense than another group can use the same reasoning.
     In the end, if one group's freedoms and rights come at the expense of another's then both sides ultimately lose.
                                                             End of Rant

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Poop Sandwichs for Everyone! On the House...or maybe Congress.


Definition of evidence (n)

Bing Dictionary
  • ev·i·dence
  1. sign or proof: something that gives a sign or proof of the existence or truth of something, or that helps somebody to come to a particular conclusion
  2. proof of guilt: the objects or information used to prove or suggest the guilt of somebody accused of a crime
  3. statements of witnesses: the oral or written statements of witnesses and other people involved in a trial or official inquiry.
     People tend to equate the Word Evidence with the Word Proof.  They seem to think just because they have seen or read a bunch of stuff that supports what they think or believe, that this "evidence" is somehow proof they are right.  They ramble on and on that the "Evidence proves (Insert your favorite nutjob theory here)" and completely ignore the Fact that Evidence has convicted a lot of innocent people over the years.  Evidence does not equal truth.
     People love to point out websites, news articles, pamphlets handed out by men in robes on street corners because those publications support their own entrenched feelings.  They either ignore all together or pass off as propaganda the multitude of other sources that contradict the things that they know as fact.  That is the living embodiment of Cognitive Dissonance.
  1. Definition of cognitive dissonance (n)

    Bing Dictionary
    • cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance
    1. contradictory mental state: a state of psychological conflict or anxiety resulting from a contradiction between a person's simultaneously held beliefs or attitudes
     I think the truly shameful part of all of this is the fact that the vast majority of these people actually believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are being fair and balanced.  They literally cannot grasp the fact that they are blind to...well their blindness.  They gobble up every single smelly bit of garbage that bolsters their beliefs no matter how poop covered it is while shoveling even more poop onto anything and I do mean anything that contradicts them.
     Politics is the Poop Doo Jour these days, especially with an Mock Election coming up.  (Well alright, it is technically a real election, but most of them are  mockeries these days so I am keeping the Mock Election line.)  I admit a very firm Bias when it comes to Politics.  I think that all of them, Damnocrat and Reboobican, Liarberal and Cantservative alike are all a bunch of lying, sneaky underhanded group of thugs who have no real interest in helping the people who they claim to represent.
     However, I watch Unbiased people who completely and utterly tow the party line swallowing every bit of dung that their masters hand them while claiming that everything from unemployment to meteor showers is the fault of the opposing party.  You can shovel away all of the poop on their plates and put actual facts and information down there, but they just fling it to one side and eagerly wait for more crap to be dumped on them.  
     None of the problems facing this country will ever be solved until people stop bathing in the dung of their leaders and start thinking for themselves.  Unfortunately, I haven't seen a whole lot of evidence of that going on.  Oh well, at least the poop sandwiches are plentiful.
End of Rant

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Privilege is a Double Edged Sword or "That is so WASCM!".

