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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Government Blame Game

Okay I will be the first to admit that this is not a new game. As long as more than one person has lived alongside of someone else there has always been "His fault/No it's His fault" arguments going on. Governments just take it to a much grander scale. One side blames the other of being "intractable" or "unwilling to compromise" will doing the same damned thing. To borrow the words of my brother, Damnocraps and Reboobicans are showing us the perfect example of the Blame Game right now. In fact his most excellent blog also covers that.
(Let me insert an Author's note here that whereas my wife does work for the government and a shut down would put some financial pressure on us, my wife and both support Benjy's attitude of "Shut it down." Hells, if it stays shut down long enough maybe people will learn something about compromise. Doubt it, but hey I still believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny.)

Both sides are dancing around compromise demanding that the other side give a little or everything shuts down. Of course, each side is also saying that it will be the other side's fault if there is a shut down. (R) claims that (D) are unwilling to make the necessary sacrifices to move the talks forward and (D) claims that (R) are catering to the Tea Party "Extremists." (Actual quote there folks) I say, "Horse hockey" to both sides.

I am all for cuts to the budget. Hells, I am for more cuts in places where most people deem sacred. I want our deficit down and for someone to steer us away from the same fate as Ireland and Greece. Anyone that doesn't see that we are heading to the exact same end as these countries is either blind, not so bright or both. For way to long we have been spending money we don't have. We elected the most popular people because they promised us that we could have it all and not have to pay for it. Now we are paying the price and it's not going to get better until we start cutting out expenses.

Now, that said, I understand that this is not going to happen overnight. There is no way in hell (despite what Tea Party members and a huge section of the US seem to think) that we can move back to a happily balanced budget in a few years. It took us decades of wasteful spending to get to where we are with admirable efforts by both (R) and (D) members to bankrupt us. It will probably take just as long to fix things. So for the time being, we have to compromise a little. Any budget we create has to be a mixture of "Okay where are we going" and "What do we do right now." Neither side is going to have it all, I'm sorry but that's the way it is.

So, (R)&(D) peeples, quit blaming each other for the problems, stop pushing us towards the brink and compromise a little. It makes you look good, keeps things rosy for your re-elections and moves us forward. Isn't that good enough for now?
(Note: Okay Benjy, I added a link to your blog again. Hows about doing the same for me?)

1 comment:

  1. Rebel, be glad to link to her blog as soon as you beat me to the punch on writing the topic du jour.
