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Monday, February 4, 2013

It Ain't Rocket Science, People!

     Now this isn't a rant about Immigration, Illegal Immigrants or any type of Grants for that matter.  I'll leave that for another day and another rant.  This is about this attitude that so many people seem to have that they deserve to make really good salaries for not really good jobs.  You hear it all the time.  Whiners groaning on and on about how they deserve to make $75k a year with health benefits and paid vacation time and milk and cookies for ringing up burgers at the local Big Belly Burgers.  The cry that they deserve to make the same money as someone who has attended college, gotten one or more degrees and actually has some marketable skills.
      The person in the above article bemoans his fate because he can only earn $10k a year doing seasonal labor picking tomatoes.  He equates this to "slave labor."  Now ignore the fact that, as a general rule, slaves don't get paid at all and look at what this man and so many others do.  They are essentially unskilled farm workers.  They go out into the fields everyday and pick vegetables and fruit by hand.  Their only qualifications for the job are quick hands and a strong back.
     Yes they work in oppressive conditions and yes the labor is very strenuous.  Yes, deaths can occur from everything from heat stroke to snake bite.  However, nothing in the above sentences justifies high salaries.  Nothing in those sentences justifies expecting benefits beyond what you are paid to work.  
     The attitude that seems to be creeping across America now, pushed in most part by Damnocrats and Liarberals, is that Employers are required to pay their employees salaries (Regardless of Skills/Situation) that will allow them to live comfortable lives.  Cashiers at Burger King should make enough money to let them live the same as a Professional Contractor just from working at BK.  Never mind that the cashier's skill set barely qualifies them for minimum wage.
     In times past, if the job you worked didn't earn you enough money to live, you went out and got a second job.  My Father worked for over 30 years with the Pike County Road Crew 10 hours a day 5 days a week and still went out pretty much everyday (Except Sundays) cutting grass and doing yard work on nearly 20 yards a week.  Why did he do this?  Because his skills/education and job didn't earn him enough money from his main job to take care of his family.  Today the attitude is more "Gee I can't make enough money from my job at Wal-mart to afford that 72" flat screen plasma set I want.  Wal-mart needs to give me more money."
      If your job only earns you 10k a year and forces you to work out in hot fields, get a new job.  If 10k a year isn't enough money to feed your family, get another job.  If you want more money, get some skills and earn it.  It is not the Farmer/Manufacturer/Corporation's job to keep you in a comfortable fashion.  It really is as simple as that.
End of Rant

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