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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Not funny, will never be funny

"Jonestown was the informal name for the Peoples Temple Agricultural Project, an intentional community in northwestern Guyana formed by the Peoples Temple led by Jim Jones. It became internationally notorious when, on November 18 of 1978, 918 people died in the settlement as well as in a nearby airstrip and in Georgetown, Guyana's capital. The name of the settlement became synonymous with the incidents at those locations.
A total of 909 Temple members died in Jonestown, all but two from apparent cyanide poisoning, in an event termed "revolutionary suicide" by Jones and some members on an audio tape of the event and in prior discussions. This includes over 200 murdered children. The poisonings in Jonestown followed the murder of five others by Temple members at a nearby Port Kaituma airstrip. The victims included United States Congressman Leo Ryan. Four other Temple members died in Georgetown at Jones's command.
To the extent the actions in Jonestown were viewed as a mass murder, it was the largest such event in modern history and resulted in the largest single loss of American civilian life in a non-natural disaster until the events of September 11, 2001.
From Wikipedia
I have heard the phrase, "Drink the Kool-aid" used many times over the years, but never as many times as I have during this presidential election.  People love to use it to describe the actions of anyone who doesn't agree with "the right" view point.  I see it at least once or thrice in any comment section of the articles I read every day.  I hear it on the streets and even see it in the online gaming communities.  Well, I would like to say one thing to all these people.


In 1978, 907 people including 200 children and infants died in a massive ritual suicide by drinking poison laced flavored drink.  Even today, almost 40 years later, this still stands as a shocking act.  There is nothing funny about it.  Anyone who reads this history should be shocked and horrified by what happened.  When it is discussed, it should be talked about in serious, thoughtful tones in respect to the lives lost.  It should never have become an Internet Meme used to belittle those who disagree with you.

Now some will argue that most of these people drank the poison willingly because they were fanatics following a Mad man named Jones and they'd be correct.  Most of the dead went to their deaths willingly believing that their suicide would garner them a place in Heaven.  However, some including small children, had to be "helped" by the more devout by making them drink.  Infants and children to young to understand what was happening were given the poison by their parents.  Either way, the event became one of the largest murder/suicides in the history of...well History.

In no way should this ever be funny.  In no way should it be alright to use this horrible moment in Human history just to make fun of someone else.  Certain events in our history are horrible and should always be treated with respect: The Holocaust, The Trail of Tears, The Salem Witch Craft Trials, the Japanese Internment Camps and the Bataan Death March are just a few of these.  If you want to criticize "them" that's okay.  Everyone is entitled to agree or disagree as they see fit.  Just try to respect the past while you do it.

End of Rant 

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