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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

On Cows and Chicks
Get ready for a Moo-ving experience
           When I first herd about the uproar over Chik's uproar over Same Sex...well anything, I was truly cowed.  With all of the other Taters in an uproar over this SHOCKING revelation, I felt it behoofed me to sink as low for my fifteen min...erm seconds of fame.  So here is where I horn in and let the world know how I feel.
           This is a tail that should bring udder shame to Chik and its cult of followers who worship Bovines with poor spelling skills.  In this era of national acceptance of all forms of diversity (Well except for Muslims, Mexicans, Mormons, Left handed redheads from Idaho...)  Hmm okay national acceptance of things we already like, the idea that a group of people could steadfastly cling to their beliefs like so much cattle should shock us.  It is a clear sign that we are stampeding towards anarchy!
Forget same sex and multi-racial, we are talking multi-species here.
           Let's take stock of the opposition here.  The Muppets have come out against Chik and have even gone so far to say that they will no longer do business with them.  Now folks, you know someone has gone too far when anthropomorphic felt covered creatures who talk by having someone's hand shoved up their butts are against them.  Wake up and smell the waffle fries, Chik!
          We cannot let this discrimination stayed cooped up too long.  We have only just begun to scratch the surface of bigotry and racism in this grand nation.  I know that distrust of Different is wired into our makeup, but we can move beyond this towards a beakon of  a new dawn.         
          Let me end this rant with the following.  I totally support each and every person's right to believe as they see fit.  The old phrase "I don't necessarily believe what you believe, but I support your right to believe it" still holds true today or it should  Are Chik and its owner's view a form of bigotry, yes.  Should those who find their attitudes insulting boycott them?  Absolutely!  But always keep in mind that as long as they make their views known in a legal and peaceful way, they are entitled to have them.  

          (As a final challenge, I hereby challenge all of my readers to identify and list all of the cow and chicken puns in this piece and post them.  The winners of this challenge will get...absolutely nothing.)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Guns don't kill people, psychos with guns kill people.

          Articles like this kill me (Sorry totally bad pun).  The "informed" author of this piece mentions little facts that sound so good until put into perspective.  Like he mentions "in the 44 years since Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King were shot to death, bullets have ended the lives of more than one million people." just after mentioning "There are almost 300 million privately-owned firearms in this country."  
          Let's put that into perspective.  First he doesn't mention whether those deaths occurred exclusively in the US, but lets ignore that one since I don't have those statistics.  Wait cancel that, a couple of Google searches seems to support his numbers and indicate he may have underestimated the number by as much as 20%.  Course lets toss some other numbers out there.  Death by heart disease per year: 720,862 (Anyone banning bacon?).  Death by Cancer 514,657.  (Anyone banning smoking...wait they are trying that one.  NVM)  Death from strokes 143,481.  (Anyone trying to ban thinking?  Well besides Politicians?) Death from Motor Vehicle Accidents: 43,536.  (We should ban cars.  Course when pondering some of the drivers I see, that might not be a bad idea.) Finally death from violent crimes 26,513 (and for the record only 60% of those included the use of a fire arm.)  (Keep in mind that these are rough estimates based off gleaning info from several different sites including law enforcement ones.)
          So there are some impressive numbers for you.  When compared to other causes of death, gun violence doesn't even come in a close third.  Now some people might argue that most of the above statistics only affect the person dying and not anyone else and they'd have a point. (well except for the driving one)  However, lets look at it another way.  There are 300 million privately owned guns in the US and there are only (Roughly) 16000 firearm related deaths per year.  If owning guns was really the problem, that number would be a hell of a lot higher.
          It is a FACT (That naysayers so love to ignore.) States with favorable concealed carry laws have lower rates of crime than states with restrictive concealed carry laws. Overall, the
homicide rate for states with favorable carry laws is lower, and the robbery rate is lower, than for states with more restrictive laws.  The so-called experts don't like this fact, but it is true.  Look it up for yourself if you don't believe me.
          When I was in High School, we had a Shooting Club that met after classes and before Football Practice.  (Also coincided with Band Practice on Wednesdays so the middle of the week was busy for me since I was in all three.)  The members would bring their rifles to School with them and store them in lockers.  Hell some who didn't have cars even carried their guns on the bus.  We were taught to respect and properly use these deadly weapons and I can promise you not a single member of my class ever walked into school and opened fire. 
          Guns are not the issue here, people are.  People who don't give a damned how many people they hurt or how much horror they produce are what is wrong with the world today and until we start dealing with the people, this problem will just keep getting worse.          
          I have no problem with ID checks or waiting periods for gun ownership even though these actions restrict only the law abiding, not the violent criminals.  I'll gladly plunk down my license  and wait my 7 days to by a gun.  If that makes you feel more comfortable and secure, then I will gladly deal with the inconvenience of it.  Tighter gun controls, stricter laws and even an outright ban on firearms will not stop the violence.  People who are determined to do harm will always find a way to do it.  All taking away our arms will do is prevent other people from stopping them.  I promise you this much.  I will always own firearms to protect my family and friends.  I will always use them responsibly and I will blow the hell out of anyone who ever tries to hurt me and mine.  The Government doesn't like it?  Society doesn't like it?  TOUGH!
Remember the Colorado dead and injured in your prayers and thoughts.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Fly it High, Fly it proud!

