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Friday, March 1, 2013

Really? He did not just say that...

     Okay for the record, despite what Reboobicans are claiming, the Big Budget Cuts or BBC are the fault of both sides of the Political Coin.  Yes the Idea did come from the White House, but the Pubs signed off on it as happily as the Dims did so IMNHO (In My Not So Humble Opinion for those just signing into this blog.) both parties should equal shares of the blame/credit for what is happening. 
     Now that being said, I gotta give Obama chops for having some serious spheres and also have to rag on him for not knowing his popular fiction.  I say this because of two comments he made today on the subject of the BBC and Sequester.  Curious?  Well read on, McDuff!
     The first quote of sheer Hutzpah is this one.  "A combative President Barack Obama blamed Republican lawmakers Friday for failing to stop automatic spending cuts that were to begin kicking in later in the day, calling the cuts "dumb, arbitrary."  I mean it takes some serious Spheres to call the plan that You came up with "Dumb and Arbitrary." 
     Like I said, yes the Reboobicans signed off on the Budget Cut Plan, but it came from the Prez's place of residence.  Don't get me wrong, I personally feel the cuts are both dumb and arbitrary, but if I had come up with the idea I wouldn't be saying that.  I'd be saying something like "Boehner is a Neener face or Reboobicans eat doggy poo."  I wouldn't be downing my own plans no matter how much they suck.
     On to popular fiction FAIL!  Obama was also quoted as saying, "He added that he can't do a "Jedi mind-meld" or use any "special sauce" to get Republicans to negotiate."  Now I am not even going to go into what kind of special sauce he might use.  This is a PG rated blog.  However, he gets a great big FAIL for saying "Jedi Mind Meld."  As any student of popular fiction knows, it is either a Vulcan Mind Meld or a Jedi Mind Trick.  Come on Mr. President, if you are going to speak Geek, at least get it right.
     (Course since one guy is set to direct both the Star Trek Movies and the Star Wars Movies, maybe Obama knows about a cross over that we don't?)
     I am not going to rant about the Sequester and its impacts on the country even though my family is directly effected by it.  I will leave that to more learned men.  (Get em Benjy!)  I will just leave you with the above silliness and move on with my life. 
End of Rant

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