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Friday, October 14, 2016

The State of our Nation or WTF is a Zombie Apocalypse when you need one?

 I love this country. I truly think that America is one of the greatest places in the world to live. I proudly fly the flag (No really I have one out in my front yard) and stand for the anthem when its played. I recognize that there are things that could be better and generally believe deep in my heart that good people are working towards making those things happen. I respect and support all of the brave men and women who have served in our Armed Forces over the years and I support all of the good men and women who serve and protect us in Law Enforcement. In short, I am a Patriot and damned proud of it.
Now having said that rousing bit of cheer, let me plainly state that I have never been more ashamed of our country than I am this election year. A bunch of clowns and idiots on both sides of the coin have taken the dog and pony show that our elections normally are and turned it into a full on 3 Ring Circus. We have two people who shouldn’t have even be able to be elected to Dog Catcher in a 2 dog town running for the highest office in the land and we have literally hordes of seemingly mindless people trying to get them in office. If I had written this election season as a story, no one would have bought it because it was just too unbelievable.
I always hear Conservatives going on and on about how Obama has turned America into a laughing stock (Sure they are long on rhetoric and short on actual facts, but they do go on and on and on and on..) to the other nations of the world. Well IMNSHO (That’s In My Not So Humble Opinion or IMNSHO for those just joining us.), even if O were a combination of Bozo the Clown and Adolph Hitler, he still hasn’t done as much damage in 8 years as our two prize POTUS candidates have done in just a few short months.
Our allies and frenimies all across the world are watching and here is what they see. On one side, you’ve got a Woman who has had some questionable dealings and events in her life (First person that says Benghazi gets a pie in the face) and on the other hand, you have a Reality TV “Star” is currently being investigated for racketeering and rape. You have the one’s husband denouncing their opponent for sexual assault and adultery while he himself isn’t so lily white. You have the other’s wife defending her husband and trying to justify the horrible things he said/maybe did. I could go on, but you get the idea.
This election year has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that our election process is seriously broken. When the two prime candidates spend more time insulting each other then actually talking about the issues and dangers facing our nation, it proves that things are seriously karked up (Yes Kark. Sue me, I’m Mormon and we aren’t supposed to curse. In case you’re wondering, its Kark, Karked, Karking and Skarked or Seriously Karked. Okay language lesson over with, moving on.) I am seriously beginning to think that maybe we need to move back into Great Britain’s basement and not move out on our own again until we have matured a little bit more.
I think that we need to send a message to all of the idiots and nutjobs currently running this nation so that they can grasp that we are sick and tired of all of their crap. I think that on election day (That’s the 9, not the 29th) we all should write in Ryan Reynolds as our choice for POTUS. No particular reason for him other than the fact I loved him in Deadpool and if we really are going to elect an Actor who is renowned for his foul language and inappropriate sexual adventures, we might as well elect one we all like. Maybe if enough of us show that we are just sick and tired of all the bullcrap going on, people might listen. Even if they don’t, it’ll still be funny.
Let me close this here rant with a simple statement. Yes our system is a bit messed up now (Runner up for the biggest understatement of the year. You don’t want to know what number one was.) and none of choices are ideal (second runner up) but you still need to get out there and vote. Forget about that whole “lesser of two evils” crap. Vote “person least likely to get us blown up in a hail of nuclear fire.” Vote “guy/lady that won’t instantly insult pretty much everyone on the planet and make us a laughing stock for 4 to 8 years.” Heck, vote “okay this has the greatest percentage chance of serious comedy” if that is what it takes to get you off your butt and to the polling station.

Remember Vote Early and Vote Often and Bring your deceased relatives with you, but for Cthulhu's sake, get out there and vote!

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