     So I actually read the above article in one of my many news feeds when I woke up this morning (Well morning is a relative term since I rarely wake up before 9am and am usually not functional until around 10ish at the earliest.)  I then trotted onto Facebook and lo and behold one of my many friends had posted yet another article on the same subject.  Now, as so many things tend to do, this got me to thinking and anyone who knows me can tell you that this is a bad thing to happen.  It is right up there with wearing white after Labor Day.
     As per usual, my thoughts did not automatically turn in the direction that others did.  I did not ponder if White Privilege actually still exists.  Historically, you cannot argue that it didn't exist since pretty much any laws passed prior to say 1940 pretty much are weighted towards White Anglo Saxon Christian Males or WASCM (Just for Gits and Shiggles, lets pronounce that Racism even though it technically probably sounds more like WAS-CAM.)  Anyone with any sort of common sense and grasp of reality has to admit this.  Anyone who denies it has serious problems grasping reality.
     Like I said, I am not going to argue whether WP is still prevalent today.  I will leave that to much wiser heads and the Nutballs on Facebook.  No, my dear readers, my ponderance today is about the future.  Not even the far future, just the future that is right around the corner in say 5-10 years.  I am pondering the plight of those poor WASCMs when they become the minority.
     See, here is the thing.  As the Majority and the people who have been in power for the past two hundred years, WASCMs have made law after law that benefited them and in a trickle down form, their families.  Other races and cultures were pretty much told "Hey we are in charge, so we get the benefits."  Prayer in schools, Check as long as it is Christian Prayer.  "One nation under God"?  Check, as long as it is the Christian God.  I mean lets face it, Special New Laws had to be enacted to give Women and Non-Whites the same rights and privileges as WASCMs. 
     So what happens when the WASCM is no longer the dominant majority?  Experts predict that Whites will become the Minority in the US somewhere between 2020 and 2025.  So what happens when the new Majority start doing exactly what WASCMS did for centuries.  What happens when they start passing laws that benefit them over the new Minority?  I predict loud and angry howls of righteous rage over unfair treatment.  It is coming folks, just wait for it.
     Hells, it is already happening.  Politicians trying to pass laws that allow Creationism (Christian of course) to be taught in schools is only one example.  Dozens of attempts by people in power to suppress or alter Minority Votes through restrictive voting laws and redistricting is another.  I don't think the common man on the street has realized it yet, but I promise you that the people who are actually in power are running spitless in fear.
    WASCM will "Not go quietly into that good night" and they shouldn't because it is entirely within the realm of possibilities that the new majority could turn as oppressive as the old one is now.  However, new times are a coming and they need to start adapting to them.  But that is just my two cents.  (Really, no one notice the lion and no one is freaked out by the fact it talks?)
End of Rant

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Just give the girl a ball, darn it!

     Now I am no parent.  I have no children of my own yet.  I do have tons of experience with raising children since my family is larger that a lot of villages so I have babysat and helped raise cousins, nieces and nephews for a very long time.  So I do have a bit of experience with small children.  When I see people attempting to be parents, I tend to judge from the decades of experience I have with kids.  Whether this is fair or not, I don't know.  All I know is what I have experienced myself.
     So tonight,. I wandered out to the grocery store to pick up some snacks for myself and my wife.  As I was checking out, there was a young woman and a small child in front of me checking out.  I had to wait because the woman had picked up a medium sized foam ball for her daughter and the ball she had picked up had been taken out of its plastic wrapping that also had the bar code on it.  Another associate went and got an identical ball still in its shrink wrap.  After the checker scanned it, the woman decided that she would rather have the shrink wrapped ball than the unwrapped one.  Makes sense, right.
     Now the second the mother decides to take the unwrapped ball, the little girl starts crying.  She tells her Mom that she wants the first ball they picked up, not the wrapped one.  The Mom literally starts screaming at the child and telling her to be quiet because they are buying the wrapped ball.  She tells her that if she doesn't shut up, then she won't get a ball period.  The little girl keeps crying for the unwrapped ball and the mother keeps yelling at her.
     Now Folks, keep in mind that I told you that the two balls are IDENTICAL and both of them are new.  The only difference between the two is one was wrapped and one wasn't.  The unwrapped one wasn't filthy or damaged in any way.  There was no reason not to give the child the ball she wanted.  There certainly wasn't a reason to stand there screaming at the kid and telling her that she wouldn't get any ball if she didn't take the wrapped one. 
     Like I said, I am not a parent and I certainly am not an expert on raising kids. For all I know, there may be a perfectly good reason why she stood there and screamed at her kid just because the kid wanted the first ball they picked up and not the one that the mother thought was better.  I can't imagine what that might be but it is possible,  However, yelling at your kid just because she wants the toy that you picked up seems mean.  Threatening her with no toy at all because she wants the toy you promised her seems pretty durned dumb.
     So if any of you folks can explain to me why what this girl did was a proper thing to do as a parent, I would greatly appreciate it.  I simply cannot imagine how screaming and threatening your kid in public.  I await your advice.
End of Rant

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Ukraine, We Kraine, everbody Kraine revisted or Is it cold out here or it is just me?

