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Friday, May 31, 2013

"I'm a sweet Transvestite..."

For those who have no idea where the title comes from here is a handy link.  You should really watch this insane movie sometime.

     Okay now that you have been thoroughly traumatized by Rocky Horror, onward to the matter at hand!
     So a Lady who I am proud to call an E-Friend (Never met her, but find her absolutely amazing.) Jenn Burleton posted a link to this new kids show coming out on the HUB this month  (Okay next month by one day don't get persnickity with me!)  I actually went to the HUB website and watched the trailer and I loved it!  I provide two links for you to peruse.  The first is Jenn's link to a Breitbart Article.
     As per usual, I find the comments posted after the article much more interesting than the surprisingly (At least for BB) complimentary article.  People railing on and on and on about how a show about a Boy who becomes a girl superhero is bad, nasty and down right wrong.  My personal favorite is "WRONG, Kids between 2-11 in NO WAY should be Exposed to this Type of Un-Natural Depravity."  Will cover the reason I find this so damned funny in a second.
     Above is the link to the actual series trailer, watch it for yourself and make your own decisions about the show.
     Now on to why I find the almost rabid condemnation of this show that is basically about a Cross Dressing (Kid's voice never changes so I am not sure if he is actually Transgender or just some poor kid stuck wearing female attire while he battles crime.)  Most of the people railing about this sort of thing probably grew up watching the sort of toons that I did.  So I find it funny they rail against gay stuff, cross dressing stuff etc in modern toons as a danger to their poor fragile children.  Why?  Let me whip this out for you.  (Gasp!)
     Let's cover Loony Toons for firstsies.  Gods how many times did Bugs, Daffy and even Elmer a few times get dressed up in women's clothing?  Prolly every fifth episode or do.  Heck there is even one episode where a Norse Elmer carries a metal bra wearing Bugs to a romantic spot and starts making nice nice.  Fast forward to a newer generation and shows like Tiny Toons and Animaniacs were filled with cross dressing toons.  So far I haven't seen a lot of trauma or confusion resulting from those shows.  Well, unless you count grumpy older people railing against change.
     Slightly more obscure unless you are into Anime is the show linked above which tells the story of a boy who (Gasp again) turns into a pretty young girl when doused with water.  I know a lot of people my age who have watched the many versions of that show.  Despite what so many people are terrified of, they turned out normal.  (Well okay, close enough)  I'd say 97% are straight fairly well adjusted people and the 3% that aren't were pretty durned messed up even back then.
     Really what it boils down to is this.  We are becoming so overly sensitive and fearful as a culture that anything we see as a threat to the very tenuous status qua becomes a threat in our minds.  Ignoring the arguments over morality and right or wrong for a moment, the overwhelming fact is that LGBT acceptance is becoming more common every day.  States are moving against the Federal DOMA mindset and allowing Same Sex couples the same marital rights as everyone else.  People who are "different" no longer hide it in shame, but openly show it no matter where they go.  The Stigma is shifting from LGBTs to the people who condemn them.  That scares the crap out of a lot of people.
     So much like Women's Rights back in the day and Racial Equality not so far back, people are seeing the "way things have always been" eroding away.  Suddenly they are faced with the fact that a group of people who have been ostracized (Huh spelled that right first time) for a long time suddenly have the power to fight back.  So instead of accepting the inevitable, these people will continue to rail against every single "attack" that comes along and will probably never realize that their fear and hate is making them the minority.
End of rant
PS:  and in response to some of the comments in the BB post, Really?!  In this day and age, we really still have people that believe that being Gay or Bi or whatever is a Mental Illness?  Wow, what's next locking them up in little rooms and attaching electrodes to sensitive body parts to change their orientation?   

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