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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I'm not crazy, but my other personality is.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Believe it or not this isn't a rant about who is in the right and who is in the wrong with the upcoming, seemingly inevitable government shutdown that it looking in October. In my not so humble opinion (IMNSHO), all parties are to blame equally and should suffer the worst fate possible.
(You might want to skip ahead to 3.00 for the relevant part even though it is all funny.)

The Tea Beggars are insisting that any attempts to keep the government going has to be accompanied by a defunding of the Affordable Care Act or as it is less affectionately known, Obamacare. They are even combating members of their own party and refusing to even consider other options. Of course the White House and Most Damnocrats consider this a complete non-starter. The majority of Main Line Reboobicans realize this and are trying to work up other options that might palatable.
Now of course this is nothing new, Reboobicans have been trying to get the ACA repealed or outright destroyed since about ten seconds after it was born. I have lost count of how many actions they have put forth to try and get it done away with and how many times these actions have failed miserably. Not passing judgment, just pointing out the facts. The history of the past few years shows that this path will fail, but once again the Beggars are happily trudging down it.
So what happens when the Tea Beggars and fringe Reboobicans force a government shutdown because of an unwillingness to compromise? Well, besides the obvious financial and social problems, there is one factor that these morons cannot seem to grasp. If a shut down occurs, Republicans will get the blame for it.
Don't believe me, just look at recent history. Every single time this country has been brought to the financial edge, the Republican Party has gotten the blame for it. Americans have been unable to see past the arguments and finger pointing to the underlying facts and information. All they can see it Reboobican and Tea Beggar Leaders shouting at the top of their lungs while the Damnocrats and the White House come across as more quiet and reasonable. (Not saying they were, just that they come across that way.) So Americans get mad and they get mad at...Guess Who?
And this is the really stupid part to me. The odds are pretty good that the next President will be a Republican. We as a people tend to get fed up every 8 years or so and elect the opposing party in the hopes that something will change. It never does of course, but that goes back to the opening quote. So if we assume that the next Prez will be a a Republican, then the Republican Party will have a much better chance of getting the ACA modified or even repealed. After all, Obama got it passed in the first place even though the support wasn't there. So instead of making fuss after meaningless fuss now, wait till you actually have the power to do something about it. Two years won't destroy the country.
Okay aside over. My main point here is that if and when the shutdown occurs, Everyone is going to be mad at the Tea Beggars and Reboobicans. Trust me, history proves this is so. That means that everyone is going to be mad at the Incumbents and that means when the next elections show up, the Incumbents will be out of office. Don't believe me? That is how we got the Tea Party in the first place.
Don't get me wrong, folks. Neither side is blameless in this heaping pile of Bull Poop that is our current Federal Government. Everyone has done MORE than their fair share to completely fudge things up. I see no way of fixing the current and future problems as long as we keep electing these morons in both parties. However, if you are going to play the game, at least play it in a way that makes sense. Playing in a way that completely devastates your own side is moronic.
If the Tea Beggars force a shutdown, here is what is going to happen. A Full or Partial Shutdown will occur. People will get very very very angry and demand that something be done. The Incumbent President (Who does not have to worry about Re-Election) will come across as all sincere and concerned while the opposing factions will look like crazed evil maniacs. People will rage against Reboobicans and Tea Beggars and eventually they cave in and compromise. The Damnocrats may be forced to give small concessions, but these will be completely overlooked as Reboobicans are forced to eat yet another serving of humble pie.
Finally, when the next elections roll around, voters will be split into two factions inside the Reboobican Party. Faction the first will remember that the people they elected were solely responsible for a shutdown that forced millions of people out of work and they will be peeved off. Faction the second will remember that eventually the people they elected caved into the pressure and agreed to compromises that they shouldn't have. The net result will be that both factions will then vote the incumbents out and get new people in. Again, this is how we got the Tea Party.
The only hope the Reboobicans have of not completely peeving off everyone and at least looking reasonable is if they take Defunding the ACA off the board for budget negotiations and go back to fighting it in the House and Senate. Is it a good solution? Probably not, but it is kind of a choice between being mauled by a wolf or by a bear. Both are painful, but one might just be less damaging than the other.
End of Rant

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