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Friday, March 22, 2013

The only thing constant is Change and Bigotry

     So a couple of Facebook posts last night sparked this rant and one today really fueled it up.  All three dealt with Same Sex Marriages and the consequences of it. 

     Those are the three articles that got me thinking.  Despite what you may be thinking, this isn't my usual Same Sex/LGBT "Get over it!" Speeches where I go on and on about how it is all going to happen whether you like it or not type rant.  I am currently letting that Dead Equine recover from being beaten with a stick.  Nope, this one is a little more Historical (Hysterical?) in nature.
     I find it absolutely freaking hilarious that all of these "Gays shouldn't be allowed to marry/Gays Marriage is a threat to traditional marriage" types are blind to a couple of facts.  They go on and on with Diarrhea of the Mouth screaming about how Traditional Marriage is a sacred pact between one man and one woman and that is how it has ALWAYS been.  They froth and moan about how Same Sex Families harm the child and only a "traditional family" can properly raise a kid.  Sometimes it almost makes me want to just put the poor Schmucks down to cure their misery.
     While they scream and preach, they forget history.  Fer instance, "traditional marriage" ain't always been what they imagine it to be.  I mean, all you got to do is look at the Bible (You know, the book that so many people love to use to condemn SS/LGBT relationships.  How many wives did old Solomon have?  How many concubines did a lot of the Biblical A-listers have?  
     But wait, many say that doesn't count because it is ancient history.  They speak of more modern definitions as put forth by such sources as the Catholic Church etc.  Course then they tend to ignore how much "traditional marriage has changed" even in that relatively short time.  Twern't that long ago that Black People weren't allowed to marry at all.  Even more recently (and I do mean recently in some states) Inter-Racial Marriage was illegal because it went against traditional marriage.  Traditional Marriage is a concept that is constantly evolving not the rock solid bulwark that so many like to claim.
     And of course, the big uproar running about now is Same Sex Families.  People claim that SS couples cannot properly raise a child.  They say that only a "proper" marriage between a man and a woman consisting of the child's biological parents can properly raise a child.  Barring that ideal, the kid should at least have a Male and Female type family.  They claim (without much evidence) that children raised by SS families are somehow at a disadvantage and even that it is a form of child abuse.
     Moving back to history, you could find every single Anti-SS family arguments out there and compare them to the exact same arguments that were used against Inter-Racial couples trying to adopt or Couples trying to adopt a child of another race not that long ago.  Hell you can even see the same arguments used for Single Parents trying to adopt an even shorter time ago.  It is the same pablum being regurgitated again and again.  The sad part is, the people upchucking the crap don't seem to realize it.  I keep wanting to hit them with a history book.
     I have very little personal experience with SS families.  My Bud, JM proudly tells everyone that she has two Moms.  She even calls them "Mom1 and Mom2."  She also has a Father that she adores.  She has been raised by her Moms since she was 7 and you would be hard pressed to find a better adjusted, intelligent young woman.  She is funny, creative and loving with very little of the Angst that I so often see in kids her age.  I realize that a sampling of one is not indicative, but if JM is an example of proper parenting from a SS family, then we need more of that.
     The world is constantly changing around us.  Beliefs and Attitudes shift like cosmic tides, but the vast majority of people seem oblivious to it.  They cling to their narrow viewpoint and believe that things have always been that way.  They shout their rhetoric from the rooftops in complete ignorance that it has all been said before.  It would almost be amusing if it wasn't just so damned sad.
End of rant

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