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Thursday, October 24, 2013

What is in a name? Well that is an excellent question!

Several times recently, I have been accused by some of my readers of being both a Democrat and a Liberal. (No TC this rant is not about you, sit back down and eat your pie.)  I find this accusations amusing and somewhat puzzling but have pondered exactly how to respond to such damning slander.
As I have often said, I do not consider myself a Democrat or Republican or Libertarian. I am neither Liberal or Conservative and probably not a Moderate either, but that last one is a little harder to judge so I'll leave it a maybe. I have always believed that the majority of problems the US has is because everyone hides behind their association's bulwarks (Well Bull something anyways) and toes the party line no matter how messed up the party or organization is.
The only way we can fix what is wrong with the US is to realize that the answers are found exclusively in the Liberal/Democrat camp or in the Conservative/Republican bus. The answers have to lie somewhere in between but not enough people are willing to meet half way to even try to work the problems out. These caricatures of politics is what prompted me and others to come up with insulting names like Damnocrats/Reboobicans/Liarberals/Cantservatives and Tea Beggars because so much of the DC power pile of poop are running gags of the Classic definitions of their parties. (Well except maybe for the Tea Party which is pretty much spot on.)
So how to describe me and my rather odd view of politics? I have been struggling to come up with a new term that describes the way I think politics should be handled. A tad of liberal mixed in with a smidgen of conservative swished around with a teensy bit of moderation just to make things a little less spicy and poof! Put that in the old oven for two hours at 450 degrees and you've got...?
So what to call myself? I have honestly no clue. The best I have come up with so far is either Conservable or Liberative. Neither of which really sing to me and my befuddled headparts. So I am putting the question to you, my multitude of readers. (Gads there is a lot of you now. I am rapidly becoming at risk of becoming famous.) You too can win fame and semi-fortune by coming up with the next big Political Barb.
The best suggestions will be shown here in the Blog and the winner will receive...well I will be grateful. Come on, folks! Hit me with your best shot!
End of Rant.

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