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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Where the problem really lies.

As I look on the final days (THANK GOD!) of this election season, I ponder one thing.  As much as we love the Hoopla and Pageantry of it all, Presidents (In the end) aren't important.  Lets take Romney for an example.  Lets say that he is being completely honest about his desires to cut taxes, trim the Federal Government and help the American people.  It is a stretch but let's play pretend.  MITT ROMNEY WANTS TO DO EVERYTHING HE CAN TO SAVE AMERICA!  (Okay that one hurt even me, but I'll recover.)

Or if you'd like, let's say that Obama fully intended on keeping his grand and glorious promises when he was elected.  He fully intended on balancing the budget, shutting down the wars and everything else that he promises.  Let's say, just for the sake of argument, that both candidates fully intended on being men of their word.  In the end, what they intended really doesn't amount to much because when it comes right down to it, the Presidents (Pubs or Dims) aren't the problem or at least aren't all of it.  The problem is that the Whole Damned Government is fugged up!

A wise man once said, "No one who is in a position of power will ever vote to give themselves less power."  Even the President is a strange mix of JFK/Ghandi/Albert Einstein (Man not sure what that'd look like but he have awesome hair), he still has to deal with Congress and Senate who are pretty much a bunch of crotchety old men and women many of whom have been around since the time of the Mammoths.  Matter of fact the only thing that has really changed in those branches is that the color palette has expanded somewhat and women joined the club.

This exclusive club wields ridiculous amounts of power over an insane amount of money.  They are firmly entrenched in their bunkers and have no intention of giving ground.  (Now there was a brief exception to this rule with the whole Tea Party shake up, but business has pretty much returned to normal.)  These people vote for things like airports being built near their home towns so that they don't have to commute even though the airport operates at a loss because there aren't enough people flying out of it.  They cut COLA for everyone else but vote themselves pay increases every year.  They talk about freezing or even cutting Military Pay and cut funding for Veterans Benefits but make damned sure their own bennies are firmly in place.

Now, why on Earth would these impossibly powerful men and women ever do anything to threaten their way of life?  And keep in mind I am talking about Reboobicans and Damnocrats, Cantservatives and Liarberals together in this rant.  Yes there are good people on both sides in there honestly trying their best to make things better, but they are as outnumbered as Custer was.

I truly believe that if we survive long enough, things will change.  More and more people are getting angrier and angrier each year.  The Tea Party revolution shows this, I think it just happened a little too soon.  Eventually we are going to be so damned miserable and so damned pissed that we will see through all the BS Rhetoric from both sides and finally elect people that will do the job.  Hopefully sooner than later.
End of Rant
PS to Rant:  I keep hearing people suggesting Term Limits as a possible solution.  I don't necessarily agree with that.  I lean more towards Performance Evaluations.  Someone can pretty much stay in office indefinitely as long as they can prove that they are actually performing the job that their constituents elected them for.  Kind of a "Hey, you jerks promised to balance the budge, fix Social Security and Capture Adolph Hitler's Evil Clone and none of that shift has been done.  You're outta here!"

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