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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Change da name of dat tune!

So there is a lot of talk over the past few years about Welfare, Welfare Fraud, Public Assistance and the so called Nanny State. Opponents of Welfare scream that it is not the role of the Government to make sure “Freeloaders” and “Baby Machines” get money or help with medicines and such. If you are to believe many of the pundits, 80% of all the people on Government Assistance are Beer Drinking, Candy Eating Loose Morals People driving down to the 7/11 in luxury cars to cash their lavish Welfare Checks.
Surprisingly enough, this little rant isn't about Who is right and Who is wrong in the above discussion. I leave that talk to people better in the know than me or morons who simply believe what they see on Faux News or the Communist News Network. Mine is simply a ponderification on how peoples' attitudes can and often do change when the tables are turned on them.
Before the Great Recession, I am certain (with all the certainty of someone who has not bothered to actually research the numbers. Ah the joy of being a loudmouth with a blog.) that there were a pretty hefty number of people who were, if not wealthy, pretty well off who probably shared the “Down with Welfare!” mindset of many others. After all, they lived in $500K houses, drove nice cars and made better than $100K a year. Their kids went to private schools and they probably had some creepy guy in a truck doing their yard work. They were living the life of Reilly and loving it.
Then comes the Great Recession also known euphemistically as an Economic Downturn. People with Great Jobs were suddenly out of work. People with great houses suddenly were faced with foreclosure. Wealthy became not so wealthy, Comfortable became Uncomfortable and the poor got even poorer. Because of the GR, the ranks of people receiving some sort of Government Assistance rose an impossibly huge number. People who had never considered needing help suddenly found themselves applying for SNAP, Welfare and various other forms of help.
So I have to wonder how many of these people who might have been adamantly against these systems stuck to their guns? How many of them kept their opposition to Welfare when their pantries were getting empty and their stomachs were grumbling? What grand number of these suddenly impoverished people kept saying, “Heck no, Welfare is wrong?” I am betting not a grand number.
See it is a fact of human nature that something is bad or unimportant as long as it only affects “those people.” A great example of this is the Bubonic Plague. (Yes I know I know, only I could draw a comparison between Welfare and the Black Death. I am talented that way.) Once upon a time, it was believed that the Black Death was a disease that only afflicted the poor people. Those of Noble Birth believed that their superior breeding made them better than the lesser folks so they didn't have to worry about the Death coming for them. It wasn't until the Plague started romping through the castles and such of Europe that the Nobles/Royalty got worried. Course their first reaction was to ban non nobles from their midst and then their second reaction when that didn't work was to burn down villages and kill people who might be spreading the plague. It became the Nobles problem ONLY when it started affecting them.
I am not speaking out for or against Welfare. I am not saying which side is right or which side is wrong. I am just pondering how many people who have no need for support right now and who are violently against said support would change their tunes if suddenly They were a part of “those people?” I am betting the number would be very huge.
No hidden messages this time. No great meanings attempted. Not even trying to start a fight. Just some random musings on a cold Sunday by a guy with too much time on his hands.
End of Rant

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