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Monday, May 20, 2013

"It's all on the wheel..."

     Seems to be a day for movie/song quotes.   The quote "Ace Hunter: It's all on the wheel, it all comes around." is from the totally fun, totally bad 1982 movie Mega Force which was actually just a cinematic excuse for Stuntman Supreme Hal Needham to show off every single vehicular stunt he could come up with along with tons of explosions.  If you can find it, rent it.  It is Highlarious.!
     Don't get me wrong, I don't approve of the attacks that occurred/ are occurring in Iraq.  I feel that these acts of terror are the height of cowardice and evil.  I believe that anyone who commits these acts should be hunted down and executed.  This is also not a rant about how "Gee, look at all the good the American Invasion of Iraq did.  See how much better off they are now!" might not be entirely accurate statements.  (Sarcastic yes, accurate no.)
     Nope this rant is more a discussion of Karma or the Golden Rule.  Two statements from the Article so profoundly illustrate this.  "Sectarian tensions have been worsening since Iraq's minority Sunnis began protesting what they say is mistreatment at the hands of the Shiite-led government."   "Iraq's Shiite majority, which was oppressed under the late dictator Saddam Hussein, now holds the levers of power in the country."
     See during Hussein's reign, he promoted the prosperity and well being of his chosen few.  The Sunni's held all positions of power in his government and held most of the nation's wealth.  The Shiites were basically treated as less than second class citizens and were often murdered and oppressed.  The Shiites cried for justice and mercy and the people in power ignored them.  It was good to be the King.  Now, the shoe is on the other foot.  The Shiites are in charge and the Sunnis aren't.  Who's oppressing whom now?
     I am not saying that it is right that the Shiites are oppressing the Sunnis.  In a perfect world, once the Shiites had gotten into power, they would have remembered how they felt when they were the underdog and worked to make things better for everyone.  In a perfect world, they would have realized that it would be just as wrong for them to abuse the Sunnis as it was for the Sunnis to abuse them.  Of course this is far from a perfect world, so anyone with any gram of sense would have known what would happen.
     All I am saying is you can't spend decades abusing a people, ignoring their cries for justice and then turn around and whine when the same thing happens to you.  What goes around comes around.  You pile crap on other people and eventually you will wind up covered in crap yourself.
End of rant!

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