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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The reverse side of the coin

One of the hardest things about being a member of the SIOTBAA Society (Remember folks, I'm not just a member, I am the Founder and President for life) is that you have to stop and admit that there are two sides to a coin. I constantly gripe and whinge here about people/places and things that I feel should be commented on, but to be fair (and I like to think I am) I feel the need to comment when people act in a civilized and courteous manner. Whelp, today is one of them days.

My wife asked me to mail a fairly important document when I went out on my daily run. (Won't say what it was but given what time of the year it is, you can imagine.) Now the Post Office is about a mile from our house and is a fairly easy run for me plus I had to go the grocery store which is on the same street further down so I said "sure" This morning, I donned my jogging gear picked up my wallet and keys, stuck the envelope in my pocket and took off. When I got to the door of the PO, I found that the envelope had worked its way out of my pocket and had vanished.

Needless to say, I freaked out a little. It was kind of windy and the envelope didn't weigh much so I had visions of it flying all around the city. Still, I turned on my heels and started running back the way I had came in the vain hope that I would find it. I hadn't gotten more than 100 feet or so when this battered old car pulled up beside me and honked its horn. The car's owner smiled at me and waved the lost envelope.

She told me that she had seen the envelope fall out of my pocket back where I had turned onto the main street and had gotten out of the car, picked it up and followed me as quickly as she could in afternoon traffic to give it back to me. I was profuse in my thanks, but the lovely lady simply waved off my thanks and wished me a "Blessed Day" and drove off. I don't even know her name.

Now, most folks would have ignored the dropped envelope. More than a few would have picked it up, ripped it open to see if there was anything worth while inside. A smaller percentage might have either mailed it back to me or dropped it in the box themselves. The fact that this woman took the time to rescue a fairly important document than chase me down through heavy traffic to return it to me is amazing. If there were more people like her maybe the SIOTBAA Society might not need to exist. I am grateful for what she did and will try to pay that kindness ahead.

Whelp there you have it. You usually get the Ass side of the coin, but today you get the backside. Hope you enjoy it.

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