          Now believe it or not, I am not actually calling to task the Minnesota DOT on it's decision to remove the flags that the VFW placed on bridges.  The above link is extremely one sided (What do you expect, its Faux News) with no chance of rebuttal or explanation from the accused.  Let me say I do find it suspicious that the DOT is just NOW deciding to take the flags down after being there for years, but policies change from administration to administration, so their explanation is possible.  Given the extremes in weather we have been having the past few years, what was considered safe 4 years ago might not be today.  So like I said, at the point till I can do more research I am giving them the benefit of the doubt.  No, boys and girls, my rant today is over the spreading trend that people/organizations/politicians have at taking away our flag. 

          The gentleman in the video lists that the first reason he was given was because if they were allowed to fly the US Flag then other groups (Iraqi in this case) would be allowed to fly theirs so the US Flags had to come down.  That is perhaps the greatest thing about America that you won't find hardly anywhere else in the world.  Everyone (As long as they conform to the laws of the land) has the right to fly the flags of their choice.  If a group of Iraqi-descent Americans wish to fly Iraq's flag on those same bridges, they have the right to do so as long as they receive permits and permissions.  That is their right, given to them by our laws.  In doing so, would they offend people?  Yes, probably but they still have the right to do so and am okay with them doing so.

          What I am not okay with is this incredible need that so many forces have to make us ashamed of our flag and everything that America has fought for.  So many times, I see in the news, where some person or organization is being forced to take down the flag because it might be offensive to some person or nationality.  (As an aside, I am not talking about the cases where someone has been asked to remove a flag pole or such because it breaks the rules of the neighborhood covenant.  Sorry folks you knew what the rules were when you moved in.  Either move or live with the rules you agreed to.)  I am talking about businesses and homes being legally bullied into removing the US Flag because someone might be offended.  Sorry this is America, I got the right to fly my flag and you have the right to be offended if you want.  Your offense does not take away my rights.

          As most of you know, I make my living being offensive as hell.  I find things that annoy me and rant about them and truthfully I get the (Bad) logic behind this invasive attack on the rights of the American people to fly the flag.  The attitude is "Someone might get offended or make a fuss, so it's better to take the flag away than to risk it."  Well, The hell with that.  This country was founded on being offended and offending people. (Don't laugh, we got offended by the British and we in turn REALLY offended King George)  Too many people have shad blood and had their blood shed for us to give up without a fight.  Keep em flying folks!  If someone gets offended because you do, simply smile and nod but never apologize for it.
It really pisses people off.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Okay file this one away under my Weekly WTF!?

          Okay, above is a link to an article that inspired the title of this article.  A man (Two men actually) fills up the tank of his mid-sized car and thinks he is paying $30.00.  He later finds that his card has actually been charge $84,522.54.  Another person put $22.47 on her credit card for coffee and gas.  She later  found out that she was overdrawn because she had been charged over $58,000.  This link shows that two more people were overcharged by outrageous amounts.
          Now believe it or not my disbelieve isn't with the gas stations that made the charges.  I cannot prove a deliberate attempt to defraud, incompetence or some sort of software/hardware glitch so I cannot make judgement on the exact level of stupidity involved there.  Nope, my beef is with the bank/s.  I mean WTF!?  I can't even overdraw my credit card/debit card enough to buy a latte, but these people overdrew by 50+K dollars?  Since the transactions locations are displayed alongside the debit, didn't the idea of someone spending enough money to fuel a small fleet of aircraft make someone go, "Hmm, maybe something is fishy about this.  We should look into it?"
Shh it's a secret!
          Then my next question is WTF didn't the bank/s (Okay one of them was Citibank) notify the people that they were suddenly overdrawn by enough to buy a new car?  Hell I get a notice when I overdraw by pennies.  All of these people found out the hard way by trying to use their cards again.  Boy I would think that would be a harsh surprise.
Here's something for your troubles
           Then, when the mistakes are realized, why the hell did it take so long for the banks to fix the issue.  One victim couldn't even get his weekly paycheck because all of it went to pay his overdraft.  That is messed up.  These were blatant, obvious (redundant description?  Meh who cares) mistakes and should have been fixed within hours of discovery.  Hell they should have never been processed in the first darned place and lets face it.  The "gift" of a $100.00 gift card to tide one customer over was just adding insult to injury.
All about dah Benjamins

          Now ordinarily I file these things under corporate greed and move on with my rants, but I cannot, in good conscience file it away so easily this time.  If the overcharges had been even remotely close to a reasonable amount say $250., $500 then I might file it away as greed on either the gas station or bank's part.  However since the amounts are so damned ridiculous, all I can figure is gross incompetence on both parts and shrug.  I have always said that Americans are law suit crazy with people suing over the most ridiculous things (Bad Haircuts, Hot coffee etc), but I believe the people in this case should sue the ass off both the gas station and the banks on the simple grounds that they are idiots.  One case could be forgiven, but four?  Someone needs to give these people a strong, loud wake up call.  Someone needs to lean out an open window and yell, "WTF!?" at the top of their lungs.  (Gods I still love that movie.)
Just because I liked the picture, no other reason.
          As an ending note (B-flat) I am curious to see how my highly opinionated and well spoken friends will turn my well deserved rant about gas stations and banks into some sort of argument over government, politicians and such.