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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Circus of Fools, Day 5 (sort of): CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Boom Boom! Argh!

Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
"Forward, the Light Brigade!
"Charge for the guns!" he said:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

The Charge of the Light Brigade

                                                               Alfred, Lord Tennyson

The mighty Reboobican forces keep charging into an emplaced positition over and over again trying to defeat the Damnocrats who rain down barrage after barrage into their forces slowly thinning them out. As courageous as these attacks are, the only thing they are doing is sending more political meat into a mighty grinder. Soon, only a “brave and noble” few shall remain.
I suppose you are wondering what prompted this militaristic and literary journey? After all I have already done a blog on why the fugg the Boobs should just let the ACA battle lax for the time being and focus on other things. Why revisit this subject, well besides lack of other subject matter? What made imagine a bunch of old Geezers rolling forward on hobby horses while Damnocrats threw rocks at them. (Yes I actually saw that image. I have a warped mind.) Well it is kind of simple.
Let's face some facts as unpleasant as they may be to some. The ACA is a done deal. It was passed into law by vote. (220-215 with 1 Republican voting for and 39 voting against) and was upheld as Constitutional by the SCOTUS.) Good or bad, right or wrong, the ACA is now an accepted law of th e land. This makes it akin to a reinforced military emplacement. In short, the Damnocrats have the political if not moral high ground. So this continuous attack by the Reboobicans is akin to troops charging directly into enemy fire attempting to take the armored and armed bunker. Any soldier will tell you that is one of the most terrifying ideas ever.
So along with the current Shutdown, we are being faced with the impending Debt Ceiling and this whole debacle is threatening to roll over into the even bigger debacle. The Boobs are threatening to use the argument of ACA against increasing the Debt Ceiling.
(As an aside here, I want to say that we don't need any more Debt Ceiling increases. We need to stop borrowing more and more money and work on actually fixing all of the rampant fraud and waste in the Government. We need to balance the budget and start paying our debt down. Okay aside over.)
IMNSHO, the Reboobicans are making a mistake keeping up their rage against the machine of Obamacare. As they charge and charge again, it makes them look unreasonable and intractable. It makes them look like selfish wealthy men and women who don't care about the ordinary people in the country. (Wait, pretty much like most of the people on the Hill.) All they are doing is pissing off the Damnocrats who currently hold the high ground. With the upcoming battle for the Debt Ceiling, this is prolly a bad idea.
As much as I despise the idea, we HAVE to increase our Debt Limits at least for the time being or we will face disastrous results of being unable to pay our bills. By raging and raging against the ACA Bunker, Reboobicans are forcing Damnocrats to dig in deeper and deeper, becoming even more intractable and angry. This does not create a mindset that would be willing to even common sense and beneficial compromises and discussions.
If the ACA fails as so many people claims it will, the Damnocrat support which is shaky to begin with will fall away. Those that only marginally support it will switch sides as only a politician can. It won't take that long before the disaster become obvious and no amount of propaganda and coverup will be able to hide it. In short, the heavy emplacement will be worn away and its defenders will desert their posts. That is the time to attack, not now when the armor is still fresh and the soldiers defending are newly assigned.
The current attack on ACA is doomed to failure and attempting to force the issue as a bargaining chip for the upcoming Debt Arguments is a little stupid. Instead, the Boobs could drop (Fro the time being) the argument and let things calm down. This way, when the much needed discussions on what to trim and what to cut from the Budget come up, both the Damnocrats and the Public might be more receptive to ideas being put forth.
Regardless of who is to blame (Both parties cough cough) for what is currently happening in DC, the fact remains that no one is really doing anything to fix the problems. Some Reboobicans are offering compromises that amount to no compromise. Others (Tea Beggars cough cough) are demanding no compromises at all. On the other side, the Damnocrats are basically sitting on their thumbs without any sort of discussion at all. One side yells and screams and the other side scratches their groin and yawns. There are people on both sides who would rather this country and maybe even the entire world go up in flames than change their ways and attitudes.
I almost feel sorry for the morons on the Hill in 2014 and 2016. People are fickle and especially so when they are angry. No one and I mean no one will remember who was right and who was wrong if this train wreck continues and escalates. All they will remember is that the jerks in office screwed over the country. I'm no psychic (Psycho maybe) but I predict that just like the waves of anger that allowed the Tea Party to come into being will be replicated on a scale never seen before. Even the apathetic voters from the last election will be moved to vote just to remove the morons with some hope of getting someone better. All of the morons in DC who are digging us into a deeper and deeper hole are rapidly digging the holes for their own graves. I have read that Politicians are survivors much like Cockroaches, but I don't think the current batch of bugs will survive if something isn't done.
(Once again I think I may have actually lost the focus of this blog and wandered off on a tangent. I apologize and hope you enjoyed the trip.)
End of Rant

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