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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

GETTING REALLY ANNOYED or Mansplaining 101

 Anyone who hasn’t been living under a rock...with no WiFi…Smoke signals...two coconuts to bang together has now heard of the Toupee that walks like a man’s comment about grabbing women in places associated with felines without their permission. The Trumpservatives in the Good Old Obnoxious Party (GOOP) have been doing their best to somehow mansplain away the remarks with the usual “He was only joking” and the more recent “Well every guy says things like that when he is alone with other guys.” The idea seems to be that we shouldn’t be mad with the Donald because the things he said are perfectly normal for men and that we should just get over it.
As a man (53 years old now so I am pretty sure that is what I am. Well except on every other Tuesday when I think I am a pickle. Don’t ask, my therapist is working on it.), I can assure everyone that the disgusting things that Cheeto Face said are not the norm. I played football/Baseball/Basketball (Badly) in high school and very rarely did you hear such talk come out of anyone’s mouth. Generally if someone did say something like that, we just looked at him funny and moved on with our lives.
The idea that talking about groping women in their “pussy” is somehow okay to do and the even more absurd idea that it is something that all men do is insulting and the fact that all men aren’t screaming at the top of their lungs for justice is a sign of just how deep the Rape Culture in America and in the whole world runs.
The idea that it is okay to assault women (or men for that matter) with words and actions is entrenched in our culture and our beliefs. Look at any given rape trial. The defense’s arguments invariably devolve down to what the victim did to deserve to be raped. “The way she was dressed..” “She was drinking too much...” “She led the man on...” are pretty much cut and paste for rape trials. The fact that a man can rape an unconscious girl for over 30 minutes and only get a few months jail time proves that Rape Culture is alive and unwell in the USA.
Among some of the things I have seen posted to try to defend our future Oompaloompa In Charge (OIC! Get it!? No? Moving on…) is memes mentioning 50 Shades of Grey. The idea is how can a book that is a story of a Man and Woman practicing BDSM (Not going to spell that one out, there might be children reading this...or at least childlike people reading this.) be so popular with women if they are are offended by Trump talking about grabbing people in the kitty cat. The idea is that if a woman enjoys reading FICTION about two people involved in a CONSENSUAL RELATIONSHIP then she shouldn’t be upset and insulted by an arrogant man yelling that he could grope the fuzzies of any woman he wanted, whether she was actually willing or not.
Similar memes show images of various stars and famous type people who are kind of well known for their more (ahem) creative expressions such as suggestive lyrics, erotic dance moves and just plain naked pictures and suggests that women cannot be offended by Don Don’s (Watch Cannonball Run to get that joke.) commentary on grabbing felines because they enjoy such stuff.
Now the problem with this kind of “logic” is a pretty simple one. The big difference between Ricky Manage singing, “I need a bigun raht now” and placing her hand twixt her nether regions and Trumplelupagus talking about groping is that 1. It’s Ricky’s body so if she wants to touch it, she is kind of allowed and 2. The song is (ready for this) about CONSENSUAL SEX! That’s right, not about some greasy haired orange dude coming up behind her and grabbing her where the sun don’t shine.
In closing and trying to sum up this somewhat rambling rant let me just state things as clearly as I can. (Which knowing me, might not be that clear but what the heck, lets try!) Real men don’t say the things that Trump said, even in private. Adolescent boys may say something like that to try and prove their manhood and there are indeed Adolescent boys running around in wrinkled old men skins like Trump who do indeed say those things. Any real man who hears this sort of crap should be offended as heck, not try to explain it all away as “Lockeroom talk” or “Well all men say that sort of thing.” Real men should imagine creeps like Trump groping their mothers, daughters and friends and be outraged.
Until men stop defending people like Brock and Trump (and yes, Bill Clinton too), nothing will ever change. Men will keep justifying their violence towards women and the world will keep accepting it. We have to change, but that change has to start with not just letting the crimes pass by.
End of Rant

Footnote: It strikes me as sadly amusing that the same men who go on and on and on about how other cultures condone the rape and abuse of women under a certain religious sect, but are perfectly okay when the same crimes are visited upon the women and girls of their own culture. If you are getting upset about women being raped in other countries, then shouldn’t you get really honked off about your own countrymen doing the same or worse? Just a closing thought.

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