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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Circus of Fools, Day 10: The meat of the subject.

The above article is a perfect example of both sides can read the same piece and see something completely different. If you read the article, which is a little brief, you'll see how it outlines an outbreak of Salmonella and a variant on Hepatitis. Then if you read down you will see how the people are firmly divided into two camps. One side uses this as an example of how we need the Gov to look after us and the other is preaching about how these outbreaks are all part of some grand conspiracy to scare us.
(As an aside here, let me state emphatically that we need organizations like the EPA and the FDA to keep people in line. The idea that so many people have that Big Pharma, Big Agri and well Big Business too can be trusted to police themselves and ensure the safety of the People is more than ludicrous. History shows again and again (How nature points out the folly of man, Go Go Godzilla...erm sorry about that.) that we are a sneaky and untrustworthy lot who will cut any corners and do anything we have to do to make a profit even if it means harming other people. Don't agree, then prove me wrong, but first look up places like Love Canal.)
Let's tackle Number One first. Even when the Government was “working” and agencies like the FDA and EPA...EIEIO were running at full strength, there were outbreaks of Salmonella and other diseases so two single instances, no matter how bad they were, are not a clear cut example that the country is going to pot because of the shutdown. Don't get me wrong, it is going to pot, but two instances do not show a trend. Indicates yes, but doesn't prove. If for no other reason, the shutdown is less than two weeks old and these faulty products may have been produced and shipped before the shutdown occurred. Matter of fact, at least with the drug it almost certain. If more cases occur before the Fed is restarted (Pray to God there are no more cases, than arguments can be made.
So let's move to the other side of the conversation. That this news is part of some grand conspiracy to scare the people into demanding that the Gov be restarted immediately (Which we should all be demanding IMNSHO, but that is just me.). This assumption works off of two possible scenarios. Scenario #1 is that there no actually outbreaks and the “Evil Forces” are making it all up to scare people and Scenario B is that the news of the Outbreaks has been conveniently timed to also scare the crap out of us.
Now #1 is about as stupid as all of the people who crow that things like Sandy Hook was all some sort of secret government plot and that no one actually died. The assumption is that some grand far reaching power is deliberately misleading the American People by faking deaths and distorting information. They blissfully ignore just how many people would have to be involved, including the victims for such a scheme to work. In the Salmonella cases, you would need the victims, plus have the doctors, nurses and other assorted personnel involved in on the scheme. Then, you would have to ensure that none of these potentially thousands of people ever slipped up or deliberately spilled the beans. Sorry folks but people just aren't that dependable.
Now Letter B is a little more believable and a lot more easy to achieve. You take the basic facts (People ate meat/took drug/got sick) then move the when and wheres around to make your story/premise plausible. Heck one Nerd in one cubicle could probably get it done. It is not something that I would put past any government official. The only problem I actually have with this idea is somebody would be bound to find out. In this era of Wikileaks and Snowdens, the idea that evidence can be safely hidden away or wiped out completely seems a little overly optimistic.
Like I said, I wasn't necessarily condemning either side (Well okay maybe #1 just a little), I was just using the article and the discussions it prompted as an example of how different people can read the same thing and come away with totally different ideas. Not sure what that says about the Human animal, but it is kind of amusing. Now excuse me while I slip back into my tinfoil hat before the aliens eat my brains.
End of Rant

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