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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Semantics in Pollyticks

I think it is a sign of just how far this election has devolved when, instead of talking about any real issue or problem facing us today, we have devolved down into arguments of semantics.  People railed on Obama because "He didn't mention specific acts of terrorism" and Dems cried foul.  Now, People are railing on Romney because he didn't mention a specific body of water in his little Syria/Iran route to the sea Comment and the Reps are scrambling to say "No no,  he actually meant this not so dumb sounding thing."

We have so many things wrong with this country.  Unemployment is still far to high.  Social Security, after being used as Politicians' slush fund over the years, is in direct danger of becoming insolvent.  Two wars still raging with no end in sight.  (Yes I know the Iraq War is "officially" over with, but we still have troops there in harms way.)  Direct threats against our most basic liberties here at home with security agencies having the rights and wherewithal to monitor, question and arrest citizens on a whim.  Presidential sanctioned Drone strikes on foreign soil oftentimes the soil of our nominal allies.  A multi-trillion dollar deficit that is only going to get worse with some serious efforts.

Neither Reps or Dems have given us any real clue how they are going to deal with all of these problems.  A drip of data here and a drab of information there comes out occasionally just to make us think that they have some sort of real plan, but for the most part it is generalities. 

Romney with his "I will cut taxes for all Americans, increase military spending while reducing the deficit" speech sounds wonderful, but his inability to give details beyond "closing tax loopholes" that have yet to be mentioned makes one ache for details.

Obama claims "he will put Americans back to work, finally end the conflicts overseas and bring our troops home, raise taxes on the very rich and reduce taxes on the the middle/lower class.  He claims he will reduce the deficit and have a balanced budget in ten years."  Again, long on promises and short of details.

Hence we have this war of semantics being waged on both sides.  Vague promises of rosy futures filled with rainbows and sparkle ponies while doing a two man con job in the present to keep us from realizing that neither side has any sort of real plan.  It's the classic "double bag con" where the two Hucksters take turns distracting the Mark till he is so confused he doesn't realize that the "bag full of money" he is holding is filled with paper clippings and his watch, wallet and ring are missing.

We have two weeks left till the election (Thank Cthulhu!) and at this point I really don't care who wins.  At this point all the "damage" either candidate can do has already been done so I would love to see some real data.  I would love to see real plans with true facts tossed around.  Course I'd also like a new laptop and a cast iron waffle iron.  I really don't see any of those things happening. 

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