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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Ahhhh (Conspiracy) Nuts!
All nice and cozy!

     So over the past couple of days, I have read several posts on my FB page that have truly made me go "WTF?  Really?"  Now folks I have seen doozies of conspiracy theories before and even commented on a few here in this forum, but the ones I have seen within the past 48 hours really and truly take the nut cake.  (No I won't tell you which ones, but if you are truly curious then hit up my FB page and scroll to see if you can guess which posts I am talking about.  I can pretty much promise you that it won't be the ones that you think it is (are...was...err moving on).  I was actually tempted to interject a little something I like to call facts into these fantasy worlds but in the end, I decided that the ever wise Ron White is right when he says, "You can't fix stupid."  So I let crazy dogs lie (in both meanings of the word.)
Don't ask, it just seemed appropriate.
     Now folks I get that people love conspiracies.  I get that we need to believe that some hidden, invisible force is plotting to do horrible things to us the moment our backsides are turned.  Conspiracies have probably existed as long as we have.  Ogg the cave person probably believed that Oog in the cave next door was plotting to steal all of the best rocks for himself and corner the Rock Market.  I mean lets face it, there are still people that believe the moon landings were faked and Professional Wrestling is real.  (WHICH IT IS!!!)  These oh so dedicated nutters will continue to believe these things up till the day that they die and short of heave medication and padded rooms, there really isn't much we can do about them.
Well, okay that would work too.
      And despite what so many people like to think, I don't believe that there are more nutters running around now (proportionately of course) than there were 30, 40 or 50 years ago.  Like I mentioned in a previous blog, it is just that they have so much chance to get their message out and find others of like mind.  Before the Interwebz, if some nut believed that the US Government was beaming invisible beams of mind control energy from space into his brain, he might run off some pamphlets on his copier (Mimeograph machine?) stand on a street corner and shout his message to the masses...and generally be ignored.  Now with the information super highway, he can post his rant on We-Tube and find thousands of kindred spirits.
     I am a firm believer in Free Speech and I truly believe that some conspiracies might be true.  However, I am also intelligent enough to do my own research and make my own conclusions based of FACTS not improper quotes, misstagged photos and such.  So when I see people just nodding their heads and going "Yup that's right," it makes my headparts hurt.  I have friends that I often disagree with (Waves at TC, TD), but no matter how many times I disagree with them, I can always count on them to have adequate data and facts to back up their arguments.  Either of us might still be wrong, but we will have made as much effort as possible.
     Learn to think for yourselves.  Learn to find out the truth even if it is not a truth you like.  Quit being Sheeple (Sorry I just love that word) and be an individual.  Trust me, life will be a whole lot more interesting.
End of Rant

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