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Thursday, February 7, 2013

It is called Freedom of Religion! Got over it!

      So I have seen over a half dozen people posting the above video and railing about how Obama is a Muslim and it reminded me of the rant below that I did a while back.  I am reposting it in the hopes that it might make some people think. 

     So the past few days, I have seen lots of "articles" (Personal Commentaries masquerading as news) and posts on various social sites once again discussing how Obama is secretly a Muslim instead of the Christian he claims to be.  They go on and on (I call it "Diarrhea of the Brain") about how he should be removed from office because he is secretly a Muslim and in league with terrorists plotting to destroy the American Way of Life.  Well, I have something to add to all of that mental dung.
     SO WHAT?  Let me repeat that for those who are hard of reading.  SO WHAT?  So what if Obama is actually a Muslim?  So what if he keeps a prayer rug in his desk and bows towards Mecca twice a day?  It is a complete and utter non-issue for one simple reason.  Freedom of Religion.  There is nothing in any of our laws/regulations/rules/fortune cookies that says the POTUS must be a Christian.  Matter of fact, the Constitution that everyone loves to wave about pretty much precludes any such restrictions.
     The only restrictions on being POTUS are age (Think that one should be revoked, too many geezers in DC) and birth.  (No way in Hell I am opening up that bucket of worms.  If you Birthers still cling to the idea that Obama is an African Born Socialist then more power to you.)  If and I do mean if Obama is a card carrying Muslim (Wait do Muslims have unions?) then he is perfectly within his right to be one while being the President.
     Of course, the major disconnect I see with most of these arguments is that the majority of the people railing against Obama's Muslimhood seem to equate Muslims with Terrorists.  Oh they will deny it, but the rants always contain the idea that being a Muslim is a direct threat to the safety of the US.  Claims abound that Obama being Muslim means that he will sympathize with Muslims over Christians.  (Gee kind of like Christian Government officials have done for a very long time.  Don't believe me?  Look up any political rant describing America as a "Christian Nation"  or a nation governed by "Christian Values and Morals.")
     It doesn't matter if Obama is a Muslim, Christian, Catholic or a Druid that goes out under the full moon to harvest Mistletoe.  Being a Muslim does not preclude him from being the POTUS and being Muslim does not make him or anyone else for that matter, a Terrorist threat.  He has the right to practice his own religion just like every other citizen of the US.
     Of course, I find this comical in a historical sense too because it is not the first time a President has been looked upon with suspicion because of his religion.  When JFK was elected President, the fact that he was a Roman Catholic terrified people.  Liberals were terrified and many Conservatives were too over the idea that Kennedy would break down the walls between Church and Stat. People even made analogies between Kennedy and the Catholic Church and Stalin and Communism (Which is funny because Communism denounces the existence of God.)  People were convinced that JFK's election would bring about the end of America as they knew it.  (Huh now why does that sound familiar?)  Well, that didn't happen although it is possible that his "evil" work was stopped before it could be finished since he was assassinated.
     So Obama could be a closet Muslim.  Doubtful, but it is possible.  It doesn't matter.  Faux News could release footage tomorrow of Obama doing evening prayers.  It won't matter.  At best, if such a thing happens, he will be guilty of lying to the public.  Huh, a politician lying to the public.  Now that's a shocker.
     If you want to rail against the man, do it for legitimate reasons.  Scream about Drone strikes that kill innocent people as well as "Suspected Terrorists."  Yell about the fact we are Trillions of dollars in debt and both sides won't fix the issues.  There are too many fudged up things going on right now to be focusing on a non-issue.  Nothing is ever going to get better in this Country until we stop letting the Parties and Powers that be keep us divided with Shift that isn't important.
End of Rant

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