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Sunday, December 9, 2012

and that's a fat...err fact!
Look Ma, they gave me a new hat at work!

Okay so file this one away under the “Wow Stupid that thick should be culled from the Gene Pool.” Picture this, ladies enter into a restaurant and enjoy a good meal with presumably good service. They go to leave and discover that their server/s have typed in an extremely offensive description of them on their ticket. They do what Ass's are supposed to do and complain and don't stop complaining until some sort of satisfaction is found. They even received an official apology from the Company Heads.
Now, believe it or not, my rant isn't about these ladies. They were rightfully offended, complained and got satisfaction. End of story. No, my dear friends. My rant is about just how STUPID the person that wrote the comment was.
Not that long ago I wrote a rant about another mentally lacking person who wrote “Lady Chinky Eyes” on a similar receipt. Now, I see this grand stupidity repeating itself. Now folks, I am actually okay if you don't like someone. I am okay if you think that someone looks like a cross between Yoda and Golum from LOTR. That is your right. You have the right to (Peacefully) dislike someone and even mock them in your head. But for Crom's sake, keep it in your head!
That's right! Keep the information in your head. Put it behind a firewall, snicker quietly to yourself and move on. Share it with a friend if they are of a similar mindset. Do not, I repeat DO NOT type it into a computer system where it will be then printed out for the customer to see. I promise you that seeing yourself described as “fat” does not encourage smiles and happy feelings in most people. It actually tends to piss most people off.
It is okay if you don't like the way someone looks. It is both hunky and dorey that you feel that a person might make a good stand in for Shamu the Killer Whale at SeaWorld. I personally have seen many people of the years that made me think, “HOLY CRAP!” However, especially when I was at work, I never voiced those thoughts to either the customer or friends.
Should this moron be fired? Hell yeah! Should the manager who seemed to find this all amusing be reprimanded? Also Yeah! Should the owners be commended for acting quickly to fix the issue, also a resounding Yes. The truly sad part is that this should have never happened and when it did happen it should have never made it further than say the Shift Leader. It was an easy fix with a simple solution. Erase the charge for the meals and apologize profusely to the rightfully offended party. This isn't rocket science, people.
In end, it is simple. If you want to keep working and eating, keep your big mouth shut and the insults out of the billing system.
End of Rant

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