No, this little rant, like most of these blogs, is about the basic stupidity and gullibility of humans. This insane need people have to believe pretty much anything they read or hear OR think they have heard. The stupid need to see massive conspiracies based off the most flimsy of "evidence." I give to you the below rant by a guy who's commentary picture is a Confederate Battle Flag. If you actually click on his commentary link, you will find plenty of oh so precious and oh so racist comments, but lets stick with this little paranoid rant.
"luminaughty 0 27
Eric Holder’s career has survived a long list of scandals; The 2008 Black Panther debacle, overturning Arizona’s immigration laws and ‘Fast and Furious‘ immediately spring to mind. These, however, pale in comparison to the recent allegations against Holder, the likes of which could easily land the Attorney General behind bars.
Evidence has been uncovered showing Eric Holder contributed funds to Ferguson’s gang population as incentive to loot and spread civil unrest in the area. These angry, government-sponsored terrorists have systematically infiltrated peaceful protests with the intention of escalating the situation and inciting riots.
A local gang leader came forward last week after being arrested during a night of mass-looting. The unnamed criminal is using his information to bargain for a reduced sentence.
Allegedly, Holder’s goal behind pouring the proverbial gasoline on an already volatile scene is to test militarized police response in a martial law scenario. It is also suspected that the riots have been started as the latest in distractions from the diabolical duo of Obama and Holder. This isn’t the first time they have created a media bait-and-switch to cover up any of their numerous crimes and blunders.
Officials have yet to publicly identify the damaging evidence submitted by the gang member, and are still in the process of verifying the legitimacy of said items. Judge Rineheart of the 22nd Circuit Court in St. Louis is presiding over the case, and has reviewed the materials. During a phone interview with National Report Judge Rineheart stated “The evidence I have seen is incredibly convincing.”
Holder is not yet officially charged with a crime, but it’s expected that a warrant could be issued for him within the coming days. Obama’s spokespeople have declined to comment.
- See more at: http://nationalreport.n"
So folks, remember, if you need to see truly ignorant and racist comments done by a mind who has a very limited grip on reality, just keep an eye out for more from Luminaughty. He/She/It(?) is so very precious.
End of rant
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