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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Jump! Jump! Jump!
Pollytics always gives me a headache!
      So here we are, end of the year watching the same old song and dance.  Without immediate action on the part of our government, a whole gaggle of tax increases and spending cuts will snap into place.  Hundreds of thousands of jobs will be put at risk and the nation will probably fall back into a recession that we have just started crawling out of.  Imminent doom on a level even the Mayans never imagined.
     Our government, in its usual timely fashion, has refused to come to any sort of agreement.  Reboobicans blame the Damnocrats!  Liarberals blame the Teabeggars!  Everyone blames everyone else for not getting the job done.  Me, I cannot say which side is more responsible for this disaster.  I will leave that to more learned and more opinionated people to decide.  In my not so humble opinion, I will say it is both parties fault and leave it at that.
There are none so blind...

     (As a slight aside here, I do blame the Reboobicans slightly more than the Damnocrats for one simple reason.  
     Boehner came up with a compromise proposal that even old Grover N. agreed was an decent compromise.  You know Grover right, he's the "No tax increases forever" pledge guy.  He put it up and his own people (Teabeggars cough cough) shot him down before it could even be put to a vote.  Now admittedly Obama has already said he would veto the proposal if it got past, but if Boehner had managed to get it through, he would have been negotiating from a much stronger perch.  As is, his people shooting down his idea gave Obama and the Damnocrats even more ammunition.  Hence the reason I blame the Reboobicans slightly more than the Damnocrats.)
     Okay that was more than a slight aside but what the hey it is my blog.  So anyho, onward and downward.
     Both sides Know that this has to be done.  Both sides know damned well that the other side isn't going to agree to everything the other side wants.  Both sides know that disaster will occur if action isn't taken.  Neither side is willing to make any sort of real compromise.  They are more than willing to allow this train wreck to happen then blame the other side while they attempt to clean up the mess.  
     Watching our government "work" is like watching a bunch of cranky, constipated 5 year old children all trying to play on the same swing.  Everyone could play, everyone could be happy if they would just wait and take turns.  You know, compromise?  But instead, they stand around arguing, blaming the other kids for not letting them play and staying full  of poop.  
     So here we sit, dangling over a "fiscal cliff" watching the ground behind us crumble away.  Instead of doing something to save ourselves, we are contemplating just how much it is going to hurt when we hit the ground way below.  Will our so called leaders act in the eleventh hour to save us all or will we fall onto the metaphorical jagged rocks below?
Okay they said go this way.
     (Annd don't forget folks, we will reach our debt ceiling in just a few days too.  Gotta love those double whammies!) 

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