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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

On Wars, Thoughtiness and Motivations.

“I think the real thing I don't understand why a lot of people in Washington really seem to want wars is that a lot of the politicians there are Veterans who fought in other wars and saw what it was like. I don't understand how you can see all of that and want to send more people to do it all over again. I understand that we need to help people and I think everyone should want to help people no matter where they live, but all of the wars I have seen haven't really helped anyone. We went to war and deposed the Bad Guys running things, but the guys that took their place seem just as bad. No one in Afghanistan and Iraq seem any better off than they did before we attacked. I just don't understand.”
The wise words above are a direct quote from the amazing young lady that I am proud to call my friend, MacT©. Most of you have seen me mention her in the past in these blogs. She has also been featured in my brother, Ben's blog. Sometimes I think we delight in embarrassing her, but I can honestly say with all sincerity that it is her own durned fault. If she didn't say such smart things, none of us would feel the need to comment on her smartiness. Since she is smart, everything she says is free game.
Let's ignore all of the financial and political ramifications of war for the moment and put aside the idea of making war to help others. The former is patently obvious to anyone with a gram of common sense and the latter is very much a shadow zone. I doubt seriously that there has ever been a war that was waged for the benefit of others. Want a checklist? Revolutionary War? Nope we were pissed at England and wanted them to leave us alone. WWI & II? Nope, lets face it and admit that we were just scared spitless that Germany would eventually get around to attacking and Japan would mess things up in the Pacific for us. Korea and Vietnam? Nope again, we were just terrified that the Godless Commies would take over the world. Generally, wars are waged to benefit the people waging the war. If others benefit from it, all is hooplah, but “We” come first.
Okay that was kind of a long ignore, but let's move on!”
So having said that, we can address her central question. If a large number of people ranging from politicians to Corporations are gung ho for yet another war AND a healthy number of those people have seen the horrors of war in the past, then why in Wotan's name are they trying to start yet another one? Now I suppose we can give them the benefit of the doubt and say it isn't all about money. (Snigger) We can say that they are truly in it to help people. (Snigger louder), but that still doesn't change the fact that they know from personal experience how bloody and nasty war can be so why be so quick to push their own people into the meat grinder?
I think the main problem lies in how easy it is for people to forget just how bad things were and in the amazing power of people to justify pretty much anything. The Old Timers in DC and else where have had decades for the horrors they witness to fade somewhat into the background. People can also justify war as “for the greater good” in cases like Syria where a deadly WMD has been used to kill 1500 or so people. (As an aside here, most of the saber rattlers weren't saying much when the killing was being done with conventional weapons where a Hell of a lot more than 1500 people were killed.)
Course the use of Sarin Gas in Syria sparks the real reason why so many people are hot to go in guns a blazing. Suddenly we are scared poopless. Ever since the use of such WMDs was banned, the balance of non-use has been precariously balanced at best. It has basically been a case of no one used them because they were afraid someone else might too. Chemical and Biological WMDs are insanely easy to make in vast quantities so the potential for even a small nation to do insane amounts of damage is way to real. Hence no one has really had the stones to use them, at least not on a large scale.
Syria's use of WMDs, if left unchecked and unpunished, could set a dangerous precedent for the rest of the world. Other nations could point and say, “Well they did it so we will too.” And that is a Pandora's Box of really really Bad waiting to erupt.
So we have a bunch of people who, for various reasons, are all heated up to enter into another war. Only time will tell how much damage is done this time around.
End of Rant
(I should apologize. I think there was an actual train of thought in that rant, but I think the Choo Choo got derailed somewhere along the line.)

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