     So as the dance that is Russia/Ukraine continues its slowly speeding up waltz where a fairly predictable outcome is in sight (Afghanistan anyone?) and the EU and the US are using every single trick in our non-violent and sneaky arsenals to try and slow if not stop the impending festivities.  We are hurling harsh words, dire promises and sanctions at Russia like monkeys throw poop at tourists, but unlike said BMs, all of our efforts really don't seem to be doing much good.  Russia appears to be resolute in their drive to "liberate" the rest of the Ukraine.
     As I brought up in a previous installment, the question on everyone's mind should be, "Where do we go from here?"  I'm no expert on diplomacy or the military so my thoughts should always be taken with a grain of salt however the way things are going, I really don't see many more options other than a direct military action by somebody somewhere.  So exactly what the fudge are people gonna do now?
     The main obstacle I see in any sort of confrontation with our buddies in the old USSR is that Russia is a very very big boy with lots and lots of weapons, bombs and various soldier type people.  So any sort of military actions is gonna stir up a whole lot of mess that I doubt any of the other nations really wants to deal with.  I mean, it isn't like rolling the troops out to hit Afghanistan or Iraq or making threatening moves toward Iran or other trouble makers.
     Of course, we can just keep making threats and levering sanctions while trying to sound as if we aren't nervous about the fact that so far at least, Russia shows no signs of being willing to concede or give an inch.  I mean it kind of worked for a long time with late great Cold War, didn't it?  Well, not exactly (See Afghanistan and all of the other places the USSR made trouble for during that same time period.), but lets pretend that it really worked.  If it worked then, why can't it work now?
     Well, besides a whole grocery list of problems with launching Cold War II , the main problem I see with it all is we aren't dealing with the same Russia any more.  Historians will tell you that Russia's main obstacle to total badassery was the style of government they had.  Communism was their main limiting force.  Now with the fall of the USSR and the birth of a much more free enterprise friendly Russia, nearly all the old limitations that kept Russia from doing whatever it wanted to at least on a resource level.
     So, now what?  If Russia is truly intent on going back to its previous expansionist policies, there is really nothing stopping them short of all out war.  Russia has access to enough resources to fuel its growth until such time as its new acquisitions start producing.  So what happens if they don't give in and decide to keep going?  Well, whatever happens I am pretty sure it will not be boring.

Monday, April 28, 2014

The right to say what you mean annd the right to suck up the aftermath.

