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Monday, October 29, 2012

Possibly my last Pollytickal Tate ever so listen up.

So to make a long story short ("Too late!"  Okay who can remember what movie that quote is from?), I recently posted on FB and in a blog here my beliefs that the problems facing us here in the US are the result of actions by people from all political parties and belief sections and that the only way we could ever fix these problems is to stop focusing on who is affiliated with which group.  My rant wasn't aimed at Reboobicans or Damnocrats, Liarberals or Cantservatives.  Instead it was aimed at every single Schmuck who ever took office and failed the American people.  One of my oldest and strongest friends posted a well written, well thought out response.  In it, he strongly disagreed with my statement and even accused me of bias.

Now I know what most of you (All two of you that read this) are thinking.  HOLY CRAP!  Them's fighting words!  Two of my online friends even asked me if I was still friends with said friend.  Before I answer that question, let's address the comment back to front.  Am I biased?  Huh, I like to think otherwise, but I also like to believe in Dragons, Unicorns and Pixies.  I try to keep an open mind about pretty much everything in life including politics.  I equally despise both political parties, but truly do try to see the best in all arguments. 

Second (or is it first since I am going back to front?) He disagreed with me!  Huh, really?  Like that is a first.  Sorry folks, people disagree with people.  Hell this country was founded because we "disagreed" with King George.  If you can't handle people disagreeing with you, then you need to find a nice dark cave somewhere and hide because I can promise you that SOMEONE is going to disagree with you.  Hells, even in the deepest darkest futures imagined by writers (1984, Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451...What?  Sue me, I am an author I use literary references!) there are always people who disagree with the main stream.  If I stopped being friends with people just because they disagreed with me I would have been a much lonelier man.

Now if one of my friends stops being my friend because they dislike my viewpoints, that's cool too.  If my views on any subject are that horrendous then they Should "disavow any knowledge."  I hope and pray that no one ever does.  I hope that my friends both old (Very old!) and new continue to disagree with me, tell me I am a jerk and basically help keep me grounded in whatever form of reality may exist.  In return, I will continue to arguify with them and post as much thoughtiness as I can. 

We NEED more people arguing objectively about everything that's fracked up in the world not less.  Whether they are right or wrong, we need people who question EVERYTHING!  If you feel that Moon Beams are causing mutations in Zombie Fungus Possessed Ants, then argue your point.  (The sad thing here is that I am not making up the Fungus Zombie Ants.  Like I always say, "I can't make this shift up.")  I truly shudder to think what would happen if debate/arguifying were squashed.  (Well besides NAZI Germany and Cold War USSR that is.)  If my friends suddenly stopped arguifying with me and started agreeing with everything I said, I'd start looking for alien pods.

So yes, HE disagreed with me!  The Rat Dastard said I was biased!  Meh so what?  (Although I still my Ass is not Bi and is happily married.  All of that time spent behind the barn with his "buddy" Stan is just quality guy time.  I may be biased.  Hells, I prolly am biased.  Either way, HE disagreed with me.  Get over it!  Move on!  I hope that anyone who disagrees with me keeps on doing so for a very long time to come.


Postscript to EOR:  Before anyone asks, I am not halting my Pollytical Tating because of the comments mentioned above despite what some may think.  The plain and simple fact is that I write most of my tating to amuse and entertain.  I am not nor am I qualified to be a Professional Pollytickal Tator.  (Course that doesn't stop a lot of people on pretty much all the Networks.)  I could very well be completely wrong in every single statement I have ever made about Politics and Politicians.  I don't like to think so but who likes to think they are wrong.  Since I don't have the energy and interest necessary to become a professional Tator, I will stick to ranting about bad service, idiots in the street and life in general and leave the Politics to the more informed. 

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