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Friday, April 1, 2011

Edumacation for Dummies

Well, once again while out riding my bike, I just witnessed decisive proof that our education process is severely lacking in its approach to one particular group of individuals. These poor folk suffer daily because they had not received the special training that they need to overcome the severe disability of having somewhat less than a full deck of mental cards.

You know the poor souls I am talking about. We see them all the time. We see them in the grocery store standing in the 15 items or less lane with two buggies full of stuff. We see them on the interstate when, after its been announced for 20 miles that the left lane is closed ahead, they are waiting right where the lane ends for someone to let them over. Hell we ever see these poor schmucks sitting on railroad tracks at intersections waiting for the lights to change.

Now before I received enlightenment over the suffering of these poor souls, I was much like everyone else and grew angry with them for their inability to read signs or comprehend simple ideas like "Choo Choo Train smash little car." Now I simply accept that these mentally challenged morons need help and guidance and pray to the good Lord for the day to come where someone "Cough" (2x4) "Cough" helps them see the error of their ways. Pray with me for that one Brothers and Sisters.

Now the wise among you (You too Benjy) are probably wondering what started today's sermon. Well (Since that is kind of the whole purpose of this blog) I will tell you. I was out riding my bike to work off some calories and drop my blood sugar down some and was making my last loop through the neighborhood. I had just pulled onto Oliver and was approaching Windsor (Yah I know this doesn't mean anything to most of you, but the Devil is in the details.) Now Oliver/Windsor is a one way stop with the stop sign being on Windsor. Which means that all traffic on Windsor must stop until traffic on Oliver is clear. (For the record Bikes do count as traffic despite what a lot of nuts on the road seem to think)

I was still maybe two blocks away when three cars pulled up. The first two made rolling stops which bugs me but not to much. The third car, little white model being driven by a little old white woman, rolls up to the stop sign just as I get to the intersection. Instead of stopping to let me pass, the lady rolls right out into the street then slightly across since she is trying to turn left into the right hand lane.

To keep from slamming into her after she runs the stop sign, I have to slam onto my hand brakes so hard I almost do a forward wheelie. I am still moving so fast that I actually have to push off her front bumper with my foot to keep from going over her hood. I managed to get around her and roll to a stop a few yards away.

Now keep in mind that this woman was in the wrong and I could have been seriously hurt despite my safety gear. Still, I was pretty much willing to ignore it, file it away with hundreds of stupid people stories when she pulls up alongside of me and rolls down her window. She gives me this fierce, sour look and says, "You'd better not have dented my bumper or hood or you'll have to pay for it." She then drove off way to fast for the neighborhood and I finished my riding.

So you see, this poor unfortunate soul not only suffers from extreme stupidity in her inability to read simple signs and comprehend their meanings, but she also suffers from the terrible affliction of complete lack of common sense. Instead of being grateful that her actions didn't cause me serious harm which would have reflected badly on her, she gripes at me about maybe scuffing her paint job. A truly tragic soul indeed.

So please, take pity on these poor people and try to educate them on the error of their ways "Cough" (Pepper Spray) "Cough" Sorry about that, maybe I am coming down with a cold. Always remember that the next life you save may be your own.


  1. I sorta figured you out riding yer bike kicked the blog off. That is how you opened the piece.

    As for the rest, well, sometimes Darwin works fast and sometimes he don't. He always does eventually.

  2. Okay so it was mildly redundant. Give me a break I had just had a near...near death experience.
