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Monday, September 30, 2013

Whoa oh woa, Stuck on you...

As I mentioned in the previous blog, the Homeowners Association for our neighborhood have been patching and refinishing our parking area and today was my section's turn. The process lasts from 7am-7am and the areas are ribboned off to keep people from driving on the surface till it has a chance to dry and cure. We all received notices in the mail and through fliers attached to our door. Bright yellow signs were put up as well warning that the area would be closed and that anyone caught driving or parking in the effected area would be towed at the Owner's expense. Oh did I mention the bright yellow tape blocking off the entries into the area? Oh good, I did.
So with all of this shift going down and with plenty of notice and warning am I seeing people driving and parking in the effected area? Well it turns out that some idiot decided that he didn't feel like parking somewhere else and snapped the tape on one end off so he could drive through. Now keep in mind, the do not cross tape is still attached to one pole and is clearly readable. However driver after driver has chosen to ignore this brightly colored warning and pulled through and parked. (Last count was about 20 cars.) Then just ten minutes ago, I saw another person come out of her house and take the tape blocking the other side off and roll it up so that her husband could park.
This only bothers me because I know what is going to happen if the cars are actually towed (And I hope they are). People are going to whine, gripe and complain. They are going to say something along the lines of “We didn't know” or “No one told us.” They are going to rage and blame everyone but themselves.
To me, this is a prime example of what the fugg is wrong with this country and really with the world as a whole. As a society, we have rules and laws that are supposed to protect us and help us function without killing each other. (Not saying they do a great job, but that is the idea.) People tend to support and accept these rules except when it inconveniences them. But if some rule even remotely interferes with their lives, well it gets tossed to the wayside. If they get in trouble because they ignored that rule and got caught then it was someone else at fault.
Now I can take some sadistic pleasure in knowing that the people who have ignored the barriers will have a layer of black sticky gunk stuck to the underside of their car that I am pretty sure a flamethrower won't get off. I can enjoy the idea that their shoes are probably ruined from said gunk. And if their cars get towed, especially if it is when I can see it, I will laugh merrily to myself as Miss Karma works her magic.
These people have damaged their cars and damaged their clothes all because they didn't want to walk a couple of hundred yards. I'd say I feel sorry for them, but all of you know how much I hate lying.
End of Rant

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