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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Illegal People

Okay this is probably going to peeve off a bunch of people, but I have never let that stop me in the past so I am just going to say my peace and dodge whatever slings and arrows that come my way.

I just finished reading an article posted on FB which decries the usage of the terms "Illegals" and "Illegal Aliens." The article and many of the respondents seem to think that it is harsh, cruel and dehumanizing to call people who travel to our shores without the legal right to do so "Illegal Aliens." Many take the stance that these people have done nothing illegal or against the law and are simply here without the consent of the US government.

Okay last time I checked, if someone is doing something that is contrary to the laws of a nation is doing something illegal. If you walk into a bank and pull out a gun to rob the place, you are committing an illegal act. If you cross the borders of the US without permission, you are committing an illegal act. These people are not "displaced persons" or "undocumented." They are, in every sense of the wording, "Illegal Aliens."

Now many argue that these people are coming here to escape from the horrors of their home countries and to make better lives for themselves and their families. All well and good, but do it legally. People from every country and every walk of life come to America every year and become legal citizens. Yes the process is difficult and takes a long time sometimes, but they do it. Illegal Aliens flaunt this process, avoid the responsibilities of becoming a legal citizen and basically mock all of the people who work so hard to do it right.

The argument that their existence in their home lands is so horrible that they have to make a new life here is another dodge. If your home is terrible, stay and fix it. Make your land a better place not run away to avoid the problem. No problem was ever fixed by running away from it. Stay where you are and fight to make things better for you, your family and everyone else.

Another argument is that America was founded on immigration so we should let all of the people who wish to immigrate do so. The only problem with that is, like every other nation in the world, we are a nation of limited resources. Because of its massive size, America has substantially more room and resources than most nations, but we still have limits. This is another reason to make anyone who wants to immigrate here work for it.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that the vast majority of Illegal Immigrants are bad people or a threat to the American Way of life. The US is massive cultural melting pot and is in no danger of being "over run" as some potty mouths like to claim. I don't feel like these immigrants are "ruining our country." I just feel like it has to be acknowledged what their status is.

Whether you like it or not. Whether it hurts your oh so politically correct feelings, Illegal Immigrants are breaking the law. By simply being here in the US, they are criminals. They are not Undocumented Workers and they aren't, for the most part, Refugees. They are Illegal Aliens. No amount of fancy rhetoric or verbal rumba will change that.

So there you go. Yell at me, call me insensitive or a racist, but the truth is the truth.

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