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Sunday, February 24, 2013

KKK (Kompletly Klueless Knutcases)

     Really, this little literary jaunt is not one I consider a rant.  I mean I suppose I could go on and on about Racism and Hate mongering.   The symbolism of the KKK Hood and Robes is one steeped in hatred and violence against most non-White races.  Cross Burnings, Lynchings and murder are indelible images that are forever engraved in American History.  So I could do blog after blog on hate groups like the KKK and the Black Panthers, but maybe for another day.
     No, this blog is purely about stupidity.  Three HS Kids thought it would be a clever idea to show up at a hockey game and don the trademark hood and robes of the KKK.  Now, in their defense, the section they were sitting in is a "All white garb" section, so their outfits fit the requirements, but I think maybe they were a bit much.
     This was stupid on so many levels.  First of all, there is the possible knee jerk reaction of "HOLY CRAP, IT'S THE KKK!  GET EM!"  I mean, unless you are at a meeting of the Bugtussle Chapter of the KKK, generally white guys in sheets do not receive very good receptions.  The kids were damned lucky that some Black Gentleman who's Grandfather was injured or killed by the KKK didn't see them and lose his mind.
     It is also stupid because since we are talking about HS, I am pretty sure there is some sort of dress code and I doubt that code included bed linen.  I am unclear as to their exact reasons for doing what they did, but I seriously doubt suspension or academic probation was on there.  (Course then again, it might have been.  Kids are odd.)
     Yes I am well aware that the kids broke no laws.  Whether people like it or not, the KKK is a legally recognized Organization so wearing the trademark Hoodie and Dress are not criminal acts.  Also, besides looking like ghosts who got lost from the cemetery, the kids committed no "racist actions."  I don't think they should arrested for donning the regalia.  If they wish to be seen as racist morons, that is their legal right.
     My Mom-In-Law calls stupid people "God's people" and says that He must love them because he makes so damned many of them.  These three Einsteins are proof of that.  In no way, shape or form can their actions be considered anything but stupid.  Whether out of some warped sense of humor or a demented expression of freedom, they got themselves in trouble while stirring up resentment and bad memories for a lot of people.  A wise man once said, "Freedoms are useless unless you have the wisdom to use them well."
End of Rant

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