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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Here we go with another ride on the Bigotry Train!

So it wasn't that long ago that we had all the teensy minded bigots and haters in an uproar because a Hispanic Youth DARED to sing the National Anthem at a sporting event. The haters and racists raged on and on about how only a “Real American” should be allowed to sing the song and made hundreds of disparaging remarks involving whether the boy an illegal alien. So this prompted nation wide shaming of these bigots ranging from Tweets to Blogs to National News Coverage. The lad was even invited back to do it again just to spite the haters.
So it is a given that the truly ignorant are slow learners, but you would think that after all the shaming and uproar, that they would at least learn to keep their big mouths shut. Well, apparently it is going to take a bigger baseball bat (Metaphorically speaking of course) because they are at it again.
It was at the 2013 MLB All-Star game and New York born, United States citizen of Puerto Rican descent, Marc Anthony came out to sing God Bless America. I repeat New York born, US citizen sang God Bless America. Once again, all of the truly ignorant bigots out there took offense at this. They ranted that only true Americans should be allowed to sing that song. By True Americans, they obviously meant White people. I'll give you some of the “highlights” just in case you don't feel like reading all of them.
Guess we should be grateful he actually said Spanish.
Really Spic?  Whose his partner, Span?
Um yeah, 2 seconds of research would have told you that.
and my personal favorite
Lessee Anthony is of Puerto Rican origins and born in New York.  Castro is Cuban.  This guy loses for bigotry AND bad Geography.
I have news for all of the bigots and racists out there. The USA has not been a Homogeneous Nation since...well technically ever. Sure White people were the majority for a long time, but the whole “One Big Melting Pot” has always been our thing. We have White folks, Black Folks, Hispanic Folks and a whole bunch of folks who are kind of a mix of other types of folks, A Hispanic America is just as much an American as a White American. This idea that seems to fill so many tiny minds that Americans have to be White to do certain things is more outdated than Bell Bottom Pants.
Of course what is truly impressive is how so many people automatically assume that any Hispanic person they see is an Illegal Immigrant is even more moronic. They make no effort to find out if the person they are insulting is actually a legal resident which in the above person's case wouldn't have been that hard since he is actually pretty durned famous here in the US and worldwide. I guess typing Marc Anthony in a search engine is too much work.
Funny thing, I have several Non-Americans sing at games including Celine Dion. Where were the racist comments and hateful Tweets when they were singing OUR music? It seems like the racist comments were reserved specifically for Hispanics.
Well, I have news for all the haters out there. Our National Anthem and God Bless aren't just “your” songs. They belong to every single American citizen regardless of race, religion or gender. It belongs to every single person who has become a Citizen whether through birth or through hard work and determination. If it pisses you off to see one of “Them” performing “Your” songs then you really should be prepared to get pissed off more and more. I like to believe that the world is slowly (Gods way to slowly) moving beyond bigotry and hatred.
Still, as you morons so love to point out, This is America and you have the right to say and feel however you want. So rage on all you like about “those people” and “your” America. Just keep in mind that an ever growing number of people out there and reading and hearing what you say and mocking you. Remember that the laughter you hear is not people laughing with you, but at you.
End of Rant

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