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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Safari so Goodie or DC Day 1
By God, those natives look like ants!
      After many hundreds of miles of exhausting travel over harsh, strangely fluffy white terrain, I have arrived at our destination with my faithful guide and helper, Paula.  After negotiating transportation with the native bearers, we pushed on into the interior of this dark realm.  My heart was pounding in my chest over the idea of the horrors we might see.
Good lord, it is huge!
      As I piloted our steed through the many twisted byways of this God benighted land, I glimpsed one of the local landmarks that so often enthrall explorers.  The massive spear shaped structure juts up from the soil and I was again impressed how such amazing creations can be made by such simple people.  My trusty guide, Paula informs me that is dedicated some ancient war chief who led his tribe in a great battle that was apparently fought over tea.  It must have been some damned good tea to spark such a great conflict.
Rough food, but edible.  Friendly native servers.
     We broke our fast at one of the local native’s eatery and then ventured further into the land in such of lodging.  Now we rest ourselves for the great coming adventures that loom on tomorrow’s horizon.  I find myself excited and filled with trepidation at the same time  So many others have attempted to explore these God Blighted Lands and either not returned or returned changed beyond recognition.  I only pray to God that my courage and will are up the task.
     I find some small comfort in the fact that I seem, as yet, unchanged by the previously observed effects of this strange, cursed land.  My intelligence seems undiminished and what little common sense that I can lay claim to remains unchanged.  I feel no urge to make grandiose speeches promising impossible rewards nor do I feel the urge to lie about things that even the most simple of men know to be true.
     The Two Dominant Tribes of this region show the horrible results of living here for too long.  Both the Damnocrats and Reboobicans seem unable to grasp the simplest of truths or accept responsibility for their destructive actions.  The Three Sub-tribes (Cantservatives, Liarberals and TeaBeggars) further show just how far mankind can be driven into the darkness of this place.  Hopefully, by observing these creatures in their native habitats in the days to come, I can gain insight into what causes these illnesses.
     So I sit here at our camp watching as Paula my faithful guide goes about setting up our rough, but serviceable living space.  I wonder if courage or utter madness has driven me to pursue this course.  In the end, will I emerge victorious or might some future madman one day find this journal along with our bleached bones.   Only tomorrow will tell.

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