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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Birther Bust!

Okay, once again, Arizona is proving that you can never have too much questionable legislation. They set the bar pretty damned high when they created their oh so popular and creatively disguised attempt at racism Immigration Laws. Now they have pushed it even higher with what I am going to lovingly call the "Birther Bust" (Birth or Bust, it's a joke!) movement.

Now everyone knows the controversy (if you can actually call it that) over President Obama's birth records. The conspiracy fans are convinced that the man was not born in the USA and is therefore not eligible to be the President. Never mind that there are multiple documents showing otherwise. Never mind there are numerous witnesses (many of them very prominent officials) who were around at the time and have sworn to his status. These oh so dedicated people are determined to prove that he was born in Kenya, Mars or Vulcan.

So now Arizona is pushing a state bill that will require any presidential candidate running in their ballywick to submit absolute proof that he or she was actually born in the US and not on some foreign soil. They haven't worked out the exact details yet, but they will involve more than simply showing your birth certificate. Arizonians are determined that no one else will ever pull the wool of false citizenship over their eyes again. Huray!

Now before I get any further in my rant, let me say something that will probably shock most of you. BACON BITS! Wait no that's not it. In principle, I actually have absolutely nothing against Arizona's Immigration Policies or this new masterpiece they have come up with. I feel that people who are in this country illegally are criminals and should be sent back to whatever nation they came from if discovered. In a perfect world where ignorance and racism wasn't so durned prominent, giving the police the ability to demand proof of citizenship when pulling someone over for "other violations" would be okay. Of course, anyone with any common sense knows we don't live in that perfect world so this idea is simply begging for abuse.

As for the second idea, I have no problem with adding more proof to establishing a presidential candidate's bonifides. (As an aside, I personally feel that the "born in the US rule is a silly one that disqualifies a lot of people who could prolly do a better job than the people we normally get. Citizenship should be more than enough.) Birth certificates, Eye Witness Reports, doctors records and any other thing that you can think of can be thrown in the mix for all I care. My problem isn't with the idea it is with the intent.

Arizona officials claim that this legislature isn't aimed at Obama. They say that the question of his citizenship did not spark this idea. They claim that they simply want to make sure that any potential candidate (Keep in mind Obama is running in 2012 and if this passes will be affected by it.) Well, I say to that MEADOW MUFFINS! In the 200+ years we have been having elections, no movement like this has ever been recorded. It is only since Obama took office and the Birther Bullies have started cranking out their propaganda that an idea like this has taken hold. Arizona is aiming at Obama, but doesn't have the stones to come out and admit it.

I am a firm believer in States' Rights and feel that each state has the right to stand firm in whatever resolve they believe in. Arizona did with the Immigration Hoohah. With all the powers that be pointing fingers and wagging them, Arizona has stood firm (Mostly) and hasn't backed down (much). I personally think this new flimflam is the dumbest, most blatant stunt yet, but what do I know. (well a heck of a lot actually, but...) Come Arizona, just walk over to your window and yell, "We don't like Obama and we aren't going to take it anymore!"

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