Yah know, over the past week or so there has been a whole bunch of going on and on about racism. Cattle Rancher going off on people of color while protesting the government trying to get his cattle off of Welfare. Sports type person having a racially charged conversation with his significant other. Hells, I am pretty sure you can find a few others out there to add to the list without much effort. I'll let you do that, I'm too lazy.
Now the two sides of arguifying I have heard on these very sensitive issues is as follows. Side one is “He oughta not have said that!” and Side two is “He shouldn't be allowed to say that!” Now anyone who has any sort of common sense should see the problems with both of these statements. (No I don't mean my atrocious spelling and grammar!) Let us cover each one in greater detail so see if you can get the picture.
“He oughta not have said that” is first on the list of...well two. Well on the face of it, I can kind of agree with this one. Using the Cattle Guy as the example, the Old Dude stood in front of a camera and announced to the world his views on “Negros.” If this was 1914, I could see making those statements safely without any fear of repercussions. Heck he might have gotten away unscathed if he had used any word besides “Negro” or one of its derivatives. However, as a general rule, most people both Black and White aren't really comfortable hearing that word bandied about, especially by old white people.
Still he did say it and even doubled down on it later on when pressed on the issue. So should he “oughta not said it?” Prolly not, but get over it. He said it. It made him look even worse than before. It added maybe an extra minute to his 15 minutes of fame. It is done. Get over it. By ranting on and on about it, you are just giving this guy free publicity. Trust me, him and his cattle aren't really worth the time and effort.
Now on to the most important side. I get from a huge majority of the posts and responses that I have seen that a huge attitude is “He shouldn't be allowed to say that.” A lot of sites are stressing that what he said was “Hate Speech” and that people shouldn't be allowed to talk like that because it might offend someone. I read these statements and just kind of shake my head.
First of all, in the case of the Cattle Dude, what he said wasn't really any sort of hate speech. Was it a tad ignorant? Was it a trifle Retro? Yes and yes, but it wasn't really hate speech. He didn't say that Negros should be whipped or hung. He didn't advocate putting them all back on plantations. (Well okay the “picking cotton” thing may have been a bit much, but the guy is OLD and back in his day, Everybody picked cotton. Lord knows my family did.) He merely tried in his own semi-dementia sort of way to draw a comparison between “Social Slavery” and Physical Slavery. So I don't really think it can be qualified as Hate Speech, more of a kind of Confused Speech.
Secondly and most importantly, is this attitude that he shouldn't have been allowed to say that. That somehow we should be able to muzzle and tamp down anyone's opinion that we don't like or that we find insulting. To me this is completely antithetical so the very concepts our country was founded upon. FREEDOM OF SPEECH is not nor has it ever been “Freedom of speech that isn't insulting or annoying to me.” Everyone has the right under our laws to express their opinions as vocally and publicly as they want. If they don't like someone or something, they are allowed to write blogs, make videos or smoke signals to express it. Despite what so many people want to think, it really is that simple.
Course that freedom is a double edged sword. You have the right to express your opinion no matter how loathsome it may be to others. You can publish your pamphlets (Wait do people still publish those?) and stand on your soapbox to shout to the world what you think is right. On the flip side of that freedom is the fact that you also have the right to be ridiculed, poked fun at or ignored by people who realize that you might just be a nutball. No one should ever have the power to say, “Hey you can't say that” cause that is a very slippery slope my friend. After all, everything everyone says is offensive to someone somewhere in the world
As an ending note, I have used Cattle Guy as my examples more than Sports Guy mainly because I actually feel they are two separate cases. Cattle Guy said his opinions out loud for all the world to hear. Sports Guy said his words supposedly in private with someone he supposedly trusted. Everyone has a public persona and a private persona. We all have things we think or feel that we would never express to the world at large. We keep our private thoughts and feelings private and put on the public face whenever we are out and about. Sports Guy may be the world's biggest bigot, but all that matters to the world at large is the attitude and show he puts on for the public.
In the end, everyone has the right to say and feel the way they want to. They are free to dislike whomever (whoever? Always get those two mixed up.) they want. On the other hand, I have the right to mock and crack on them whenever they do it. Ain't America Wonderful?

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Check yourself before you wreck yourself!

