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Thursday, April 14, 2011

and you thought professional wrestling was fake!

Okay I will admit that I am not the brightest bulb in the box and nowhere near as perceptive as some of my friends and colleagues (Yes Ben I am talking about you), but this latest budget frenzy has got even dim old me going what the hell? The Reboobicans have just released their budget idea for America and I gotta tell you that it is a doozy. Of course, I also have to tell you that the (R)s brave new plan looks almost exactly like the (D)s old plan from before.

Worded differently and kotched in slightly different terminology, but its basically the same old same old. Hells, the biggest part of their plan to reduce our deficit is to make drastic changes to medicare and social security. These changes, including vouchers, is exactly the same thing the (D)s proposed a while back and prompted the (R)s and (TB)s (Teabaggers or Tuberculosis take your pick) to start screaming about Death Panels for Seniors and the Deaths of Grandpa and Grandma by the hands of the (D)s.

No believe it or not, this is not why I am crying fowl (duck, goose, chicken) and rubbing my balding pate. I really think that there is nothing wrong with changing your mind and if the (R)s really believed that these ideas would work, more power to them. No, my friends, what has got me all confuzzled is that the moment the (R)s came out with their brand new (?) plan, the Damnocrats immediately started attacking the plan using the exact same rhetoric that the Reboobicans used against them right down to the Death Panels and "Basing our prosperity on the backs of our elderly."

I mean come on folks, this is the worst case of Deju Vu I have ever experienced. (Or have I already experienced it? Hmm) Or is this opposites week or something? Have (R) suddenly become (D) and vice versa. Did their aides get all the cue cards mixed up? Are evil alien carrots mind controlling everyone? (Bet no one can tell me what TV series that is from and it ain't Futurama FYI)

Any police officer will tell you that it is damned suspicious when a bunch of people say exactly the same thing. When everyone has the exact same story, it is a sure sign of lying. Now, once again (Keep in mind the same damned thing happened when (R) lambasted the (D)s plan when most of the (D)s plan came from proposals made by the (R)s specifically people like John McCain) the parties have switched songs, but the lyrics remain the same just being sung by different leads.

The circus that is going on right now in Washington is one of the best examples of the old saying about the "play remaining the same." It is time we stopped listening to badly written reruns and came up with some brand new programming.

1 comment:

  1. A now deceased friend who served for years in the Ga Legislature once talked with me about a major, major, major confrontation that took place in Atlanta.

    Votes were shifted all over the place every time the matter was brought up for vote.

    "That was carefully orchestrated to keep the Speaker of the House from getting a majority," he said.

    Politics, in other words.

    The same thing is happening in Washington.

    By fronting the same plan as the opposition did, and the opposition fronting the same arguments, both sides get what they really want.

    It's too hard to come up with new arguments and positions when it's easier to dust off the old stuff, trusting that no one will remember it.

    Meanwhile, government will continue to grow and taxes will continue to go up. Which is what both sides really want.
