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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

BAN ABORTIONS! or Didn't your Mama teach you how babies are made?

 I have thought long and hard (HAH!) on the subject and I have decided that I agree with all of the "Pro-Life" people out there.  I now believe that all abortions should be banned.  Doesn't matter what the reason or the health concerns, Wimmen should be forced to carry that puppy to term and squirt out into the world for all to see.  Yeppers, down with abortion!  Up with lots and lots of (potentially unwanted, poorly fed who will potentially die of some horrible but easily treatable disease or illness because they have no healthcare) mini-humans!
 Now having said that, I do have one teensy weensy itsy bitsy caveat to that announcement.  If we are to do like the Pro-Fetus movement wants and ban abortions forcing a woman to carry, give birth to and raise a child, then we also need to make sure we cover the other side of that coin.  Every time some bright stud seats a youngun in some willing (Or in some cases unwilling) woman, he needs to held accountable for the rest of it all.
That's right, folks. If we are to ban abortions to protect the life of the unborn and force the mother to care for that baby till it is at least voting age, then we have to do the same thing for the Daddy. I propose that every time a man gets a woman in the family way that he be forced, by law and gunpoint if necessary to help provide and care for that kid for as long as the mother does.
That means the Daddy (Whether he wants to or not) needs to provide for the prenatal care of the baby and mother, the hospital care for the birth of said baby and any other expenses needed during the pregnancy. Afterwards, the Daddy needs to pay half of all expenses that come up while the child is growing up. These include healthcare, babysitters, daycare, food, clothing and education fees. He also needs to be available to watch the kid when the mother has to work or just when she wants to go out for a night with her friends. I would also add that the Father needs to help pay for a good college education too, but that one is negotiable. Sure it sucks for the Daddy, but hey he knew what he was getting into when he had unprotected sex with a lady.
So, if you all can agree that the man should be held just as responsible for the pregnancy, birth and raising of an unwanted baby, then I could see myself agreeing with the idea of no abortions. After all, if a woman has to be held accountable for her “irresponsible decisions and actions,” the guy who was right there with her should be just as responsible. If nothing else, I can promise you that it will cut down dramatically on the number of unplanned pregnancies when the men realize their get out of jail free card is gone and they have to, literally, pay for their actions.
So how about it, “Pro-Lifers?” Are you ready to make the man just as responsible as the woman? Judging from what I have seen so far, I am betting the answer (From the men anyway) is a resounding NO!
End of Rant.

1 comment:

  1. Certainly willing to do as you suggest regarding paternal support Want this to happen in fact.

    However. What if Dad won't do his part? Force him to work? If he chooses to not work, then what? Arrest him? Then the kid still has no suppport. Possibly less if momma diverts money to biodad in the clink and spends $ to visit and talk to him. Further, we've added a drag on public resources. The Constitution prohibits cruel & unusual punishment.

    Whither nextest?