So it seems like everyone and their brother is posting stuff on the Interwebz these days, especially on good old Facebook. They see some blazing headline or inflammatory post that seems to agree with whatever bit of stupidity they believe in and they post it with a screaming, “Hah see I was right!” attitude and generally spend the day feeling very smug with themselves. There are several problems with the posts and the smug attitude that seem to escape most people.
Let's deal with the problems with the posts themselves first and speak on the people posting them afterward. Most of the inflammatory posts that appear tend to fall into a few distinct categories. There are variations within those categories, but the broader ones will suffice for this post.
Category One is actual, well researched articles that use facts (Keep in mind that to most of these posters Fact is a four letter word and not a nice one.) and information that is easily confirmed and researched. They contain no hearsay or distortions, just the facts so that you can form your own opinions. Cat.1 is the least common of all the posts you see.
Category Two is a article/blog/video done by someone who believes devotedly in a subject. (Obama is an Illegal Alien. Cell Phones cause brain cancer etc.) This poster KNOWS beyond a shadow of a doubt that what he or she believes is true. They ignore any and I do mean any evidence that discounts their beliefs with a “Just (Insert opposing side here) propaganda.” They scour the Interwebz for any and all “News” (Used very kindly here) articles that support their “facts” and post them as proof of their beliefs. The morons in Cat. 2 are probably the most common Interwebz posters out there.
Category Three are articles/news reports/recipes that have a headline that seems to support the Poster's beliefs. The headline may read, “OBAMA SLAUGHTERS 2000 KITTENS!” So the Person posting the piece (that hates the POTUS) may think that the article is talking about the POTUS going around and taking a chainsaw to small fuzzies. So he or she puts the article on their page and scream, “See See! Told you he was evil!” Course the problem is that the actual article is about Obama doing stand up comedy and making kittens laugh so hard they squirt milk from their noses. Cat. 3 people see a catchy headline and then really don't take the time to read the article. Well at least all the way through. They are probably the second most common form of poster.
Category Four is a special category unto itself. People who post category four objects in their feeds are people like me. I often times call myself a “Loud Mouth with a Blog.” (Admittedly a blog read by hundreds of people in dozens of countries, but just a loud mouth with a blog.) I am guilty of multiple counts of posting articles or saying things that I don't necessarily think are true just to stir up discussions. (One friend had described it as stirring an ant mound with a stick.) I do comment on current events from time to time and try to at least put some modicum of investigation into them, but generally my intent is to entertain not edify. In this case I follow the #1 rule set forth by Comic Book Great Jack “King” Kirby who once said, “Never let the facts get in the way of a rousing good story.” The huge difference between Cat. 4 posters and Cat. 2 & 3 posters is that 90% of the time Cat. 4 posters make absolutely no claims to facts in their fantasy.
I find it a truly sad state of affairs that in an age where almost everyone in the US has instant access to almost unlimited data and information that so many people simply accept the “truths” they hear because they match what the people “know” to be true. You see it every day from the aforementioned POTUS being an illegal alien (He's not BTW) to Vaccines causing everything from Autism to Lycanthropy. (They don't FYI.) As long as these morons can find one or two “news pieces” that match their attitudes, they are content to ignore the massive amount of other pieces that completely dispute their tiny little ideas.
In the end, everyone must make up their own minds about what they believe and who they believe in. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs no matter how silly those beliefs may seem to others. However, if you really want to not look like a complete and utter idiot, here is a final bit of advice. Either keep those beliefs to yourself and whatever little group you belong to OR make durned sure the things you post supporting your beliefs are at least reasonably accurate. Trust me when I say, making yourself look like an idiot does not help your cause.
End of rant

Friday, March 21, 2014

Dishing out to those who deserve getting Dished on.

