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Saturday, April 30, 2016

Put on your big bigot pants or STFU! or Play that bigotry card proudly!

Herein lies the hypocrisy of the "Birth Gender" bathroom bigots.

"BR I care not if it's bigotry or if anyone agrees or not.I damn sure am not ever going along with men sharing the bathroom with my girls. I don't give a damn about how he identify or whatever he calls himself. If he looks feminine enough to fool me that's fine.But if he doesn't fool me ,he will see how we feel about this."

Now lets break down this little gem into easily digestible parts. “I don't care if it's bigotry or if anyone else agrees or not.” Kudos on that one, I can't find any fault with that statement. Grats on that one.
“I damn sure am not ever going along with men sharing the same bathroom as my girls.” Again, not much problem with this one either. Straight males commit 1000s of rapes, assaults and molestations every year, so I'd be kind of nervous if a Straight Male walked into my little girl's locker room too. (Yeah I know what he actually meant, but I'm being nice.) So kudos on that one too.
Now comes the hypocritical part of this brave little missive. I don't give a damn about how he identify or whatever he calls himself. If he looks feminine enough to fool me that's fine.But if he doesn't fool me ,he will see how we feel about this.” Can anyone else raise their hands and tell me exactly why that is so danged hypocritical? Anyone? Okay, I'll explain.
Herein lies the stupid, folks. The gifted soul that posted the comment says that if a Trans who was born Male and looks Male shouldn't be allowed to use the same potty as his daughter, but a trans Male who looks feminine is okay because he can't tell the difference. In short, the feminine Trans passes his approval. The stupid lies in the fact that NOTHING HAS CHANGED! The Feminine Trans is still as male by this person's standards as the other one and, using his “logic” is just as much a threat as the manly one. The only thing that changed is one meets with his approval and the other one doesn't.
That is exactly what all of these “Religious Freedom Acts” and “Birth Gender Bathroom” laws boil down to, approval. Conservative Christians don't approve of Same Sex Marriage, so they pass laws that try to limit or even do away with it. When they can't do that, they pass laws that allow businesses to discriminate against them. They try to prevent Same Sex couples from adopting. Simply because they don't approve of them.
Same with these bathroom laws being passed left and right by Conservative Republicans. They don't approve of even the very concept of Transgender individuals. They don't approve of who they are or their ideas which fly in the face of centuries of “Now that is just the way things are!” So they pass laws which directly target Trans individuals and try to pass it off as “common sense” laws to protect everyone. If you were working on common sense laws to protect everyone, you'd pass laws banning Conservative Republicans from using restrooms given the fact the the ex-speaker of the house is a serial molester of little boys and Conservative poster boy Duggar raped his little sisters. Funny how no one on the Conservative side is suggesting we ban Conservative men from restrooms to protect our children.
It comes down to this. If people are going to do harm and break the laws, they are going to do it no matter what. New laws to make it illegal won't stop them. Conservatives always cry out loudly anytime new and stricter gun control laws are suggested and do you know what they scream? “GUN LAWS WON'T CHANGE ANYTHING BECAUSE CRIMINALS DON'T OBEY THE LAW!” Funny how those same people are now screaming, “WE NEED NEW LAWS BECAUSE CRIMINALS AREN'T OBEYING THE OLD ONES!” when it comes to bathrooms. Like I said at the beginning, this is the height of hypocrisy.

End of Rant

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