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Monday, July 15, 2013

And now a little Musical Ditty...

So as part of my new life/new leaf pledge after moving to the Nation's Capital (Well okay Virginia, but DC is a half hour away) I promised myself to spend more time on my writing and less time on things that stressed me out. As part of this pledge, I promised I would write more blogs to entertain the truly astounding number of people world wide who enjoy reading my rants against all of the insanity and stupidity in the world.
As I pondered what to write about to launch this new endeavor, I looked at the many things going on in the world today that strike me as stupid, crazy or just down right WTF. The first that came to mind was the Martin/Zimmerman situation, but there are more than enough people out there ranting about it (Sharpton, Jackson, Rivera etc) that I felt no need to butt in. Then I pondered the whole Coup/Not a Coup going on in Egypt, but since I already did a rather good piece on that whole debacle way back when the First Overthrow happened I really didn't see the need for further speaking on the subject.
So, what talk about for the relaunching of the SIOTBAA Society Flagship Blog? What could I possibly find that could be crazy enough or maybe offensive enough to set things off right? I was reading through the dozen or so news feeds when an idea hit me. I hit it back and a merry battle ensued. It has everything from Politics to Religion to Comedy. In short, it is perfect. So here we go!
The Book of Mormon is a religious satire musical with book, lyrics, and music by Trey Parker, Robert Lopez, and Matt Stone.[1] Best known for creating the animated comedy South Park, Parker and Stone co-created the music with Lopez, a co-composer/co-lyricist of Avenue Q. The show lampoons organized religion and traditional musical theatre, reflecting the creators' lifelong fascination with Mormonism and musicals.” (Thank you Wikipedia)
The article I read was a review scathing review of the Musical whose wording bordered on Scatological. However, in the writer's defense, her differences with the Musical were purely asthetic in nature so I had no problems with her. (Well besides the normal problems I have with critics in general. Those who can write, those who can't write teach writing and those who can't teach become critics.) Nope the problem I had was with one of the comments where a a poster with the rather grandiose title of “GodsTrueOne” made the comment that the BOM proved that Mormons were a bunch of crazy cultists with no real idea of the “real” religion.
Now while reading I did make a couple of assumptions about the poster. One that he is some branch of Christianity OTHER than Mormon. Two that he is a knuckle dragging Nimrod. I am pretty sure of the latter, but could be wrong on the previous.
Why do I think this man is a Nimrod? Why do I think he needs some serious reality checks done? Why am I asking you these questions when you can't even answer before I post the blog? These are all truly valid questions and I am glad you asked them.
So let us ponder for a second the fact that Christianity has had more splits than Dairy Queen on a busy weekend. Church of Christ, Catholicism, Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran and the list goes on and on and on. So one has to ponder which “real religion” the poster was talking about. I mean, how accurate can a religion be when it has Versions of its Holy Book running around?
However, that is not my real problem with this Poster's little rant. Nope my main problem is that Mr. Nimrod is holding up a Musical Comedy/Parody written by the same people who brought us the gem of Southpark as “Proof” of his arguments. Does anyone else have a problem with that?
I have seen excerpts from BOM and found them insanely funny. With the limited amount of information I have on Mormonism, the parts I recognized were parodied to the point of tailspinning. It Is my understanding that the creators has had a fascination with Mormonism for a very long time and did weave elements of the religion into the musical, but never meant for it to represent the religion itself. He meant for it to entertain.
People who go to see things like BOT are the same sort of people who went to see Jesus Christ, Super Star back in the day and came away believing everyone in the Bible sang Rock Opera. I see so much hate and vitriol spewed out by people over things that they have made little if any effort to actually understand and it bugs the hell out of me. People say, “Well I saw on the Interwbez such and such is a goose stepping reincarnation of Satan so it must be true,” 99% (and I am being kind) of people out there don't bother to gather information and form their own opinions about anything. That is the main thing that is wrong with the world today.
So in closing, let me state again what I have said many times in the past. It is okay if you don't like someone or something. Hell, it is okay if you actually hate them. If you despise Blond Haired Left Handed Communist surfers from Redondo Beach, then despise them for good reasons. Hate them because the Commie Surfing Bastards tore up your favorite stuffed animal then peed on it. Don't hate them because your Father's Cousin's College Roommate told his best friend that the Commie Surfers sucked who then posted it on the Interwebz.
So to make a long story short (TOO LATE!), do your own research, form your own opinions and make your own decisions about everything. You may still be wrong, but at least you won't be citing comedies as an accurate source for information.
End of Rant

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