Now sit down around the fire, boys and girls. Old Pappy MacLeod is gonna tell you'uns a story. Grab your s'mores and your hot chocolate cause this one is a doozy and a half. Comfy? Good, cause here we go.
A little while back, our dishwasher stopped draining properly so that after you ran a load of dishes through, you'd be left with several gallons of foul smelling water in the bottom which you then had to scoop out by hand to get the durned thing dry again. So since we have a home warranty that covers repairs and such, I gave em a call and presto chango, ibso facto, they sent out a technician to see what the problem was. Happy story so far right?
So after about an hour the Tech informed me that the drain pump on the machine was busted and that he would have to order a new part. I didn't like the idea of waiting another week for the repair to be done, but hey what can you do right? So I nodded and wrote him a check for the repairs. Yeah an actual paper type check, get over it. (As a side note here, I confirmed that the company happily took checks when I made the service appointment, so the guy knew I was going to be using a check.)
So the tech attempts to use that there new fangled way of depositing your checks by photographing it and texting it to the bank, but there was something wrong with either the phone or the bank system, because it wouldn't go through. He then attempted to call the bank and do it vie his phone and was told it was a minimum of a 30 minute wait time. So then the Tech told me, “Well I don't want to take the time to do this right now, so I will have to come back next week to confirm the check and you will have to wait an extra week to get the repairs done.
(Side note the second here. The entire time he was here, the Tech kept talking about how this was his last job of the day and that he was ready to get off work and get a beer or three.)
I very politely informed the tech that I was not going to wait two weeks for the repairs to be done and that he was just going to have to wait till he could get the check confirmed before he left. He then informed me that “I would HAVE to wait because he had things he had to do.” That is when I got just a tad grumpy. I told him in no uncertain words that I did not HAVE to wait just because he wanted to go to get beers. I told him that he WOULD wait here till the check was confirmed.
(Side note the third. During his insistence that he didn't want to wait for the check to be confirmed because it would take half an hour, he spent at least fifteen minutes on the phone with his company trying to avoid having to wait to confirm the check. If he had just waited on the line for the bank he probably would have gotten out of here sooner than he did.)
After he finally got the check confirmed, he stormed out of the house. I found out from my wife that he was driving so recklessly as he left our housing complex that he almost ran her down. This peeved me off even more because we have lots of younglings running around here especially in the afternoons.
Now folks, I get that he might have had a long day and that he was ready to go home. I truly grok that and have been in the same sort of situation myself many times in the past. However, “I'm tired and want to go home” is not an excuse for doing your durned job. It is certainly not an excuse to be incredibly rude and to recklessly endanger other peoples' safety. So needless to say, I have contacted his employers and informed them of his actions. The folks in charge have resolved things to my satisfaction and I do not envy the Tech in the days to come as he undergoes retraining and classes in public relations. I seriously doubt he will think very much of me, but he deserves whatever his bosses dish out for him.
I am a firm believer in giving credit and praise where they are due. When a company does right by me, I continue to use them. When people treat me right, I respect them. However, when the exact opposite happens, there is bloody hell to pay and I am more than willing to dish it out. A technician is now finding that little fact out.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

You Kraine, We Kraine, EVERYBODY KRAINE or This just in, Fire still hot! Day 5 of ????

So the big thought type work today seems to indicate a shocking possibility in the ongoing fiasco that is the Russia/Ukraine/Rest of the World event playing out now. Imagine my surprise when I read someone actually say the unbelievable idea that, now that Momma Russia has gained a significant foothold in the Ukraine via “aiding” Crimean citizens, they are rather unlikely to stop what they are doing no matter what sanctions, cancellations and strongly worded letters may come their way. Huh, pardon me while I say, “DUH!”
Anyone who knows any teensy bit of history knows that the Big Red Nation isn't exactly well known for giving into pressures when it is in the business of “helping” other countries. Usually the only time the Old Lady changes her mind is when guns, explosives and really loud BOOMs come into play and even then it takes a lot to get her moving. How long did the whole Middle East thing last before they bailed?
In a figurative sense Russia has dug her heels into Crimea under the reasoning of helping Russian Speaking Crimeans in a time of strive and violence. With overwhelming force on their side, they have issues ultimatums to disarm to the armed forces there and even ordered the soldiers to switch allegiances. The Ukrainian Forces are so out matched that, even if they wanted to resist, all they can really do is hide behind the fences and barriers of their bases and pray that the Russian Troops don't get surly.
So, there sits Russia in a zone that is friendly to them with overwhelming power to back them up with little if any real chance of native forces doing any real damage to them. They know that any other nations in the world are extremely unlikely to use any sort of military force against them. Any sanctions that might be sent their way will be reminiscent of the sanctions enforced during the Cold War and Russia already knows they can survive those. There is nothing on the table currently that would make Russia want to give up what it has captured in Crimea.
As a matter of fact, Russia has no real incentives not to just continue to move on to the remaining parts of the Ukraine. Since Russian Speaking/Russia :Loyal people live pretty much every where in the country, the forces of Moscow could continue its claim of helping the people to excuse moving on and capturing more of the country.
Given Russia's rather checkered history of conquest and annexation, anyone who is actually holding out hope that not attending meetings or economic sanctions will help turn the tide and change Russia's mind about staying in the Ukraine or even expanding outwards needs a serious wake up call. The Presidents of the various nations can sound cross all they want to, but they will find Russia a tad deaf. If Russia decides to pull back from its foothold in Crimea, it will be because Russia decides to...or until US armed Freedom Fighters hiding in the hills firing American made SCUD missiles at them. No sooner and no later than that.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Ukraine, We Kraine, EVERYBODY KRAINE! or "Stop or I'll Stop again!" Day 4 of ????

