So over the eons,
my friends and I have come up with our own versions of the most
commonly used Political Descriptions. What follows is a list of
those words and my interpretation of their meanings:
Damnocrats preach a good fight about making life better for everyone,
but really their ideas and policies damn everyone to heck.
ReBoobicans blame everything on the Damnocrats and also the
Liarberals while doing everything in their power to obstruct any sort
of real progress. (See also Cantservatives)
Liarberals love to preach progress and charity at any cost while
damning the rich and powerful as the Devil's own spawn. However,
they tend to spread more lies than a herd of cows spread manure.
Cantservatives are against anything that wasn't done by Great
Grandfather during the Great War. If it even hints at anything
progressive and new, they dig in with both hooves and resist no
matter the costs.
The illegal and immoral practices that are draining our country of
everything from money to the life blood of our sons and daughters.
The greedy sumbeeches who are sucking on the straws.
These terms are, of course, meant to be insulting parodies showing
the ludicrous nature of the politics of 90% of Americans. They are
not nor have they ever been meant to be insults for those people who
truly are Liberals, Conservatives etc. The premise of these insults
is that the majority of people who preach certain political
ideologies have strayed so far from what the terms are supposed to me
that they are parodies of the original ideas.
(As an interesting note here, it might be prudent to point out that
the Republican and Democrat parties have basically switched
ideologies over time. Republicans were once the Progressive Liberal
Type Party and Democrats were the Conservative Keep Things The Way
They Were Party. End of side note.)
So after talking with my friends again, I have come up with a new
political term that is not so much a parody as it is an attempt to
describe people who actually try to see both sides of the political
coin and who realize that the answers to our problems lies in
combining the best aspects of all the political sides. (Yes, there
are good bits from all the sides.) Ready? It is a doozy!
See, isn't that fragging great?
Nice, neat and easy to say. Something someone said inspired this new
word (Yes TC this song is about you) when he said he considered
himself to be a Conservative but tried to roll all of the things he
liked and supported in his philosophy. I am not sure how well he has
managed it, but at least he is trying.
I have never considered myself to be either Democrat or
Republican, Liberal or Conservative. I have always and will always
vote for the people who I think might actually have a snowball's
chance in Hades of getting elected and doing their job. (Well except
for the last election when I voted Conservative because I didn't like
either Candidate for President.) In short I have always voted my
conscience not my politics. So I guess I am a Conservable too.
In my opinion, this world needs a lot more Conservables.
People who can see past the party lines and the political bullshift.
People who honestly want things to change for the better for
everyone, not just the chosen few who follow XX's policies. So, come
on folks. Toss off the yoke of partisanship and start thinking for
yourselves. Sure it is a scary thing to do, but you may just like
End of Rant
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