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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Racism 101

Recently I was talking to one of my many neighbors and sadly I can't even remember what the actual conversation was or what the comment I made was that prompted the comment but this very nice older lady stopped what she was ranting about and told me "That was a very rude thing to say, you are a very racist individual." Now being called this by a middle aged white woman certainly came out of left field, but the plain and simple fact is that she is right. I am probably one of the most racist people you will ever want to meet.

Now anyone who knows me well and has met the wonderful woman I have been happily with for 15 years will probably be astounded by this statement and I am very sorry if I have shocked people, but I am indeed a card carrying member of the Racist Party. Now if anyone is still reading after that shocker, sit right down and let me illuminate on the meaning of them there words.

Decades ago, I read a book by an author whose name escapes me now (Sci-Fi nuts and students can help me out with the name and the book the quote is from) who said that the concept of racism among the various people of Earth was ludicrous since there was only one race of humans on the whole world. He did go one to say that the Race of Humanity could be broken down into three sub-races; these being Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid. His premise was the only way that one could be racist is if they hated on whales, dolphins, monkeys or (insert favorite alien species here).

Well, I completely agree with him/her. Which is why I can claim to be a racist, because I really don't like the human race. I once wrote in a short story that Mankind was the only real mistake that God ever made. In my opinion he would have been a lot better off going with Apes or maybe Dogs.

Don't get me wrong, there have been and still are some amazing examples of just how great mankind can be. People that have changed the world and our lives for the better. Unfortunately, they are in the minority. Again, I am not saying that the majority of mankind is evil or deserve to be destroyed. The truly horrible ones are just a small a minority as the really good ones. The real problem is the huge majority left.

Every single problem from pollution in our air and water to our governments being broke can be traced back to one thing, greed. People everywhere in every single country don't care about tomorrow as long as their tanks are full of gas and their 72" Flat Screen High Def TV set has enough juice to show them the latest dancing with the stars episode. Never mind that coal plants are putting out enough CO2 to choke a planet and spent nuclear fuel rods are simply sitting around in concrete barrels.

People want free health care and cheap goods, but they don't want to pay taxes so the government spends more and more money that it doesn't have. People want it all and they want it now, hang the environment and all the "other people."

So you can see why I consider myself a true racist. I just don't like the human race very much. I see so much potential in all of us and it drives me crazy to see so many people wasting it. "They can be a great people...they want to be" is one of my favorite quotes from a great movie. (an official BB H'ray to the person who actually can tell me where the quote is from) Let's stop wasting our potential as a race and start being great.

1 comment:

  1. You and Linus.

    Great quote - Racism is a pigment of our imagination
