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Thursday, December 6, 2012

They took the jobs...that no one else would work!

     Above is a very interesting article about how illegal immigration is at all all time low due to tougher enforcement of immigration laws, better patrols along the borders and the suckish Economic Times that the US is going through.  It is a very good read which raises some interesting points.  BUT as usual, the article itself is not the subject of this blog.
     As usual, my comments are on...well the comments that follow the blog.  They mention two points that prove to me that no one really reads these articles past the headline.  The comments show just how little the so-called readers actually paid attention or comprehended what was written.
     Point the first:  There are loads of comments about how this article isn't true because it is impossible to count the actual number of illegal aliens in the US so how can we know that Illegal Immigration has dropped?  Well, if you read more than a few words of the piece, you will grok that they are talking about people trying to get into the US not the ones already living here.  In other words, it measures the number of people trying to get into the country illegally not the ones who already have.  Still that point is really just picking nits so let's move onto point two.
     Point the second:  GODS I am so tired of people ranting about how (Insert Immigrant Group Name here) is "Stealing American jobs."  I really get annoyed when people say "I can't find work because of the (Racial Minority Group here) down the street took them."  (As a side note, folks really should be more considerate.  Even if we were to somehow stop all forms of immigration, those "minorities" that so many people love to hate on are rapidly becoming Non-Minorities and driving forces in both state and federal government, but that is grist for another blog.)  
     People who decry Illegal Aliens are stealing American Jobs fail to comprehend that the vast majority of jobs being stolen are jobs 90% of Americans don't want.  Americans, in some vast sense of entitlement, want jobs in air conditioned buildings with regular breaks and benefits with salaries of $15.00 an hour.  They feel, no matter what level of education or training they have, that they deserve only the best jobs with the best pay.
     The jobs "stolen" include the hardest, dirtiest lowest paying jobs in the country.  Field laborers, Construction Roustabouts, and dozens of other jobs that have you working under  a blazing hot sun (Or freezing temperatures, depending on where you are) for bare minimum pay for 8-12 hours a day.  
Attempts to fill these jobs with non-Immigrant workers have pretty much proven that, even when given the opportunity, non-Immigrant workers simply refuse to do the job.  The next link is from the Huff Post, but actually occurred.
     Americans seem to have this attitude that certain jobs are beneath them.  They feel that they shouldn't have to work those jobs because they "deserve" better.  They'd rather starve to death or go on the Dole than work in the fields or other jobs.  So the fact that they can claim Immigrants (Legal or Not) are stealing their jobs is ludicrous.  You can't steal something that has already been thrown away as unwanted.  So until Americans suck it up and start working these jobs, I say fudge it.  Let whomever is willing to do the job...well do the job.
      Do I support Illegal Immigration?  No.  Do I believe that Illegal Immigrants are stealing the jobs of hard working Americans?  No.  Do I feel that every person should receive the same fair pay for doing the same job regardless of Race/Creed/Religion?  Absolutely.  Just make sure that you are willing to do the same job as the other guy for those same wages.
End of Rant


  1. I agree totally. They really shouldn't call most of the workers illegal "immigrants" anyway. The majority of the ones I've seen don't want to live here. They want to live in their own country, but they can't make any money there and they have families to feed, just like we do. When Alabama passed the strict laws against illegal immigrants, there were a lot of people that couldn't get workers. The people that "needed" those jobs would only last half a day.
    And people are so afraid that they're going to fraudulently vote, take up space in the emergency rooms, get welfare, etc. Most of them don't want to draw attention to themselves and possibly get deported. Why on earth would they do those things? My husband's sister managed a restaurant and said that two Mexicans would do more and better work than any 3 "American" cooks, without complaint, and could come in at a moment's notice if you were short handed.

  2. Right, and thanks for reading my blog. Don't get me wrong, I am a firm believer in stopping illegal immigration from all sources and believe that if you are caught, you should be deported. BUT the plain and simple fact is that Immigrants (Even legal ones) are much more willing to work very hard, demanding jobs for minimum wage. Although as the article points out, if the workers actually worked and pushed themselves they could make a lot more than min wage with the bonus they received. I have worked those jobs under the same rules and I promise you that you can make really good money. yes its hot back breaking work, but the money is there. People are just to damned lazy and proud to do it.

  3. I absolutely agree with your blog post. I think it also goes beyond 'lazy'. These newer generations have no concept of work ethics compared to the generations before them. They want the cushy jobs with the high paycheck without having to climb the ladder of success like the people before them. Many expect this when getting out of college these days. The thought of actually having to work their way up the ladder just doesn't compute in their thinking. I think because they have grown up in this "instant" society, they feel success should be instant as well.

