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Friday, December 28, 2012

Respect not greed.

     Short but sweet rant here, folks.  As I expected, some industrious soul is attempting to file a lawsuit for 1 Million Bucks in the wake of the Newtown massacre.  In the name of their child, they are suing because they feel that the school did not take action to stop the shooting from happening.  They claim (and I truly believe) that their child has been horribly scarred by all of the violence that happened and because of this, she (They cough cough) deserves to be rewarded 1 million dollars.
     Now I wish I could truly believe that these people are doing it because they have their child's best interest at heart, but sorry I can't.  If this litigation is allowed to go through, then little Jill Doe will be forced to live through the events of that day again and again as it is battled out in the courts and in the news.  Instead of hopefully dealing with her rightful trauma and moving on, she will be trapped in it for months, maybe even years.
     To many Americans see litigation as their path to prosperity.  They sue over the drop of a hat in the hopes of being one of those people who receive a huge payoff.  They really don't care who their actions hurt as long as they get their payoff.
     IF I felt the school (or in the Batman shooting case the theater) had done anything wrong or negligent, then I could see some sort of legal action.  However, the school had all of the standard security of any school in most cities/towns.  Short of having armed trained security people on hand at every entrance (Which I am okay with) and metal detectors backed by friskings on top of that, there isn't much more the school could have done.
     Now moving forward, do we need to seriously rethink how we protect those who cannot protect themselves?  Absolutely.  Maybe there will be changes to School security in the future.  If the time comes when we do start taking into account that some madman might walk into a school and open fire, then and only then can I see lawsuits being launched.
End of rant

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