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Sunday, December 16, 2012

A Common Discourse for the greater good.

     Now pretty much everyone who has even glanced at my blogs knows that I tend towards humor even when discussing subjects of a serious nature.  I tend to try and defuse tension and combativeness with light asides and comedy.  In short, "I laugh so that I do not cry."
     No amount of humor or comedy can ease the shock and pain of the gruesome murder of so many people in Newtown, Con.  and I won't even try.  It has gotten me pondering the very volatile issue of gun control and gun safety.  After a very lively and sometimes heated discussion on FB last night, I am left thinking about a very simple issue.  Why is it so difficult for the Nation as a whole to discuss the subject of firearm control with any real sense of civility or logic?
     With the exception of Politicians who have become more and more silent on the issue, every time there is a horror such as the Theater Shootings or what happened in Newtown, both sides of the argument are (forgive the pun) up in arms.  Anti-gun advocates are screaming harsher and more restrictive gun laws with some even advocating making private ownership of firearms illegal.  Pro-gun advocates scream 2nd Amendment and that they have the right to own everything from  Guns up to Anti-tank weapons  (Okay maybe a minor exaggeration there).  The moderates who advocate intelligent gun control laws while allowing private citizens to own firearms are drowned out under the righteous indignation of the extremes.
     So why are we, as a society, unable to hold a rational discussion on the subject of gun control?  Extremes, as a general rule, are never correct.  Answers are most often found somewhere in the middle between the two extremes.  Unfortunately, the very nature of the beast promotes extreme views.
     As a nation, the only time you have a majority discussing firearm control vs personal rights is during tragedies such as the Newtown shootings.  As a whole, most people don't even think about gun control till they hear that some nutball walked into an area and killed people.  Once they hear of these horrors, they are rightfully horrified and shocked  over what happened.  They become afraid for their loved ones and angry that someone let this event happen. 
     Anger, fear, shock and confusion are powerful emotions.  However, they don't lend themselves well to any sort of rational thought.  They tend to drive us towards a Mob Mentality.  Groups are polarized into Absolutes with very little chance at finding a common ground. 
     We need to start a common discourse that isn't overshadowed by fear and anger.  I don't pretend to have all the answers.  Hell, like I always say, I don't even pretend to have all of the questions.  I believe that the private ownership of firearms is one  of the most basic rights promised to all law abiding citizens of the US.  I also believe that more should be done to protect our children and our people from the crazies that would do them harm.  There has to be an answer.  We just need to find out what it is.
     (Ordinarily this is where I would type "End of Rant,' but this piece wasn't intended as a rant.  I wasn't calling anyone out or criticizing anyone.  May whatever powers that be watch over the souls of those lost and be with the families who will never see their loved ones again on this Earth.  May God grant us the wisdom to find the answers we need to combat this growing issue.)

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