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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I always feel like somebody's watching me...Oh wait, someone is watching me!

So despite the subject of the above article, I can assure you this isn't a discussion on whether or not Muslims are bad people or Mosques are hotbeds of evil plottings to destroy Murrica. Nah, I'll leave that to the more hotheaded types. I won't point out that since 9/11 there has been limited if any evidence that the majority of Mosques in the US are being used for any sort of terrorist training. I won't bring up that, despite what people love to claim, 9/11 wasn't committed by Muslims, but was committed by Terrorists who happened to belong to a Radical Sect of Muslim faith.
I sure as heck won't point out that blaming all Muslims and all Mosques for these nutjobs actions is about as stupid as blaming all Christian Churches for the decades of child rape committed by Members of the Catholic Priesthood. And I most certainly not point out that people who claim that all Muslims should openly condemn the Terrorist actions of a few are strangely silent while a Christian Church spouts Hate and Vitriol at the funerals of soldiers and children.
Whew, I am dog tired from all that not pointing at stuff. My arm is strangely sore too. So anyways, onward and downward to the actual subject of this rant.
So, once again the NYPD or as I like to call them CIA Light are in the spotlight over some controversial program they are running. It seems that they have been secretly targeting Mosques for intense investigation even though there was no evidence of any wrong doing. They planted moles in the congregations and even went so far as to try to plant spies on the boards of prominent Muslim/Arab American groups. They did this over and over again ever since 9/11 even going so far as to have a Federal Judge rewrite a key ruling to give them the power to do so. (As an aside, officially neither the FBI or NSA have targeted a single Mosque for such investigations. Note I said officially. Might mean they just haven't got caught yet.)
So anyhoo, they did it and now they have gotten caught at it. Only time will tell how it will all play out. Like I said, I am not pointing a finger at wrong doing/not wrong doing. (Mainly because my arm is tired now.) My problem, as it often is, is the reactions in the comments section. Intermixed with the racism and ignorance that runs rampant (Seriously guys, it is Muslim not Moslim.), I see the same startling trend that is cutting through our country today.
The overwhelming attitude in the posts is “Well, they are all Muslims and we know that all Muslims are either terrorists or support terrorists so it is fine and dandy that we target all of them to catch a few.” Five will get you ten that these same nose breathers are screaming bloody murder about the White House/NSA wiretapping/email tapping programs even though the logic (and I use that term loosely) for those programs is pretty much identical. The idea being gather information about millions of people in the off chance that a tidbit of data on some terrorist plot might be revealed. Yep, it is the exact same logic. I mean, if no one is doing anything wrong, Muslim or Merican!, then they have nothing to fear, right?
See, the problem with the mindset that so many people have here in the US is that laws and rights cannot (Okay SHOULD) not be applied to some groups and not to others. They have to be applied equally to everyone or you essentially invalidate the reasons the laws exist. Equal rights and Equal treatment under the law means equal for everyone even the ones you don't like.
“We hold these truths to be self evident. That ALL Men are created equal and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain Inalienable rights.” Note there is no mention of specific groups or Hells even that the Men have to be US Citizens. If you feel that the US Government should be allowed to spy on groups of people, then you should also be okay with them spying on you. Remember, everyone is “One of them” to someone else and one day, you might be the “One of them” being targeted.
End of Rant

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