 (In case you are wondering, the "stop" line is from an old joke about English Bobbies trying to stop a fleeing criminal.)
As the situation in the Ukraine (Or as I like to call it, Afghanistan the Sequel) drags on, all of the major powers are making noises about Russia's actions. Strong talk (okay sort of strong talk) about sanctions and boycotts are dancing around the tables in both the EU and the US. Everyone is rattling their sabers and sounding tougher than nails. The question is just how much will be done and exactly what it will accomplish.
Lets face facts boys and girls, there ain't a whole lot that any nation/s can do in this situation short of out and out military action. A good example of this are the member nations of the EU. Sure, they can talk tough talk about “punitive measures” and “strong economic steps,” but they have to face the fact that there really isn't much they can do without really honking off Russia. Since they import the majority of their natural gas from Momma Russia, peeving off the source of the thing that keeps you from freezing to death is a bad thing. So the EU actually doing anything other than talking is slim.
Then we have the UN. Sure they can impose sanction after sanction, but let us face the facts. Name a single time in UN history where their sanctions and harsh (but diplomatically phrased words) have ever really accomplished anything on their own? Once again, short of some form of direct military action, there still ain't a lot they can do.
Then there is the good old US of A. Now we are a tad more headstrong than the older nations overseas so we might take a tad more direct action. Scary Kerry has already announced that the US will be sending money to the Ukraine to help them out. Since we are not as dependent as Europe on Russia's largess, we might impose stronger and louder sanctions against them for their “unprecedented” (really, Russia invading another country is unprecedented?) invasion of the Ukraine. Heck we might even toss in some “military advisors” since we are kind of big on doing that. Still, none of this will do much to stop Russia from moving further into the Ukraine if they bloody well feel like it.
In short, if Russia decides to take back the Ukraine, there isn't much anyone can do about it besides yell at least at this point. Sure we can send in money and supplies to the people fighting against them, but that is pretty much about it. So break out the strongly worded letters, folks! Remember that the pen may be mightier than the sword, but probably not as mighty as the AK-47.
End of Rant

Monday, March 3, 2014

Where there is smoke, there are Jerks.

Goodness Gracious, Great Balls of Fire!
In much older times, when I was a very small child, my family lived in a simple house that had neither running water or electricity. (Yes Dammit, I am that old! Get over it!) My mother cooked our meals on a very large wood burning stove and the whole house was heated by two very large fireplaces front and back. If it had not been for those heat sources, we could have very easily frozen to death during the long winters. Even today, many people still use wood burning stoves and heaters to heat their homes either for aesthetic purposes or as a way to get away from industrially produced electricity.
Now the various governmental sections of our country wish to begin a crackdown on people who still use wood stoves. Whereas I do think their Stated intent is admirable since I am all for reducing pollution where ever we can, I do find the reality of their attitudes more than a little hypocritical. The proponents of these new actions state that it is necessary to crack down on future emissions to reduce air pollution. They wish to induce tighter regulations on wood burning stoves to protect our environment and peoples' health. The hypocrisy comes into play when these same “save the environment” people are whining about tighter emission controls on Coal Fired Power Plants.
But Baby its cold outside!
 Think about it folks. These jerks want to place brand new restrictions on fireplaces, wood stoves and even wood fired boilers which heat one home, but want restrictions loosened for massive Coal Fired Plants that heat 1000s of homes. Which do you think creates more air pollution? There roughly 12 million wood burning stoves in the US and about 2% of those are the sole source of heat for the homes. There are just under 600 coal fired power plants in the US that produce about 37% of the US power requirements. I ask again which do you think generates more pollution?
Our politicians are all hot for regulating things that don't effect their bottom line or interfere with the Big Business that fills their pockets, but the little guy? Meh, they be alright if we restrict the way they live. I so love the one where they are speaking about stopping wood burning in the MIDDLE OF WINTER!! Yeah that makes a lot of sense.
As a closing note, let state that encouraging wood stove producers to make models that operate more cleanly is a good idea, just like encouraging Coal Fire Plants to upgrade their systems is a good idea. However, both should be a slow gradual process not some impossible goal set by people so far removed from what I like to call Real Life is not the answer. I suggest we put these Schmucks in a cabin out in the Deep Woods in the middle of winter without stoves and see how quickly they change their minds.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Being a Jerk, but maybe there is a reason for it?

