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Thursday, October 4, 2018

You keep using those words. I do not think they mean what you think they mean or WTF?!!!!

     So all of the country and even parts of the world are arguing and yelling about the current bid for Supreme Court Justice.  Allegations of rape and sexual assault have appeared and both sides are in full damage control mode.  The Left is in full support of the accuser and defending everything she says while mocking the accused.  The Right is cheering on the accused while making the accuser out to be nothing but a lying paid shill of Georgie Soros and the Democrats.  The extremists on either side (which in all honesty is the only ones the press is giving face time to) have already judged the other side and condemned them as EVIL.  Honestly, IMNSHO, actual hard evidence could come forward tomorrow (Tape of Kavanaugh actually doing what he was accused of/Recording of Soros and Ford having tea and cackling maniacally at their evil plan) and the opposing side would refuse to believe it.  Don't believe me?  Think Republicans and Birth Certificate.
     However, this little rant isn't about that or even directly against the He did it/She did it thing going on right now.  This rant is aimed at some of the people who point out exactly why we have a Rape Culture in the US today and why victims of sexual assault both male and female will often wait for long periods of time before reporting it.  So the following clips are from the FaceBook page of one of my "friends."  (Honestly, I am not really sure when we became friends or how.)  She (note the feminine pronoun) is a Conservative and avid Trump supporter, but for the most part, has always seemed fairly reasonable.  However earlier this week, I saw a post on her page talking about the current SCOTUS debacle and it showed me exactly what the fugg is wrong with America today.  The following are direct quotes.  I removed the names, but the words are all theirs.  

"All of the allegations sicken me, it was rape, it was a touch, all of us women have touched and even groped a 100+ times in our lives, it's not something to report and fill the courts with simple human behavior"

"A victim is someone that's actually been subjected to unlawful sexual advances, not someone who has been groped."

     The first thing to keep in mind that both people posting are women.  (Well I have never met them in person, but I am making a wild guess based off of names and profile pics.)  So you have the first woman explaining how being groped or touched without permission is "simple human behavior" and how it is not something to report.  The second comes right out and states that someone groping them is not "unlawful sexual advances."  So lets focus on those two ideas for a second.
     So, I am in my fifties (None of your business how old I actually am) and have been acutely aware of women and how much I appreciate them since I was about 9.  In all of that time, I can state with 100% certainty that I have not groped anyone without their express permission.  As a guy with lots of guy friends I can also state that the overwhelming majority of them have never groped an unwilling woman (Or man for that matter).  So, despite what the first woman says and what a whole lot of Right Wingnuts seem to think, I'd say the majority of men really don't go around groping unwilling women.  So no, groping IE sexual assault is not "simple human behavior."
     To me, the response is even more disturbing and seems to be shared by a whole lot of people.  I am gonna keep this short and simple since I know a lot of you have short attention spans.  If someone is being groped against their will or fondled or rubbed up against without consent, They ARE being subjected to "Unlawful Sexual Advances."  It is really that simple.  If I have to explain it any further than that to you, then you are probably to stupid to grasp it anyway.
     Everywhere I look, I see Conservatives trying to explain away sexual assault.  I hear, "Well boys will be boys" and "it is just something you have to expect."  I see people trying to claim the woman brings it on herself by the way she acts or dresses.  Even when men are actually convicted and proven guilty of heinous sexual crimes like Brock Turner, you'll see people defending him and spreading lies about the actual victim.  I even had one "friend" say, "Women shouldn't even be allowed to accuse men of sexual assault without having concrete proof.  If they only have their word, they need to keep quiet."  Reread that sentence and think about it.
     Unlike so many people tating on this whole Kavanaugh debacle, I have actually made no judgments one way or the other.  I have given him the benefit of the doubt with a presumption of innocence until proven otherwise, but I have also listened to her with an open mind.  Unfortunately, with the circus in DC, I know that any investigation into his guilt or innocence is a joke.  I also know that Republicans will probably move forward with his confirmation even it was revealed that he sexually assaulted the Virgin Mary AND was the second shooter on the grassy knoll.  Kavanaugh may be well and truly innocent of the charged levied against him, but Trump and his Trumpettes will actually make sure that we may actually never know.  
End of Rant.

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