Definition of evidence (n)
Bing Dictionary
- ev·i·dence
- sign or proof: something that gives a sign or proof of the existence or truth of something, or that helps somebody to come to a particular conclusion
- proof of guilt: the objects or information used to prove or suggest the guilt of somebody accused of a crime
- statements of witnesses: the oral or written statements of witnesses and other people involved in a trial or official inquiry.
People love to point out websites, news articles, pamphlets handed out by men in robes on street corners because those publications support their own entrenched feelings. They either ignore all together or pass off as propaganda the multitude of other sources that contradict the things that they know as fact. That is the living embodiment of Cognitive Dissonance.
Definition of cognitive dissonance (n)
Bing Dictionary- cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance
- contradictory mental state: a state of psychological conflict or anxiety resulting from a contradiction between a person's simultaneously held beliefs or attitudes
Politics is the Poop Doo Jour these days, especially with an Mock Election coming up. (Well alright, it is technically a real election, but most of them are mockeries these days so I am keeping the Mock Election line.) I admit a very firm Bias when it comes to Politics. I think that all of them, Damnocrat and Reboobican, Liarberal and Cantservative alike are all a bunch of lying, sneaky underhanded group of thugs who have no real interest in helping the people who they claim to represent.
However, I watch Unbiased people who completely and utterly tow the party line swallowing every bit of dung that their masters hand them while claiming that everything from unemployment to meteor showers is the fault of the opposing party. You can shovel away all of the poop on their plates and put actual facts and information down there, but they just fling it to one side and eagerly wait for more crap to be dumped on them.
None of the problems facing this country will ever be solved until people stop bathing in the dung of their leaders and start thinking for themselves. Unfortunately, I haven't seen a whole lot of evidence of that going on. Oh well, at least the poop sandwiches are plentiful.
End of Rant
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