Wow apparently R is for Jerk on this Sesame Street.

Okay so anyone who has been reading Any of my blogs knows that I am not overly fond of Republicans. Fact is I put them on the evolutionary scale right under bread mold and Democrats. Course that feeling is pretty much extended to 95% of all politicians because I really feel that there must be a very special, dark place that Politicians sell their souls to in order to become what they come. Republicans and Democrats have committed more atrocities upon the American people then all of the Terrorist Organizations in the world and that is being kind.
So I grok peoples' knee jerk reaction when someone posts a picture like the one above. “OH NOSE, Evil mean nasty Republicans are screwing over our nation's vets! Bad Politicians! Bad Politicians! No cookies for you! However, people really should dig a little bit deeper before they break out the Rubio Voodoo dolls. ( I make them by the gross and still sell out. Really popular item.) Cause the truth, while still nasty, is a little bit more involved.
Now, on the surface of it, the poster is accurate, these Republicans did vote against a bill that would extend and improve benefits for our Nation's Vets. Absolutely, there is no denying that. However, the reason (well okay at least the listed reason which is all we can go with.) they denied it is because the bill would be funded. They objected that the bill would actually increase our debt since the bill was being funded by what amounts to imaginary money.
See, ever since the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have been winding down, the Democrats have been trotting out the old saw about “putting the money saved from the wars to good use.” I have seen this said at least a dozen times, mostly by the President or one of his mouth pieces. That same magical money is being applied to the GI Bill. The only problem is that the money doesn't really exist.
See, in previous wars, we helped fund our war efforts by selling War Bonds. It was a surprisingly good way to eliminate at least some of the costs of war. Sure it didn't pay for everything, but at least there was a little bit of extra cash coming in. With Iraq and Afghanistan, we didn't really go that route, probably because it would have meant admitting that they were actual wars instead of Peace Keeping Actions or Police Actions. Instead, we combined borrowing and magic money printing to finance the wars even though we really really couldn't afford it. Essentially, all of the money (Nearly 5 Trillion to date) existed only in our minds and a computer hard drive somewhere.
So now, since the money wasn't really real to begin with, there is no “war savings” to use for other things. Sure, we are technically saving money, but that is only because we aren't using the play money any more. No real money is being saved so the idea of using war savings to pay for the bill is a little silly. The Republicans didn't want to sign onto a bill that would add even more money to our national debt that they claim they want to reduce. (Still haven't seen any real evidence of that, but hey hope springs eternal.) They didn't kill the bill because they hate Veterans and want them to suffer. They claimed to be doing it stop even more run away spending.
Don't get me wrong Folks. I think that our nation's Vets deserve everything they can get and even more. These brave men and women risk their lives and often times pay a horrible price for it. Fugg, I personally think we should give each and every single War Vet a house and a car and cookies for life. They are all heroes, every single one of them. However, there are so many other ways we could fund this bill that don't result in even more debt. $32 Billion is chump change for the way we spend money. Don't buy a few tanks or Hells one nice sized ship. Have all the Brass eat at Burger King for a few months. Simple easy ways to make the money available. Cut out some of the pork and poof money galore.
So like I said, I despise politicians and really Republicans are the lowest on the list of dislike, so please feel free to hate them for things they deserve hating for. Trust me, I do. But take some time to research the posts, rumors and outright propaganda before you hate. In some rare cases there might actually be some legitimate reason behind their actions. Even stopped clocks are right twice a day.
End of Rant