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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Circus of Fools, FInal Day: All Aboard! Next stop January!

     Whelp that's it folks.  The circus is finally over.  The tents have been pitched and packed.  The animals are loaded on the train cars and everyone is getting ready to head on down the line.  Of course like most fairs/carnies/circuses, the Big Show is heading out and leaving the rest of us to clean up the massive mess left behind and try to move on.
     After weeks of writing this column talking about nothing but the morons in DC who seem determined to destroy our nation any way they can, I am looking forward to griping about something else for awhile.  All of the Bullshift and Screaming that has happened since October 1st has proven to me once and for all that I am not cut out for full time political punditry.  This game just isn't fun anymore. 
     I am pseudo pleased that our so called leaders actually managed to hammer out a deal before everything went to Hell.  We actually had, what, 18 or so hours left before the excrement hit the oscillating ventilator?  Makes me cautiously ambitious that some sort of longer lasting deal might be hammered out before the Circus comes back to town.  Course I felt the same way about the group that failed to reach an agreement to stop Sequester too and we see how that worked out.
     As I close out this rather long trending rant, there are so many things that I could point out as truly moronic and iconic of this steaming pile that we have been smelling for weeks.  Good Old Cruz who proudly proclaimed that the Reboobicans were heading for a "Great Victory" before Republicans cave and agreed to a deal.  A resurgence of rhetoric preaching that the ACA was going to create Death Panels and Forced Inspections of peoples' homes.  Boehner desperately trying and failing to create some sort of agreement that his Own Party would agree to.  There are many more, but frankly I am too tired to think about them anymore.
     The only thing that truly depresses me about this whole debacle is a simple one.  The Circus has packed up and moved on, but the Clowns are still loose in DC.  Good luck on all your endeavors and may whatever God you worship bless you.  I will be back tomorrow with a rant that does NOT involve politics in any way, shape or form.  Till then, keep smiling.  Remember, it makes people wonder what you are up to.

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